Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • why would they launch godzilla out an airlock

    it probably wouldn't even die in space anyway

    Rhys and Fiona ruling the Hyperion together with stupid shits happened. Fiona: It's so beautiful, Rhys...

  • Cause I am going to eat that Shitler. xD

    why would they launch godzilla out an airlock it probably wouldn't even die in space anyway

  • I try going earlier to bed but my sleeping schedule is all sorts of messed up, I either go to bed way too late and wake up at like 2pm or sleep too early in the evening and wake up in the middle of the night. smh (¬_¬")

    Awesome hope you'll have a great time! (^^,)


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Sometimes when I go to early to sleep I end up barely having any sleep. Weird. Montenegro. It's a small country but it's always interesti

  • wtf did Fiona smoke?

    And Rhy's RBF! (´▽`)

    Rhys and Fiona ruling the Hyperion together with stupid shits happened. Fiona: It's so beautiful, Rhys...

  • What are you talking about?

    wtf did Fiona smoke? And Rhy's RBF! (´▽`)

  • My sleeping schedule was pretty messed up on the summer (already autumn now..:(.) Buuut sleeping is so good and having nothing to think or worry aboit..just some silly dreams :3

    Thank you, I surely hope so too! (:

    I try going earlier to bed but my sleeping schedule is all sorts of messed up, I either go to bed way too late and wake up at like 2pm or sl

  • Their faces in image 3. (´▽`)


    What are you talking about?

  • War happened. : <<

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Wha--what happened to your profile picture!!???

  • edited September 2015

    Yup I guess what messed up my sleeping schedule is probably due to only having to go to class once a week now but hey, better then having to wake up before 6am almost everyday. xp I wish I could remember my dreams though I can't worth a crap ͡ °_̯͡°) xp

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    My sleeping schedule was pretty messed up on the summer (already autumn now..:(.) Buuut sleeping is so good and having nothing to think or worry aboit..just some silly dreams Thank you, I surely hope so too! (:

  • Oh I see... :P

    Oh ok :D

    Quiff posted: »

    Hmm I guess, then again I have a hard time telling the difference between right and left Right, I've red about half of it, but there's just soo much content in there to process xp

  • You hate Ashley?

    ... Each to their own I guess :P

    I don't like Emily, and Jessica annoyed me a lot.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    No! Goddamn it, Official!! ;~~;

  • So you must be a very fit person now then :)

    Okay, I guess I'll bear my soul, it's only the internet First off, being a student athlete was like a full time job. Most, like myself (w

  • murderer...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't mean it literally!

  • Sorry I forget :P

    Does it really get that hot there? huh,well no I live in Las Vegas but I'm pretty sure I explained that before.

  • Why do girls never pick the nice guys?

    Hey guys, I'm back early from school because of open evening. Just a quick note though that i'll probably not be on here today. Sorry to sound rude but I just really don't feel like being on here today.

    Also If @RhyionsIsLife comes on, tell her I said Hi <3

  • You asked an 18 year old to get you MGS4?

    You,. Fucking. Legend!!! <3

    Kruzii posted: »

    She was 14 or 15 years old [...] she was pregnant of 2 weeks the youth today. when I was 15 the only thing I did with 18 years old was asking them to buy me stuff I wasn't old enough for. MGS4 for example.

  • I agree with you Jane :')

    buntingsir posted: »

    Again, I agree with you on that. I guess we just got used to our own ways from the start (And yes, it's not like they do it the wrong way, t

  • This music ALWAYS gives me goosebumps when I hear it!!

    And I have completed TLAU 20 times on all difficulties! >:) Yes, even Grounded Mode.

    Ok, think about The Last of Us instead. : >> enter link description here

  • Much better than having classes every single day. I sometimes remember my dreams but they are weird and boring anyways. :/

    Yup I guess what messed up my sleeping schedule is probably due to only having to go to class once a week now but hey, better then having to

  • I appreciate it, man :]

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I agree with you Jane :')

  • Liking the new avatar too! <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    I appreciate it, man :]

  • LMAO!!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    It isn't Rhyiona but it is Rhys so that counts.

  • Hanna made it for me today, I'm so happy c:

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Liking the new avatar too!

  • I've heard that line before :P

    Hey, Rhys. I like that outfit. It'd look even better in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.

  • Nice guys finish last. Well, you know, not really, but I thought it'd fit.

    Looks like most of us are skipping being here today. Or we just don't have anything to say, for fear of spamming. I mean, did you look through yesterday's posts? Anyway, have fun doing whatever it is you'll be doing instead of being here (i.e. having a life) :P

    Will do, bud.

    Why do girls never pick the nice guys? Hey guys, I'm back early from school because of open evening. Just a quick note though that i'll p

  • Ha. Fiona's RBF. Rhys doesn't have.

    Their faces in image 3. (´▽`) RBF:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=RBF

  • nohuhhuh you mean?

    Cool! :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Hanna made it for me today, I'm so happy c:

  • I see him grabbing her ass there ;)

    Showering with sparks. (Inspired from the post by @FionaRules69 and my idea.)

  • About spamming... I feel so bad now :c I want to chat with you guys, but it really feels like our conversations are starting to be considered as spamming... I'd love to post some Rhyiona, but I don't have time to draw right now ;-; Tomorrow's Friday though, so hopefully I'll have something to show! c:

    By the way, how are you, Jojo?

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Nice guys finish last. Well, you know, not really, but I thought it'd fit. Looks like most of us are skipping being here today. Or we jus

  • True

    You know what's weird though, I can still remember dreams I had when I was a 4 better then the ones I had the night before ain't that something. ಠ , ಥ

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Much better than having classes every single day. I sometimes remember my dreams but they are weird and boring anyways.

  • Nice avatar, Jane! Did you draw it or? I love Athena<3

    buntingsir posted: »

    About spamming... I feel so bad now :c I want to chat with you guys, but it really feels like our conversations are starting to be considere

  • New avatar, Jane! It's so cool :D

    Yes, exactly! I feel like I'm not really sure where the line goes anymore, so I type something, then I think "No, this is spam..." and delete it. And I really wanna talk to you guys! I saw that there was some talk about a challenge but I can't draw so I won't even be able to participate in that... and I have a fanfic idea but I'm busy today again xP

    I'm pretty good :D And you?

    buntingsir posted: »

    About spamming... I feel so bad now :c I want to chat with you guys, but it really feels like our conversations are starting to be considere

  • Hi Jane! ooh you changed your avatar! :3

    buntingsir posted: »

    About spamming... I feel so bad now :c I want to chat with you guys, but it really feels like our conversations are starting to be considere

  • NO!

    Quiff posted: »


  • edited September 2015

    Hey, everyone, how you guys doing?

    EDIT: Guys, conversations aren't spamming, don't be afraid to talk to each other.

  • I too remember more of the dreams I've had like years ago which is strange. And I don't even know how they are still there, in the back of my mind. I still hate when I get a feeling I am falling down when I am sleeping though :v

    True You know what's weird though, I can still remember dreams I had when I was a 4 better then the ones I had the night before ain't that something. ಠ , ಥ

  • No!! :O

    I wanted to read it too :(

    lottii-lu posted: »

    @john_smith13 Bad news, I'll have to rewrite that fanfic for you, it's gone

  • Thanks, I love her too! Hanna made it for me! :3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Nice avatar, Jane! Did you draw it or? I love Athena<3

  • I wanted to read lottii's before I wrote mine though :/

    i won't kill ya, don't worry i'll wait for hazza then

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