Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • smh Quiff enjoying some animu events in Japan while this is happening


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh god! @Quiff come here quickly and heal me with your magic feather hands! I don't know if I have much time left! ;--:

  • Well. Miley Cryus would be proud...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh my.. imagines Rhys twerking OH MY..

  • Quiff!! I'm more important than animu!! I need you more than sasuke cosplayers! ;--;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    smh Quiff enjoying some animu events in Japan while this is happening GET YO ASS IN HERE

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I'm fine. I CAN survive that. I hope I don't have any damage.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh god I'm so sorry! ;(

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    Killah posted: »

    Well. Miley Cryus would be proud...

  • Nooooo! Why would you make Rhys and Fiona suffer like this?? ;-;

    And me too...

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Guys. Guys, what have I done?! - Fiona has always considered last impressions to be more important than first ones. After all, your

  • At the end I finally realized that it was playing in reverse. This is what happens when you don't check the heading, kids.

    Eryka posted: »


  • Well, that was a single case, we just couldn't leave it like that. And I'm having a few days off now because of it, so all in all well worth it (:

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Wow, that's hardcore! 8 hours, and I'm out like a shot. At most I do 1hr overtine.

  • That is friggin' golden!

    Alt text

    rhonu posted: »

    Fiona unbuttoned his shirt with slow precision. "Nervous?" Rhys whimpered. "Yeah." "First time?" "No, I've been nervous lots of times."

  • It's okay. Just check the last page and you'll feel better :)

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Nooooo! Why would you make Rhys and Fiona suffer like this?? ;-; And me too...

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited July 2015

    Sorry I wanted too show you this one!
    I try too listen both in the same time (the reversed version), don't try this at home!

    Killah posted: »

    Well. Miley Cryus would be proud...

  • Seconded... I get all shuddery looking at those for even a second. >.<

    Poogers555 posted: »

    STOP IT WITH THE SPDIERHSADGHSJKldgasjkhfgjhksdfgjkhsdfgjkhdsjgh,fdsghjkf gjkhsdgjkhf

    • shudders into next year *
    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I saw a video where a couple had a cockroach infestation once. It was disgusting. ;-;

  • Yeah! I'm like 90% Rhyiona, 10% Rhysha, personally.

    I do have a soft spot for Rhysha, though I want to see Rhyiona succeed the most! :)

    Eryka posted: »

    I have a good question! Is it "okay" if someone join both treat?

  • edited July 2015

    This is not any less unsettling than the last one...

    Also now of course I'll listen to both at once!


    Eryka posted: »

    Sorry I wanted too show you this one! https://youtu.be/2jBan-Wmo0c I try too listen both in the same time (the reversed version), don't try this at home!

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Be prepare for hell!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    This is not any less unsettling than the last one... Also now of course I'll listen to both at once! Edit: IT'S JUST NOISE! IT'S KILLING MEEE! I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU ERYKA! dies

  • Yep, it was really disgusting. ;-,

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    * shudders into next year *

  • Carley/Lee and Snow/Bigby are definitely my OTPs from those games. :D Janey/Athena seems cute, but I haven't played TPS yet.

    i ship a lotta stuff.. Max x Warren, Carley x Lee, Snow x Bigby, Sherlock x Molly, Morgryn x Mira, Elaena x Rodrik, Gwyn x Asher, Vaughn x Sasha, Janey x Athena..... and hundreds more..

  • don't worry gortys, we all know his anaconda is in no position to be fussy

  • Today I had a day off and decided to replay Ep2. Also spent all the time trying to make some gifs. xD

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    Life lived not in vain.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited July 2015

    This GIF is a gift from heaven. 10384574729485848294/10

    buntingsir posted: »

    Today I had a day off and decided to replay Ep2. Also spent all the time trying to make some gifs. xD Life lived not in vain.


    rhonu posted: »

    don't worry gortys, we all know his anaconda is in no position to be fussy

  • Oh lordy, I have a hell of a lot. :D Geralt/Yennefer (TW3), most of the romance options in Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Glenn/Maggie and Carol/Daryl from TWD (maybe... I'm only halfway through season 3 right now), Ichabod/Abbie in Sleepy Hollow... those are just all the ones I'm watching/playing now.

