Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • u no it ;^)

    Killah posted: »

    Then Rhys wont stop scanning Fiona :^)

  • we're still divorced

    tho our author skills are on point a f i admit

  • im just praising you

    you dont need to make out ok

    Green613 posted: »

    we're still divorced tho our author skills are on point a f i admit

  • 10/10 -IGN

    Green613 posted: »

    Part 2 When they both woke up they had noticed that they were on top of each other in a weird way, yet neither of them got up. Fiona spok

  • We are on fire!

    enter image description here

    I've never realized how truly active this thread is! I mean, I've been lurking this other one and the last time someone posted was Thursday! We are on fire!

  • My Reaction:


    Green613 posted: »

    Part 2 When they both woke up they had noticed that they were on top of each other in a weird way, yet neither of them got up. Fiona spok

  • [Insert Shia gif]

    Why do I want to write a child Rhyiona fic? Like the ones that someone wrote with the frog sock puppet? UGH I WANT TO WRITE IT SO BAD

  • this reminds me I still haven't posted that story I promised

    i'm shameful

  • NO VAG

    Don't worry,dad. I can handle it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Green613 posted: »


  • Lewd. (0///0)

    We are on fire!

  • Its okay, our story will take its place for now <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    this reminds me I still haven't posted that story I promised i'm shameful

  • you guys are life savers <3

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its okay, our story will take its place for now

  • edited August 2015

    Hey, theres no whipped cream :D

    Lewd, but not hella Lewd. I like it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Part 2 When they both woke up they had noticed that they were on top of each other in a weird way, yet neither of them got up. Fiona spok

  • Question, is there a way to post a picture from your photo album in your tablet?

  • yeah

    Go to imgur and select upload anyway, it should give you the gallery option

    but be careful cause those usually turn out huge so resize them if you can get to a computer

    Question, is there a way to post a picture from your photo album in your tablet?

  • If you would like to know how Poogs and I divided the work

    enter image description here

  • Ok, thanks Wolf! :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    yeah Go to imgur and select upload anyway, it should give you the gallery option but be careful cause those usually turn out huge so resize them if you can get to a computer


    [Insert Shia gif]

  • Random Question to make conversation:

    What is your favorite snack/Soft drink? :D

    1. Dortios
    2. Fanta

    Random Question to make conversation: What is your favorite snack/Soft drink?

  • The super spicy Hot Cheetos, with Crush (Sunkist/Fanta same thing, don't tell me it isn't) or Mountain Dew

    The dream combo

    Random Question to make conversation: What is your favorite snack/Soft drink?

    1. Dortios (cool orginal)
    2. Coke

    Random Question to make conversation: What is your favorite snack/Soft drink?

  • Sorry for the late reply:(anyways welcome back BRO! :D

    "probably no one noticed my absence ^^"

    Don't be silly we all noticed your absence and we all missed you ^ω^

    That Fiona picture tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    BRO FIST <3

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Julie/Andreea is back in tha hood!!! WHOOO!!! probably no one noticed my absence ^^" ALSO I bring you old but good cheese Also sorry for LONG POST BUTT...

  • Dark chocolate and Sprite!

    Random Question to make conversation: What is your favorite snack/Soft drink?

  • edited August 2015

    "You have got to be kidding me!"

    Rhys dropped the mug he'd been holding, coffee spilling all across his lap. He'd have winced if he wasn't so out of himself and she knew right away a storm was brewing.

    "Calm. down." Fiona hissed through gritted teeth and he really wasn't sure if she was angry at the situation or at him. However, knowing her, it was always the latter, so he braced himself.

    "But... he... that jerk..." He resigned himself to weakly fighting back; if he could even call it that.

    "Don't judge him yet."

    She spoke in a hushed hurry and with a roll of her eyes, she was back to spying through the crack of the door. He was taller, so he could still vaguely see the yellow offender chat away happily and effectively ruining his mood even further. He had a point, he was sure -- she couldn't just expect him to accept trespassing like this.

    "Listen," he poked her in the shoulder, "that guy really needs to go."

    He got her attention, at least, but her glare was demanding him to elaborate.

    "This isn't because of Gortys," he could feel himself sweat nervously at the lie, "this guy just invaded our house. He's trespassing."

