Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • If it isn't well screw it I'm still keeping this one.

    I just accepted the first egg Rhys and Fiona had and it was that one.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Oh yeah, apparently Gortys was confirmed a she ;o

  • Be thankful to have a nemesis or you would have died of boredom ! :p

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    10/10 great album

  • Also, I really gotta get the three of them in a triple battle on of these days... so they'll all show up together.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @nohuhhuh Here she is.

  • Thanks to you guys for providing us with a friendly rivalry as well. ;)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Be thankful to have a nemesis or you would have died of boredom !

  • edited April 2015

    Expect some drawings real soon haha

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @nohuhhuh Here she is.

  • Take your time. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well not actually soon, I want to sleep too but you know..telltalegames soon

  • Well not actually soon, I want to sleep too but you know..telltalegames soon ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Expect some drawings real soon haha

  • Congratulations, you guys! Cheers!

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    Green613 posted: »

    Since we reached 100K in such a short wonderful amount of time, I'd like to make my speech. If you were to tellme as soon as I made this thr

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    Pipas posted: »

    Congratulations, you guys! Cheers!

  • 64 pages, Super Rhyiona 64

  • Picture of what?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Alright i want the original picture of @wwrstvo0 please, this kid is really stubborn.

  • Alright i want the original picture of @wwrstvo0 please, this kid is really stubborn.

  • Profile picture

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Picture of what?

  • 5 more... :^)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    64 pages, Super Rhyiona 64

  • It's one of the TFTBL default avatars for the forum, he just edited it out to have only Rhys and Fionas face.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Profile picture

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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Profile picture

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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Profile picture

  • we grow so friggin fast

    Poogers555 posted: »

    64 pages, Super Rhyiona 64

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    yes pls.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Write a story revolving @niconicofei artwork ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited April 2015

    Give him that :

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    Green613 posted: »

    It's one of the TFTBL default avatars for the forum, he just edited it out to have only Rhys and Fionas face.

  • Thank you. :D So many possible jokes.

    Kruzii posted: »

    great one xD

  • I'm kinda sorry for the quality, i'll upgrade it later.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Give him that :

  • edited April 2015

    Wow, not bad I must say, really captures the feel of Rhyiona you know?

    @wwrstvo0 come get your new gift, and be sure to thank our friend over here for it.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Give him that :

  • How do you do the model swap? 8U;

    Well I tried xD,if it comes more it will be more.

  • You really didn't have to, but thank you.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'm kinda sorry for the quality, i'll upgrade it later.

  • I'll update you on the group pictures when I can.

    wwrstvo0 posted: »

    You really didn't have to, but thank you.

  • Some more fan art I found ;o

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    This is gorgeous.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Some more fan art I found ;o

  • edited April 2015

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    Alt text

    fiona is mlg

  • edited April 2015


    You cant be mlg without Mountain Dew.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    fiona is mlg

  • edited April 2015

    the thirst4dew was 2 high

    bruh she fkn drank it all

    how do think she quickscoped him so hard

    Poogers555 posted: »

    WHERES DA MNT DEW. You cant be mlg without Mountain Dew.

  • omfg tales from the dope swagger lands confirmed?11/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    the thirst4dew was 2 high bruh she fkn drank it all how do think she quickscoped him so hard

  • edited April 2015

    swag has 4 letters

    so does rhys

    tales has 5 letters

    so does fiona

    tales from the dope swaglands has rhyiona confirmed

    Poogers555 posted: »

    omfg tales from the dope swagger lands confirmed?11/

  • He can feel his mouth hanging open, jaw far from the ground but far from feeling like it, when she steps out of her room wearing his shirt.

    He doesn´t mean to, really.

    But the sight entices him more than he wants to let it and his mind almost forgets how confused he is. He has a million things going through his head; it pulses, making him wince, and he's suddenly aware he should be questioning where she even got his shirt from in the first place.

    "Is... is that my shirt?"

    Rhys tries not to sound bothered. He really, really does. But things never go the way you want them to and his voice comes out raspy, hoarse, and it catches her attention in a second. She turns and the front view almost makes the knot already settled in his stomach turn pleasantly. He wants to chastise himself for this but he's weak and she makes him weaker. It's a battle he's never had any chance of winning.

    "Yeah, it is."

    Plain and simple, she doesn't explain the context but she doesn't quite leave either. He eyes her slowly edging closer to the wall, finally leaning against it, facing him and he knows she expects him to go on.

    He does.

    "Mind telling me what it's doing on you?"

    She lets a small smirk escape only for a second making him wonder if he'd just imagined it before she runs her fingers through her hair. He's caught in a trance again, following her fingers with his eyes and wondering why he hadn't noticed she wasn't wearing her hat before.

    "Do you have a problem with it?"

    Fiona sounds playful but he wants to tell her 'yes'. Not for the reasons she'd expect but yes, he did have a problem with it. He bites his tongue instead because he's always been one to talk too much.