    I don't really ship anything in Life is Strange or GoT. I usually ship stuff, but no pairings in there really grabbed me. Except maybe Kate Marsh x eternal happiness. That's an OTP. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This has already been asked before but new people have joined since then so... What other ships do you guys have besides Rhyiona?

  • RICHONNE. <333333

    Oooh! Is that Rick/Michonne from TWD??? I want to ask if it's canon, but I don't want the spoilers! :o I could easily get on board with that ship!

    God so many... Sherlolly Karedevil Rumbelle RICHONNE. <333333 Rhyiona (duh) Yeah... I have a lot of ships...

  • I slightly ship Carol and Daryl as well. :P

    In LiS I like Chloe x Max (better hide from the Warren fans in here). But Kate deserves the best. <3

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Oh lordy, I have a hell of a lot. Geralt/Yennefer (TW3), most of the romance options in Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Glenn/Maggie and Carol

  • If you scroll through those really quick, they start waving up and down like an optical illusion! :o

    In other news: welcome back! :)

    Me:WHAT'S UP MY RHYIONA SHIPPERS DID SOMEONE SAY THEY MISSED ME Thread: ............... Me: ;-; (walks to a corner and starts crying

  • Fiona will smack him on his buns. XD

    rhonu posted: »

    fiona: rhys sing for me with that angelic voice of yours rhys: MY ANACONDA DON'T MY ANACONDA DON'T MY ANACONDA DON'T WANT NONE UNLESS YOU GOT BUNS HUN

  • @XDJulieXD and @HazzaTheMan you wanted to know what my username means so here goes..

    "no huh huh" is a popular Finnish saying.

    no= oh

    huh = whew

    nohuhhuh= ohwhewwhew

    Meaning of "no huh huh" = what you exclaim when you discover something surprising, weird ect. Similar to "oh boy" but not as lame :P

    I basically love saying no huh huh a lot so that's why my name is here nohuhhuh! :D Nohuhhuh is also a catchprhase in my favourite Finnish tv show:

    NO HUH HUH!!

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  • edited July 2015

    AAAND I'm saving this, Perfect. Just perfect..

    buntingsir posted: »

    Today I had a day off and decided to replay Ep2. Also spent all the time trying to make some gifs. xD Life lived not in vain.

  • edited July 2015

    So the proper way to pronounce your name is no hoo hoo? :0

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    @XDJulieXD and @HazzaTheMan you wanted to know what my username means so here goes.. "no huh huh" is a popular Finnish saying. no= oh

  • I always thought that multiple 'huh' in your nickname is for stating chuckle or something :D

    So cool to learn about the actual meaning, like you can see person's train of thought.

    The more you know indeed.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    @XDJulieXD and @HazzaTheMan you wanted to know what my username means so here goes.. "no huh huh" is a popular Finnish saying. no= oh

  • Yes, and you have to add that head movement too! >:)

    So the proper way to pronounce your name is no hoo hoo? :0

  • Alt text

    Hehee, thanks! Feel free to use it, If you want ;D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    AAAND I'm saving this, Perfect. Just perfect..

  • Wow. The more I know. I always thought it was like saying "no" in a sassy way... yes, I'm that lame.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    @XDJulieXD and @HazzaTheMan you wanted to know what my username means so here goes.. "no huh huh" is a popular Finnish saying. no= oh

  • edited July 2015

    I know this doesn't make much sense in English but yeah, I like my silly username :3

    (can you explain your username? Maybe it's something obvious and I'm just stupid but I need to know)

    buntingsir posted: »

    I always thought that multiple 'huh' in your nickname is for stating chuckle or something So cool to learn about the actual meaning, like you can see person's train of thought. The more you know indeed.

  • River Song/11th Doctor (Doctor Who), Melinda Gordon/Jim Clancy (Ghost Whisperer), Lee/Lilly (TWDG), and Athena/Janey.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This has already been asked before but new people have joined since then so... What other ships do you guys have besides Rhyiona?

  • edited July 2015

    hehee now I kinda regret telling what it really means. I wanna be sassy!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Wow. The more I know. I always thought it was like saying "no" in a sassy way... yes, I'm that lame.

  • Alt text

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    "I swear, it's this big!" "U a fukken liar, Rhys."

  • I should replay the episodes too :O I didn't even remember this awesome "ohmygawd" moment :DD

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hehee, thanks! Feel free to use it, If you want ;D

  • i am so mean to him

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


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