Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    Ironically I really don't like this movie but Merry Christmas everyone!

  • If we're gonna quote movies, here:

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ironically I really don't like this movie but Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Ight I'll invite you ;)))

    -Slut mode activated- Hey bby, I don't mind being a side dish...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Thx bae (ʃƪˆ▿ˆ)

    Ight I'll invite you ))


    that is all, ill be gone again bye

  • holy fuck you, fucking clever shit bean, look at you with your damn editing and photoshops

    so amazing <3

  • edited December 2015

    Okay so drawing on a tablet is really hard, and let alone my art looks worse than it actually is :c

    I kind of feel like that one person who buys you something that disappoints you, but I wanted to do something for you guys :c

    I was going to draw a summary of this thread (and by that I mean us) of this year but let's face it; it would be me accusing everyone of being a rhack shipper, Wolf being a weeb, A bunch of lenny faces, coke and degree and other dank shit.

  • Sent

    Thx bae (ʃƪˆ▿ˆ)

  • WTF are you even saying?This is majestic <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Okay so drawing on a tablet is really hard, and let alone my art looks worse than it actually is :c I kind of feel like that one pers

  • AWWW this has made my day

    and everyone elses arty stuff on here <333

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Okay so drawing on a tablet is really hard, and let alone my art looks worse than it actually is :c I kind of feel like that one pers

  • edited December 2015

    Okay, I hate to do this on Christmas, but I just thought I'd explain it now.

    I know I said I'd have a Christmas one-shot. Well, I don't. And I'm sorry to disappoint, but I haven't felt like writing much of anything lately and I've been generally disheartened the last week or so for a number of reasons. I quite honestly don't feel like doing anything other than sleeping, so you probably won't see much of me for a while. I may still come back and check the updates every once in a blue moon, but...I don't know.

    Again, sorry to dampen everyone's mood. I'll see you all when I see you, I guess.

  • Aw honey, that isn't good, Christmas is supposed to be a happy time. I'm really sorry you're feeling like this and so sorry you'll be leaving (not entirely, I hope, Imma paint the moon blue for you every night). I'm gonna miss you and I hope your family can cheer you up, it's Christmas after all .~. And don't worry about disappointing anyone, we understand how you're feeling and we'll be disappointed but it won't be you disappointing us... That sentence got confused.

    See ya, Peanut, rather sooner than later.

    Okay, I hate to do this on Christmas, but I just thought I'd explain it now. I know I said I'd have a Christmas one-shot. Well, I don't.

  • edited December 2015

    enter image description here

    I'm sorry to hear that Peanut. ;~; I hope you feel better and that we can see your return her sooner rather than later. I'll be contacting you considering I have the means of doing that SO YOU'RE NOT FROM ESCAPING DEAR OL' KRISTI.

    Okay, I hate to do this on Christmas, but I just thought I'd explain it now. I know I said I'd have a Christmas one-shot. Well, I don't.

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    enter image description here

    merry fucking christmas to me

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  • Merry fucking to you

  • no thank you

    Eryka posted: »

    Merry fucking to you

  • Good job.

    Eryka posted: »

    Merry fucking to you

  • My son, don't be a virgin anymore, merry fucking gang bang to you

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no thank you

  • Blowjob

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Good job.

  • Don't ruin this now.

    Eryka posted: »


  • Which snow?

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Don't ruin this now.

  • Wait a second, are you a virgin?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no thank you

  • B-but whose gonna go camping with me then? And send pics to Mawula?

    but a little more seriously, hopefully this is just a short little divot for you to get out of, but if not, I know way too well how easily it can snowball on you so be honest with yourself if you are really okay or not and just find what makes you happy, gotta keep looking for the light in life. If this forum gets in the way, that sucks but there is real life out there for all of us.

    Okay, I hate to do this on Christmas, but I just thought I'd explain it now. I know I said I'd have a Christmas one-shot. Well, I don't.

  • so, after my amazing comeback that will be remembered for centuries, I'm now off for a week again (vacation...wohoo...) so, yeah, see ya guys ^^

    enter image description here

  • U fuckin' genius I love u

  • I love you for writing this, you could not be more accurate. : )

    What would Fiona and Rhys give each other in Christmas besides money and kisses? They don't need to give anything, because being in each other's company is worth more than all the golds in the Universe.

