Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • It's too late to give you a profound reply, but I'll try anyway.

    What I really liked about the game is that choices do matter, even the seemingly minor ones. On one hand I think it would be awesome if Telltale could make the choices more important like here, but on the other I don't really want to have 1-2 year waits between episodes. :P

    I'm not sure if you got that far, so I warn you, just in case, possible game mechanics spoiler...

    What I didn't like that much was the "don't move" mechanic, which sounds great in theory, but in practice it's quite annoying when you even put down the controller so it won't move but you still fail the sequence... and die. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm here!!! And this time I mentally prepared myself for a fuck-ton of new comments. I have 1,984 to read through so wish me luck!!! Now

  • naya rivera

    so hot like me

    what's that actress' name? i need it for... uhm... scientific purposes....

  • i dont like to much musicbruh in my country's musics sucks

    i'm listening to some music videos but sadly they're not helping

  • True, that didn't occur to me, but to be honest I doubt that I'd find it in the usual "google it under 30 seconds or scrap post" timeframe. ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude, you should use the Killer's vision from Until Dawn. It's creepier

  • Alright, alright! Picasso is busy doing the paintings.

    I am back for the time being!

    enter image description here

  • why are they not home yet


  • don't worry, my country's music is also terrible, although there are quite a few gems ^-^

    i dont like to much musicbruh in my country's musics sucks

  • Profound? Why is it too late?

    Yeah I imagine it would take a very long time to rig up an episode to be this varied :P

    I have no idea how far in I am :P I think I'm about to start part 5?

    The don't move mechanic works fine for me :) I just hold the controller flat and still, and it's fine...

    HellFish posted: »

    It's too late to give you a profound reply, but I'll try anyway. What I really liked about the game is that choices do matter, even the s

  • enter image description here

    [Dying of sleep deprivation in Croatian]

  • draw me with eatin taco at backround pablo

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    senor y senorita, my work is here @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu more paintings soon!

  • cool godzilla you need snickers bruh

    Flashback Time! I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL! See you guys later, School time!

  • qué bonito <3333333

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    senor y senorita, my work is here @ABigBadWolf @Kawaiii @rhonu more paintings soon!

  • edited August 2015

    Well... I admit it! I didn't expect to come back to a ded thread...

    Tho who am I kidding? It's those hours again. ;p

  • Aww it's so freakin' cute!! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I just had to draw this..

  • Profound? Or is something wrong with that word? :)

    Well, it's getting close to 3 A.M. and I'm half asleep, so that's why. :D

    It worked fine most of the time for us as well, but in two critical moments it failed us and people died, so...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Profound? Why is it too late? Yeah I imagine it would take a very long time to rig up an episode to be this varied :P I have no idea h

  • Lol :P

    HellFish posted: »

    True, that didn't occur to me, but to be honest I doubt that I'd find it in the usual "google it under 30 seconds or scrap post" timeframe.

  • i have facial hair

    oooh i like that B)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    sry pablo i have facial hair, you failed

  • kkkkkkkkkk.

    probably leaving the thread


  • I guess... I guess I'm gonna be left alone here... ;-;

  • I know what profound means :P I put a question mark as if to say 'Why does it need to be profound?' :D

    Fair enough :)

    Us? Well so far I'm loving the game, but I just found out that with the right choices:

    All 8 can survive, or all 8 can die.

    And there a 3 true endings, but they each can vary somewhat depending on who is still alive or who is dead...

    HellFish posted: »

    Profound? Or is something wrong with that word? Well, it's getting close to 3 A.M. and I'm half asleep, so that's why. It worked fine most of the time for us as well, but in two critical moments it failed us and people died, so...

  • Sorry, I can't stay awake any longer, I have to go to sleep before I pass out on my keyboard... Goodnight everyone! Sweet Rhyiona dreams! :)

    And I'm looking forward to the rest of your art, Pablo! :D

  • i'm still here, dying ;_;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I guess... I guess I'm gonna be left alone here... ;-;

  • Haha, he heard that! Will make sure to tag you. ;p

    Nighty night, Hellfish!

    HellFish posted: »

    Sorry, I can't stay awake any longer, I have to go to sleep before I pass out on my keyboard... Goodnight everyone! Sweet Rhyiona dreams! And I'm looking forward to the rest of your art, Pablo!

  • Awww :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf Nope, this isn't scary at all. :P (why it's so fun to draw these aaaaa)

  • of course i know you find me beautiful but i find you more beautiful <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i didnt say that

  • I wish you the sweetest of Rhyiona dreams.

    HellFish posted: »

    Sorry, I can't stay awake any longer, I have to go to sleep before I pass out on my keyboard... Goodnight everyone! Sweet Rhyiona dreams! And I'm looking forward to the rest of your art, Pablo!

  • How much longer are you gonna die for then? Isn't that excruciatingly painful? xd

    i'm still here, dying ;_;

  • approx. 1 hr 12 min

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    How much longer are you gonna die for then? Isn't that excruciatingly painful? xd

  • I kinda skimmed through everything.

    Was someone harsh to Ray? I saw the 'DNA Test' thing getting a little intense but must have missed everything else :/

    Green613 posted: »

    guys stfu and stop arguing now before i give you another ten paragraph lecture EDIT: Ok reading this argument I can't express enough how

  • edited August 2015

    Ouch, man. We might as well share the pain then... Nothing else to do. ;_;

    approx. 1 hr 12 min

  • "At least we're doomed together. Yay!"

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Ouch, man. We might as well share the pain then... Nothing else to do. ;_;

  • Us?

    Me, my brother and my sister; my brother was playing (he bought the game) and me and my sister were watching/advising/arguing, just like when Kruzii was playing. ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I know what profound means :P I put a question mark as if to say 'Why does it need to be profound?' Fair enough Us? Well so far I'm

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Yeah... I don't think I want anymore pain than I already am in because of the silence ;_;

    "At least we're doomed together. Yay!"

  • I'm by meself :P

    And it's better that way...

    HellFish posted: »

    Us? Me, my brother and my sister; my brother was playing (he bought the game) and me and my sister were watching/advising/arguing, just like when Kruzii was playing.

  • srry, mah bad.

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Yeah... I don't think I want anymore pain than I already am in because of the silence ;_;

  • Now I just need to convert this... Into SMUT! >:)

    rhonu posted: »

    LET's talk about rhyiona. let's talk about the way they look at each other with both disdain and concern and hate and love. how they are fro

  • dirty rhyiona dreams!

    HellFish posted: »

    Sorry, I can't stay awake any longer, I have to go to sleep before I pass out on my keyboard... Goodnight everyone! Sweet Rhyiona dreams! And I'm looking forward to the rest of your art, Pablo!

  • Aww, it's alright!

    enter image description here

    srry, mah bad.

  • Ok seriously, what did I miss?! :O

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    It's none of your fault... The only people who are to blame are the ones who pushed him over the edge by telling him he was ruining the t

  • awww you're too nice <3

    rhonu posted: »

    of course i know you find me beautiful but i find you more beautiful

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