Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Me too ;-;

    This will probably be the best week of my life ;__;





    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Me too ;-; This will probably be the best week of my life ;__;

  • Btw, what's your username on Steam? I don't think I have you in friends list.

    I'm in for my birthday and this thread's!

  • I'm hella ready for this episode ^-^


  • edited October 2015

    Hella Chloe ready

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm hella ready for this episode ^-^

  • Damn, one of them is quite spoilery...

    RIP Yvette. We all know Rhys' shoes are not glued to his feet. :D


  • Well, Yvette will get what she deserves :p

    Ugh, those screenshots make me want to play episode 5 now ;__;

    HellFish posted: »

    Damn, one of them is quite spoilery... RIP Yvette. We all know Rhys' shoes are not glued to his feet. Hype!

  • #TheSock
    HellFish posted: »

    Damn, one of them is quite spoilery... RIP Yvette. We all know Rhys' shoes are not glued to his feet. Hype!

  • I'm letting Yvette go for 100% percent.

  • Me too ;p

    I'm letting Yvette go for 100% percent.

  • She's absolutely adorable and hilarious. :D Are you caught up to the manga?

    Rheezus posted: »

    You bet. She's so adorable, especially in the animé. Count me as even happier to officially meet FT fans around here. I feel settled already.

  • edited October 2015

    I just woke up about 2 hours ago and there have only been 44 comments since yesterday? :/ at least there's not as much spam

  • In case you guys were counting on sasha dying before present time.... You were wrong.

    CamMaster posted: »

    I know ;{

  • Who the hell would let her live.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Me too ;p

  • Almost no one.

    Who the hell would let her live.

  • edited October 2015

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I feel like I should post a GIF here before getting started.

    enter image description here

    Achievement time!

    • 7 months of Rhyiona!
    • 277 likes! (Gained 10 since the last speech)
    • 1.6 views (Views are views, big whoop)
    • Won the previous TF2 match against the Rhyshas!

    Rhyiona Member News:

    Happy birthday to @98Elliottchin! It was yesterday for him, but I'm sure he would still appreciate the happy (belated) birthday wishes nonetheless!)

    Last Month’s Rhyiona Member of the Month: @John_Smith13

    This month’s Rhyiona member of the month: @Green613

    Yeah, it’s Green. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? He couldn’t pick himself before because that would of been egotistical but since he’s not the one making the speech...

    I picked him for creating this thread, a place where we all were able to meet each other and create beautiful friendships. He’s a funny dude but knows when to get serious, which is a great quality to have as a leader. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have this thread nor have been able to meet one another! I feel like we haven’t shown him the love he deserves as someone who has done so much for us. So from the bottom of my heart...

    Thank You Green! We love ya, fam! <3

    enter image description here

    Now, it’s time to get serious.

    enter image description here

    Episode 5 is almost upon us and as you know, we’re like Telltale’s enemy at this point. Rhyiona may not happen in the game, but damn buddy, IF I’M NOT GOING TO OVER-ANALYZE EVERY MOMENT THEY’RE ONSCREEN TOGETHER AND MAKE IT SOUND LIKE THEY’RE IN LOVE THEN I’M NOT KRISTI.

    Seriously though, do not get sad if Rhyiona doesn’t happen. There is some hope after Bridget (one of the people who worked on Tales) told me there was a lot of variation in the second half of the episode, so there is SOME hope for something but don’t hold your breath. We can always make Rhyiona canon in our creations, so don’t stop making them. If your love for Rhyiona is strong, you will continue doing what you’re doing.

    As for what I mentioned in the introduction, Green is not here with a speech. Over the past month since the rules were placed, the response to them hasn’t been so great. People feel as though they are restricted to what they post here and the rules have been ignored completely.

    There are a few alternate places to relieve your daily posts of weirdness that isn't on topic, or hell, even memes can go to either place!



    We also have a Skype group and a Chatzy. You can find info about them below. :)

    Skype group: Ask a member to add you there. :)

    Chatzy info:

    To those who are worried they are breaking the rules, small off-topic posts like how your day was, how your life is going, stuff like that is fine. What is considered not fit here is the constant spam of GIFs, off-topic posts that lead nowhere/don’t do much for anyone, memes. Really, just anything that doesn’t add to the conversation and continues for FAR too long which makes the charm of it run out.

    Blind pretty much summed up what’s okay very well.

    Just for reference, moderate off topic conversation is totally OK when you respond to someone else's comment if it is part of where the conversation is going. Treat this thread as you would a normal thread - if you wouldn't bring that up in a normal thread for fear of being off topic for too long, don't do it here. However, being off topic in small amounts is ok and it happens in lots of threads. Just don't make new comments that are entirely off topic, unless it's something Green said is OK (like good morning posts). - Blind Sniper

    If the quality of this thread does not get better, I am afraid that Green or a mod will close this thread. The former has also been getting crap for rules that’s supposed to make this place more tolerable for everyone. People, like me, are starting to stay away from the thread because of all of this. Others, again like me, are scared to share their creations for Rhyiona because it will get buried in off-topic posts. If people are visiting less frequently or are scared to post because of the overbearing amount of off-topic and shipping thread members posts, then there’s clearly something wrong.


    Let me direct you to really long but good quote from Green’s speech last month.