    "I'm... curious."

    And he is. He's curious about many things, things he doesn't want to tell her, things she does to him without his permission, things he doesn't know how to rationally explain to himself and he's hoping she can help him. But he frankly already knows the answers and the double meaning goes hollow anyway because she can't understand what she doesn't know. And he can't expect her to.

    She slightly shakes her head, hands moving to lightly tug at the end of her (his!) sleeves.

    "My outfit just got dirty and I needed something to wear while it's drying. Unless you want me to walk around clotheless."

    She winks at him teasingly and he almost lets it slips that 'he wouldn't mind'. It's inappropriate and he pinches himself as a punishment that he knows will solve nothing. His fleshy palm is sweaty and he wants to rub it away on his clothes but she's looking straight at him and he knows there's no way it'd ever go by unnoticed so he opts instead for rubbing his hands together and continuing the conversation.

    "Good thing it got dirty. It's a sign you should stop using that thing."

    Her face shifts slightly and he 's afraid he messed things up.

    "What does that even mean?"

    Her tone isn't harsh so he feels confident enough to tease her. It helps him forget that she's standing in front of him wearing his shirt, too big for her but not big enough to be a dress. Not for long, he adds, but enough.

    "It means," he tries a grin, "that you have wanted posters all over of you in that outfit. You should stop using that."

    She laughs, short and sweet, and it makes his heart beat just a little faster and as simple as that and he's back to pining over her like a lovesick teenager and it makes him feel so ridiculous but so good at the same time.

    It's not as if she knows, he thinks and he's not sure if what he feels about that is disappointment or relief but he's at least sure she can't use something she doesn't know to work him up even more, same as anyone elsw.

    He's wrong, because Fiona isn't anyone else and he should know this by now. He does know this by now and it's why he's so enamoured in the first place. It doesn't surprise him any less when she leans on her toes to whisper to him.

    "Maybe I should just wear this from now on."

    He doesn't know how he doesn't straight up faint when she presses her lips against the side of his jaw, but he doesn't, and he just watches her walk away smugly as if she hadn't just turned his whole life around.

    He can vaguely hear Vaughn and Sasha greet Fiona and she disappears from his sight and he wants to join them, to act casual, but his legs feel like stone and he's stuck in place, face flushed and mouth hanging open once again.

    Vaughn comes back, his friend always comes back, and Fiona joins him just to get a kick out of her own doing.

    "Uhh, is he okay?"

    She's convincing, the perfect actress, and only he, even in his paralysis state, can see the mischievous glint in her eyes and the most unnoticeable quirk of her lips as she asks, finally moving to place her hat on her head.

    "Yeah, he just needs... air."

    Vaughn isn't helpful but he's thankful because this is the last thing he wants to have to explain to anyone but himself. The latter is difficult enough.

    She convinces Vaughn to leave, sly as she can be, and he doesn't hear what they say, mind still a short step away from a sort circuit, but she turns around and spares him a glance while leaving.

    She tugs the front of the shirt and mouths something that awfully seems like 'I knew it' and she leaves him to his own realisation that she knew him better than he himself did.


    For @Poogers555 and @niconicofei.

    Excuse any typos, I'm writing this at about 4AM and I'm super tired.

  • someone beat me to it :/

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    look what i found

  • Hi I've been lurking here for the past few weeks? and uh..yeah..I'm just gonna leave this.. runs away
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  • edited April 2015

    ((A little short story that I have written. Hope you guys like it. :) ))

    In the middle of nowhere, there is the caravan. Inside the caravan, Rhys and Fiona is sitting on a couch. Rhys is suffering on the internet with his robot hand while Fiona is sleeping, her hat is covering her face. They have just eaten. A frying pan is on the table.

    Rhys: Holy feaking god!!

    Fiona snaps awake, her hat falls off.

    Fiona: What what!?

    Rhys showed Fiona a wanted poster. Of himself. Rhys is worth 10,000 000 000 dollars.

    Rhys: I am wanted! They are coming after me!

    Fiona looks at him annoyed that she woke her up.

    Fiona: You just woke me up to tell me-... [Her facial expression changed]. Oh my...Wow. That is a lot.

    Rhys rose from his seat and began pacing around. He wore a clearly worried facial expression on his face.

    Rhys: What are we going to do, Fiona? Bounty hunters are coming after us. My god...Why is this happening to me. [Rhys look at his wanted poster again]

    Fiona: No worries, Rhys. It is a normal Pandora thing. [Fiona began reaching for the frying pan]

    Rhys: There must be something we can do...Maybe I could hack into their system and change...

    Before he could continue speaking, Fiona swing the frying pan at Rhys. She managed to smack him at the back of his head and Rhys fell to the floor.

    Rhys: AUuuuch! What the hell, Fiona!?