    Fiona ran a hand through her free hair -- he still wasn't sure if he liked her better with or without her signature hat -- before letting out a long sigh.

    "You do realise," she eyed him pitifully, "that if she let him in then he's not trespassing at all."

    He was taken aback but when she shook her head with a mocking smile, an idea came to mind. He lunged forward, trapping her in his arms and kissing her more roughly than even he expected. He swung her to the side before breaking apart, her breathing heavy as he disentangled from her.

    "What..." she wheezed, "what was that for?"

    She didn't seem displeased and his gut twisted -- she would be, in a second.

    Before he could hesitate, he swung the door open on the two.

    "Forgive me later." He yelped at her before storming into the room.


    His index finger pointed directly at the yellow robot staring at him.

    "Me!" He nodded enthusiastically. "That's right! It's all about me!"

    "Hi!" Gortys waved at him and Rhys felt a pang of guilt hit him briefly -- but the robot was so unbearably annoying he couldn't bring himself to overthink it.

    "Okay," Rhys narrowed his eyes after half heartedly waving back at Gortys, "who do you think you are?!"

    "I'm Claptrap! I am actually am a CL4P--"

    "I know what you are!" Rhys facepalmed. "What are you doing here?!"

    "I'm on a valiant quest to get minions to do my dirty work of course!" He gestured as if Rhys was dumb and his urge to smack him into pieces was rising by the second. "And on a quest for love! All you need is love dadeedooreeroo!"

    The singing and dancing made him pull at his hair -- he needed to quit, some of it was actually coming out -- but Gortys was clapping along and although she was easily excitable he couldn't really be that bad if she was getting along with him so easily.

    "Except you, official minion two hundred and fifty-eight!" He pointed directly at Rhys' face. "Nobody can love you. You smell."

    Scratch that, he wasn't bad. He was terrible.

    "How can you even tell?!" Rhys closed his hands into fists, knuckles on the fleshy hand turning white from the pressure. "You're a robot!"

    Gortys gasped and her expression turned into the dreaded sad smiley he was terrified of. He turned towards Fiona, standing by the door, and if looks could kill he was pretty sure he'd have been annihilated by then.

    "I-- I didn't mean it in a bad way, Gortys, I swear." He reached out towards her and she didn't move which he took as a good sign. "There, there."

    "It looks like her programming is more advanced than mine." Claptrap interrupted. "Why is she feeling offended and I'm not? I want a refund!"

    "So," Rhys turned towards him more calmly -- he didn't want to risk upsetting her any more than she already was, "you're telling me you like Gortys."

    "My servos and circuits rustle when she's around, yes!" He shrugged and Rhys could swear a blush emoticon showed up on her screen.

    "Uh..." he scratched his head, "I don't... get it. Look, I'll give you a chance but--"

    "Give me a chance?" He sounded indignant. "I'm the master here, minion, back to your place you go!"

    "...And this is exactly why I'm only doing it for Gortys."

    And with that he dropped the much happier robot back on her place and ran to the door entrance, covering his ears to stop the incessant chating from reaching him -- he didn't think he could stay sane if he heard that voice one more time that day.

    "So?" Fiona was leaning against the door, amused expression on her face and he thought maybe, just maybe he'd get away with it this time.

    "So I'm giving him a chance. But I can still ask your sister for some guns just in case."

    "You do that." She patted his face smugly before adding. "And I didn't forget about your little dirty trick. We'll talk later."

    He should have known better.

    Claptrap is so annoying that he's even annoying to write.

    forgive my stupid typos

  • edited August 2015

    Wrote this during the car ride yesterday and added my last touches just now.


    Rhys was scared. Scared of the possibility Jack would take over. Yes, he's done it before and it was harmless. Though, the dark thoughts of him doing something terrible always haunted him.

    Today, his nightmare came true.

    Rhys and Vaughn ran off to Vasquez's old office, taking it all in. Rhys finally screwed over his boss in a way he didn't really expect and his dreams of becoming the next CEO was right at his fingertips.

    That's when Jack stopped the dreaming and took over Rhys.

    Everything just happened so fast. Vaughn noticed the strange behavior and since Rhys told him about Jack, he knew right away what was going on. When confronted, Jack's tone changed...dramatically.