  • pls bang

    Merry Christmas,Fiona,Sasha and Vaughn! Fiona!We'll bang,OK?

  • Good news guys!!


    Also, should I get Borderlands on my PC or my Xbox? On my Xbox, I'd play more, but on PC, I'd play with you guys. So, what's it gonna be?

  • Fuck yes, Christmas proposals!!! You dA MAN.

  • You're cool, so glad things are looking better for you, looking forward to a more permanent stay, friend. <3

    Hey Y'all, its me Chef. I'm back again... well, briefly. Just here to wish everyone on the thread a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! I

  • Super. Smash. Brothers. MELEEEEEEEE.

    Green613 posted: »

    new gamecube controller time to regain my melee grind Kreygasm Kreygasm and wii u adapter so i can play melee netplay and rek plebs o


    kristi78968 posted: »

    Me a couple of days ago: This is going to be a short and sweet Christmas-y one-shot with a teenage tsundere Fiona and Rhys! Shit. AND IT'S NOT EVEN DONE YET.

  • Yeahh they make sweet love down by the fire. Right.

    Rhys and Fiona, wrapped up together naked in a blanket, sitting by a yule log, just gazing at the fire......you can tell where I'm going

  • Why are you so perfect.
    Answer sincerely pls.

    no but really I just...this is so perfect. Rhys and Fiona's relationship would literally carry an anime with this kinda writing. <3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    That feel when you write a mainly Summer-based fanfic and shoehorn Christmas at the end. GUYS, THIS IS TRULY A FANFIC EMBODYING THE CHRISTMA

  • Friendly Rhyionaminder: Fiona mostly always is the one to show concern for Rhys; Sasha almost always suggest they leave without him or doesn't worry for him, no matter if you choose Hyperion or reject it. This is immediately what I found weird and inconsistent about Rhysha. Fiona is almost always the one to show concern for Rhys while Sasha is liek nah man, we gotta survive, fuck those Hyperions. This is understandable in the beginning but not at all after the flower scene in ep 3 since she supposedly tells Fiona about it as well, suggesting she has 'feelings' or Rhys. Since it is suggested that Sasha trusts and even likes Rhys now it is highly weird for her to be all FUCK IT, FUCK RHYS, FUCK EVERYONE LET'S GO. I mean I get it, Rhys is a looker, we know it, but she could at least admit that's why she even feigned concern for him. I'll say it right now, Gayperion makes more sense than Rhysha. I mean, even when she sees Rhys is alive she doesn't seem all that moved, more like "oh fuck, you're alive after all, HOW ABOUT THAT?, HUH. Guess I'll hug you." Ahem. End rant.

    When Rhyshans say their ship is better When you think about your OTP being canon can someone edit the: SANTA!!! gif from Elf to have him saying: Rhyiona!!!!

  • edited December 2015

    Thank you so much for drawing Rhyiona, you're a gift my friend <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Okay so drawing on a tablet is really hard, and let alone my art looks worse than it actually is :c I kind of feel like that one pers

  • Why are you so perfect. Answer sincerely pls.

    Haha! What a wonderful question. Well, I can't quite answer that now can I? I'll just be giving away my secrets!

    Rhys and Fiona's relationship would literally carry an anime with this kinda writing. <3


    RickSanchez posted: »

    Why are you so perfect. Answer sincerely pls. no but really I just...this is so perfect. Rhys and Fiona's relationship would literally carry an anime with this kinda writing.

  • I, I don't know what you're going through and I suck at knowing what to say, but your writing has struck a chord in me and I say that with utmost honesty and I genuinely love your writing and the fanfictions you bring to this thread, you know how to make me feel right there feeling those same familiar emotions and I have honestly read your fictions 2 and 3 times. I am not demanding you continue, I am insisting that one day you should when things get better for you because you have a very enjoyable writing style. Something I love to see in Rhyiona and writing in general. I truly hope you remember that whatever you face, we have all been there and always will be here for you. Your dedication to this thread is one of many beautiful things I have seen. Please know we are all here for you. <3

    Okay, I hate to do this on Christmas, but I just thought I'd explain it now. I know I said I'd have a Christmas one-shot. Well, I don't.

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