    Fiona gave Rhys a confused look.

    Fiona: [Hides the frying pan behind her back] Sorry...To be fair, it was suppose to knock you out. [She chuckled nervously]

    Rhys: Nice try! You are trying to knock me out and sell me to the bounty hunters! [Rhys rub the back of his head]

    Fiona: It is not my fault that you happen to be one of most wanted man on Pandora. 10 billion dollars, Rhys!

    Rhys: Come on, Fiona! I thought you have my back here! [Rhys looks rather sad]

    Fiona: Yeah, of course I have your back. Turn around will you?

    Rhys: Yeah...Like I would give you another free shot. [Rhys looks annoyed]

    Before the couple could escalate their arguing, they hear the caravan getting shot at. The couple forget the conflict for the moment to look at who is shooting them. They saw a large group of bandits charging at them

    Fiona: Not good! [Fiona ran toward the driver's seat]

    She quickly turn on the engine and hammered the gas. The caravan speed away from the charging bandits but they are being chased by several bandit vehicles.

    Rhys: Where are you headed!? [Rhys is looking through the rear window, looking at the bandit vehicles]

    Fiona: Eh...Hollow Point. [She is speaking the truth, but the rush of adrenaline made her sound unsure or lying]

    Rhys: I don't believe you! You are selling me aren't you!? [Now angry]

    Fiona: [Looks at Rhys with an irritated look] Aw, c'mon! Do we really have to argue about this NOW?

    Rhys hastily approached Fiona.

    Rhys: Give me the wheel.

    Fiona: What!? Now? Why!?

    Rhys: I am not letting you selling me off. [He takes the wheel]

    Fiona: Not now, Rhys! [She fought]

    Unfortunately, the couple's struggle distracted them from noticing one of the bandit vehicles hitting them from behind. This caused the caravan to lose control. The vehicle spin around. During the spinning, both Rhys and Fiona unknowingly support each other, keeping each other from getting seriously hurt. The caravan spinning stopped and by the time the vehicle stopped spinning, the bandits got off their vehicles and enters the caravan.

    Bandit 1: Taaaakkkeeee them! For LOTS of LOTS of PAAAAPPPER! [The Bandit spoke very strangely]

    The bandit quickly binds Rhys and Fiona and starts dragging them out. As they are getting dragged, the couple has a moment to exchange a few words.

    Fiona: I'm sorry, Rhys...I shouldn't have hit you with a frying pan...

    Rhys: I'm sorry too, Fiona...I shouldn't have tried taking the wheel.

    Fiona: Yeah that was pretty stupid.

    Rhys: [Annoyed] Well, it also pretty damn stupid of you for not hitting me a little harder!

    Fiona: Please! It is not nearly as dumb as trying to take the wheel in the middle of a chase!

    Rhys: C'mon! You were trying to sell me out!

    Fiona: I wasn't!

    Rhys: Oh yeah, clearly the pain in the back of my head was just a simple misunderstanding.

    Fiona: Oh now you just....

    The couple began their argument. The bandits drags them to a nearby town, all of them enjoying the music along the way. When they brought the couple to a nearby town, the sheriff laughed when he saw the wanted poster. The bandit left in annoyance, leaving Rhys and Fiona both bounded on the ground. The sheriff approached and cut their ropes off.

    The Sheriff: It seems that there is a misunderstanding. You aren't worth much, kid.

    The couple looks confused.

    Fiona and Rhys: What?

    The sheriff showed them the wanted poster again. 10,000 000 000 dollars.

    Fiona: Only worth, 10 dollars? [She looks tired and in shock]

    Rhys: Only 10 dollars!? That's what I am worth to them? [His pride getting hit for a moment]

    The Sheriff: Look...For your trouble, you can have the ten dollars. [He handed them ten dollars] I won't imprison you and I will find your caravan and bring it back. You two youngster just wait here.

    The sheriff left, leaving Rhys and Fiona sitting on the ground. Rhys look at the ten dollars and sighed. Next, Fiona is sitting on a bench. Rhys approached with two ice cream. He gave one to Fiona and sat next to her.

    Rhys: Well, that was worth the trouble. [Sarcasm]

    Fiona: Gosh...That was a mighty waste of time. [She began eating the ice cream]

    Rhys: Yeah...Why would anyone make that mistake...[He began eating his ice cream]

    Fiona: Maybe someone who is trying to fool us or something?

    Rhys: Maybe. Do you like the ice cream?

    Fiona: Well, it is passable.

    Rhys: Good, cost me five dollars for one.

    The two sat quietly for a moment. Then Fiona broke silent and look Rhys in the eyes.

    Fiona: Look, you may be worth only 10 dollars to them. But you are worth more to me. [She smiled]

    Rhys look at her for a moment. Not knowing what to say for a moment. Then he smiled as well.

    Rhys: Thanks.

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