    Vaughn was yelling at Jack to give the body back to the rightful owner, a few insults about him being a crazy killer were thrown into the mix. Next thing Rhys witnessed was his hands around his best friend's neck.

    "STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Rhys' voice echoed in his head.

    "Getting rid of a little pest, Rhysie!" Jack responded.

    Vaughn tried to fight back, but to no avail. Vaughn's lifeless body fell to the ground.

    His shaking hands were the ones that killed his best friend. Jack laughed maniacally while Rhys on the inside was horrified. To make matters worse, Fiona popped in with an angry look. The two sneaked off while she wasn't looking. That look quickly changed to pure shock and disgust.


    To be continued never. You can write your own conclusions if you want! You'll probably have a better ending than the one I had in mind. :)

    EDIT: Yeah, there is no Rhyiona moments. There was a sign of it happening but I lacked any ideas on how to make it actually happen.

  • Favorite snack? Don't actually have one!

    Favorite soda is Dr.Pepper. Hail to the king, baby! :)

    Random Question to make conversation: What is your favorite snack/Soft drink?

  • eyyy fanfic galore in the thread today.

    Anyone else wanna contribute? ;)

  • everything hurts

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Wrote this during the car ride yesterday and added my last touches just now. ~ Rhys was scared. Scared of the possibility Jack would t

  • edited August 2015

    No matter what, no one can write a good ending to this!

    Hopes someone can conclude this cause I'm curious about what direction they'll take.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    everything hurts

  • you're planning on killing everyone, aren't you. ;-;

    kristi78968 posted: »

    No matter what, no one can write a good ending to this! Hopes someone can conclude this cause I'm curious about what direction they'll take.

  • Well, with the ending I had in mind, no. Someone else would die though!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you're planning on killing everyone, aren't you. ;-;

  • edited August 2015

    Lmao, I've already written something so... I'll contribute.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    eyyy fanfic galore in the thread today. Anyone else wanna contribute?

  • edited August 2015

    sorry this sucks :P


    The guy's a jackass, but he's not all bad.

    Surprisingly they have gotten along for these past few days, no arguments, no snarky attitude towards each other. Maybe a few snide comments here and there but only for a joke.

    It was... kind of nice, being like this with Rhys.

    The moment their captor was turned around, he instantly wraps his arms around her, and the crimson heat on Fiona's cheeks already started to occur. Hopefully he wasn't going to see.

    "Do you forgive me?" The question somehow made her heart skip a beat, faster than a bullet. Most of her face began to heat up, along with the tips of her ears. She's wide eyed at the both the question and the sudden move.

    "Uh..." she's hesitant. But after the sudden bond for the past few days, maybe she should. "Sure..."

    It's no longer awkward than before, and she dosen't know why.

    And just before she can wrap her arms around him, the same way like he was doing-

    A gunshot fires and destroys the moment.

    "I asked what happened next?" The stranger interrupts, in a harsh tone.

    "Oh uh sorry..." Rhys scratches the back of his neck, his face tinting pink, probably feeling embarrassed, just like she was right now.

    "I'm not an a patient person."

    "Yes we know!" She snaps, rolling her eyes. He then points the gun towards them, instantly making her jump. "So afterwards..."

  • Kristi is evil confirmed.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Well, with the ending I had in mind, no. Someone else would die though!

  • Now this is what I like to hear. B)

    Lmao, I've already written something so... I'll contribute.

  • god damn it Stranger, why do you ruin the moment? :P

    sorry this sucks :P - The guy's a jackass, but he's not all bad. Surprisingly they have gotten along for these past few days, no ar

  • For me it's F###ING school >:( But it starts in August 24 so I'm not going anywhere yet ^-^

    BRO FIST<3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So cuz we're all friends here, I wanna know: What do you do for a living currently? What is your job? Or do you go to school? I personally have 2 part-time jobs. I work as a cleaner for Blenheim Palace and at SubWay.

  • You're going to hate me even more once you see the PM I sent you.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Kristi is evil confirmed.

  • Maybe he didn't mean to pull the trigger and he was watching this whole time... he is the number one shipper after Vaughn :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    god damn it Stranger, why do you ruin the moment? :P

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