Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Phew... thank god...

    Kawaiii posted: »

    a man because he's not bad like a wolf

  • I don't even know to accurately describe how much I love this.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    “Shut up! SHUT! UP!” There was a red mist in front of his eyes, and it blurred everything except for her face. Which was unfortunate. Tha

  • Hahaha... let's not go there shall we? ;s

    HellFish posted: »

    I'd say man, don't make poor rhonu make out with an animal...

  • i highly suspect chewbacca hacked you all

  • not meh m9

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i highly suspect chewbacca hacked you all

  • Pablo Picasso wants to speak! E-... one second....

    eyy, senor y senoritas

    me make painting, 5 minutes si?

  • becuz iam watching videos same time be in here :D

    it's 2:05 am here and the time passes really slowly 4 me ;_;

  • i'm listening to some music videos but sadly they're not helping :\

    becuz iam watching videos same time be in here

  • edited August 2015

    what if i'm rhys' daughter like Joey said

    like that explains why im so hot (bc fiona)

    and why I ship Rhyiona

    and why im rad as hell

  • wat you talkin about? i cant be hakt

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i highly suspect chewbacca hacked you all

  • Then we must go deeper!

    Kawaiii posted: »

    what if i'm rhys' daughter like Joey said like that explains why im so hot (bc fiona) and why I ship Rhyiona and why im rad as hell

  • I'm here!!! And this time I mentally prepared myself for a fuck-ton of new comments. I have 1,984 to read through so wish me luck!!!

    Now more importantly, I have 2 things to say:

    1 is a sad one. I nearly broke down at work today, I wanted to sit and put my head in my hands and just weep for some reason. I felt super lonely and I missed the thread and work was tough once more... I thought about you guys and it made me depressed that I didn't have the time to be with you all :(

    Now number 2. I am playing Until Dawn!!!

    My thoughts on it so far (no spoilers here, cuz tbh, it would be VERY difficult to spoil the game with all the choices there are in it :P)

    I love the setting and how the game is basically a throwback to those classic 80's horror/slasher films!!! 8 teenagers in an isolated area with a crazy hidden killer stalking them? Oh yeah, that is me sold baby!!!

    I adore the graphics as they're really realistic! And the voice acting is top notch, these characters actually sound like real people! They change their tone of voice when they make jokes or remarks and stuff, and they don't have any ridiculous lines, it all sounds so real.

    The actual characters you play as.... I agree with what someone said about UD on this thread earlier "The story is good, the characters are not!" or something like that.

    There are 8 characters:

    Sam, a girl who is looking to be that 'sole survivor at the end of the horror film who defeats the villain and out-lives everyone else' I like her the most because she isn't bitchy or trying to be something bigger than herself, and she is a very nice person with a sense of humor, but also courage. I truly believe that in-game, she will be the last to die, or the only one who doesn't.

    Matt, a black guy in a Letterman jacket. He's in a relationship with Emily, but tbh it's more him being her fucking bitch all the time. I personally like him for his courage, but also pity him for his forced submission to Emily.

    Emily, an Asian-American Honor Roll student with a 4.0 grade average. She is definitely high-maintenance and is Matt's dominant girlfriend; I wouldn't care if she died because there is definitely something going on with her and her ex-boyfriend Mike, and she makes no attempt to be friendly.

    Ashley, a girl with a crush on Chris. So far I don't know what to make of her, she seems to fit that 'quiet nerdy' type and I have only just started playing as her character.

    Chris, a humorous guy who I do not want to die!! This guy is a born comedian, and he has a crush on Ashley, but is kinda shy about it...

    Mike, a jock-type who is Jess' boyfriend, and Emily's ex. He's confident and capable, but is an obvious ladies man and doesn't seem to care about his relationships enough to stay with one person... He can be funny though :)

    Jess, a 'slutty' type who is Mike's new girlfriend. She is super confident in her attractive looks and is proud to be with Matt; she likes rubbing this in Emily's face and the two hate each other's guts. We all know the slutty ones die right?

  • enter image description here

    Kawaiii posted: »

    what if i'm rhys' daughter like Joey said like that explains why im so hot (bc fiona) and why I ship Rhyiona and why im rad as hell

  • why is it so bad i mean, i'm not that ugly am i

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i highly suspect chewbacca hacked you all

  • LEWD

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Then we must go deeper!

  • i didnt say that :(

    rhonu posted: »

    why is it so bad i mean, i'm not that ugly am i

  • correct u rad

    Kawaiii posted: »

    what if i'm rhys' daughter like Joey said like that explains why im so hot (bc fiona) and why I ship Rhyiona and why im rad as hell

  • Why do you keep saying my name?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe later today soon.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    senor y senorita, my work is here

    enter image description here

    @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu

    more paintings soon!

  • Flashback Time!


    enter image description here

    See you guys later, School time!

  • Can you draw me as Nick please? :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi everyone! I forgot to mention this earlier but @GrumpyDof and I are doing a picture of Rhyshas and Rhyionas fighting against each other.

  • enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    senor y senorita, my work is here @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu more paintings soon!

  • well then

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    senor y senorita, my work is here @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu more paintings soon!

  • wolf b like

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    well then

  • edited August 2015

    si senor. very rizado

    wolf b like

  • I have those moments sometimes.... And I don't like doing stuff with my Dad cuz me and him have little to connect with :/

    Green613 posted: »

    its like one of those days in the summer when you have no one home all day but then dad stays home from work randomly and that ruins everything for you LMAO just me thats had that experience before (i my dad tho so its not all bad)

  • fantástico painting maestro! maravilloso! espléndido!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    senor y senorita, my work is here @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu more paintings soon!

  • gracias senor!

    HellFish posted: »

    fantástico painting maestro! maravilloso! espléndido!

  • sry pablo i have facial hair, you failed

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    si senor. very rizado

  • edited August 2015


    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    senor y senorita, my work is here @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu more paintings soon!

  • so what? man took a few liberties with the source material, so what?..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    sry pablo i have facial hair, you failed

  • si senor, me run out paint

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    sry pablo i have facial hair, you failed

  • edited August 2015

    senorita. i hope this is excellento

    me gotta move on different paintings

    Kawaiii posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    what's that actress' name?

    i need it for... uhm... scientific purposes....

    Kawaiii posted: »




    BigBadPaul posted: »

    si senor, me run out paint

  • Yay, new person!!! :D

    Hey! So my weird friend sent me to this thread, and yeah, since I'm a slut for Rhyiona I might as well join.

  • edited August 2015

    senor. me no change

    your painting next!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Dude, you should use the Killer's vision from Until Dawn. It's creepier :)

    HellFish posted: »

    Come out Kawaiii, you know we can see you. Come on, nobody will bite you... keeps Wolf on a leash

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