    “Speaking of more Rhyiona, I get that it’s hard to talk about Rhyiona when Telltale doesn’t even acknowledge us in the game. But, we have survived all this time on our creativity, SO USE YOURS, seriously, anything Rhyiona is good. A funny simple joke, fine by me. A fanfic, that’s great. Art, even cooler. Any idea that pops into your mind, just pop it down into something and just go with it, it doesn’t hurt to try. We’re all friends here, so we won’t make fun of anyone for what they did. Hell, the fact that you took time out of your day to do something speaks for itself, so just be creative and have fun. That’s what the thread is and always has been about.” - Green

    The rest is up to us; the fate of the thread rests in our hands. If you see someone who is not following our rules, say something, let it be through PMs or a reply. Not only one person should help with this. This is our responsibility as members of the thread to make this place better, so it has to be a group effort.

    Please take what I said to heart and change this thread for the better!

    Man, that was long! Now, I await your precious feedback and reactions. Let's make the time we have left enjoyable for all! To Rhyiona!

    enter image description here

    P.S. Good luck to those participating in the TF2 match! I hope everyone has as much fun as they did last time. <3

  • enter image description here

    Now this is exactly what we needed. Great job, Kristi!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • Thanks! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hello friend!

  • Saturday and Sunday aren't week-end for us xD, we have Friday and Thursday as week-end D:
    I aced it though :D

  • minions <3

    Thanks! And sure ,I like that :D

    Well then, welcome to the family Rave! (Can I call you that?)

  • Doesn't load for me ; - ;
    But thanks for sending it :D

    enter link description here

  • Thanks Wolf! :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Now this is exactly what we needed. Great job, Kristi!

  • You can celebrate my birthday in my time zone or your time zone.

    My birthday is the thread's.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • LMAO This is hilarious Elly! :D

    And Happy (late) Birthday!

    Sorry about being disappeared for so freakin long...

    I am so exhausted due to work and study, and I am even lacking motivation to do anything because I know how empty I will feel when TFTB ends T^T

    [Mod edit: Video removed for NSFW content] I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't include that one scene in the vid

  • That's gonna be the best part of the episode air locking Yvette.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Almost no one.

  • That's my name. Elliott Chin. that's all.

    Pipas posted: »

    Btw, what's your username on Steam? I don't think I have you in friends list.

  • That was a great speech, Kristi :)

    Although, I actually wouldn't say the password of our Chatzy room if I was you so there wouldn't be any trolls or random people joining the chat. :p

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • Thanks Wolfenus!

    Edited it out.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    That was a great speech, Kristi Although, I actually wouldn't say the password of our Chatzy room if I was you so there wouldn't be any trolls or random people joining the chat.

  • Thank you, Tess. You're early in the same time as me. :)

    Work these days... I had that feeling... X(

    tessie0713 posted: »

    LMAO This is hilarious Elly! And Happy (late) Birthday! Sorry about being disappeared for so freakin long... I am so exhausted due

  • Well said, Kristi! I joined in only yesterday, but you can count on me to help keep us on track. It's a group effort like you said, and I'd be glad to do what I can--to not only keep the thread open, but to keep the good times going. That should be why we do it as well, right? But, like I said in my introduction, I feel optimistic about the future. Especially with the amount of dedicated members we have around here. If we're half as awesome as I've come to notice these past 7 months, I know we can manage to keep moving forward with some amazing and memorable Rhyiona content to boot. * raises glass due to lack of gifs *

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • Good job Ms.President!

    enter image description here

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • And just for added effect...

    enter image description here Shameless Plug Alert

    If you guys want a thread where you can just be friendly and talk to/meet new people without having to stay on topic about anything, we have the Whatever's On Your Mind thread over at Telltale Talk (the off topic board) specifically for this purpose! It's a win win as you guys can have off topic small talk somewhere else, and you can discuss whoever you ship here in the Borderlands forums.

    Visit Whatever's On Your Mind for off topic conversations about whatever you like, any time you like!

    enter image description here Shameless Plug Alert

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • Hey guys! Just a friendly request and reminder, please be careful with posting potentially NSFW content. Even if it's posted as a joke and not with the deliberate intention of spiting people, NSFW content still doesn't fly. Let's try to keep the forums a nice place for others! Thanks.

  • edited October 2015

    Great speech, Kristi. I was a liiittle bit worried how will it turn out, but this was great, really. :)

    I honestly don't mind most of the off topic posts if it isn't actual meme/gif/ship spam (several pages spam, not five comments spam), what I do mind is the abundance of drama lately. It's very tiring and it's probably the main reason I'm not here as much as I used to. I want to have fun here; admire some rhyiona content, talk to people about how their lives are going, crack some stupid jokes... not watch people arguing over and over again and try to calm them down.

    I hope it gets better...

    But anyway, happy anniversary everybody! <3

    EDIT: Wow, Elliot got a banana as a gift for his birthday? Sorry, but that's just low...

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! I am not Green, but your President, Kristi! Green will not be posting a speech today and I will get into that later. Anyway, I

  • Nope, not completely. I'm on a break currently at the end of #436. I waited for more chapters to come out, 1 a week was too little for me xD I have 20 of them now, so I plan on fully catching up very soon. Hopefully before Episode 5, as well.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She's absolutely adorable and hilarious. Are you caught up to the manga?

  • Oh, you're not too far behind then! Let me know what you think! I've been really excited about the upcoming war. :D Considering the Spriggan 12 are extremely powerful... I have high hopes for character development!

    Rheezus posted: »

    Nope, not completely. I'm on a break currently at the end of #436. I waited for more chapters to come out, 1 a week was too little for me xD I have 20 of them now, so I plan on fully catching up very soon. Hopefully before Episode 5, as well.

  • edited October 2015


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