Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • they can see ur comments from 2007

    I thought I was a clock u stupid shit

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    they cant see u but they can see ur comments from 2007 ew disgusting!!!!!!

  • edited December 2015

    Oooh, Einstein too?

    Great to know I'm not the only one ahahaha ^^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I never got a crush, Einstein



    Kawaiii posted: »

    Idk, but I know you're a leo and you're life is shit. "quality fur" my ass. You look like trash ew get out of here loser



    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    it's racist bc not all people love rhyiona !!! omg the level of racism is OVER 9000

  • I already found him, I'm sure you will too

    Yeah,yeah..I will sometime,if I ever move out of my house :P

    You know sometimes love comes at you even tho you don't want it

    For now,I wanna live a free life,single life is the best :D

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Well,you'll find him one way or another,just keep searching I meant back when I was in High School lmao I already found him, I'm sure you will too You know sometimes love comes at you even tho you don't want it

  • i love ruining hiyoris life :)

    enter image description here

    Kawaiii posted: »


  • ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • you cant think so stop shitting people who are actually nice u clock made by sia

    Kawaiii posted: »

    they can see ur comments from 2007 I thought I was a clock u stupid shit

  • yes he didnt have to get a crush bc he was smart af

    but you... :/

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Oooh, Einstein too? Great to know I'm not the only one ahahaha ^^

  • ur avatar doesnt only show in rhyiona thread Mussolini

    Kawaiii posted: »


  • you love harassing young girls ;)

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i love ruining hiyoris life

  • mother why have you forsaken me

    Kawaiii posted: »

    ooh poor baby

  • if I ever move out of my house :P


    single life is the best :D


    ZapThroat posted: »

    I already found him, I'm sure you will too Yeah,yeah..I will sometime,if I ever move out of my house :P You know sometimes love comes at you even tho you don't want it For now,I wanna live a free life,single life is the best

  • only rhyionas will probably see my avatar anyway fat cow

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    ur avatar doesnt only show in rhyiona thread Mussolini

  • you're adopted

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    mother why have you forsaken me

  • at least i'm made by someone famous not like you you unfamous rat

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    you cant think so stop shitting people who are actually nice u clock made by sia

  • excuse me???

    I'm smart too, I know how to open a book so don't try me brainless fool

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    yes he didnt have to get a crush bc he was smart af but you...

  • enter image description here

    Kawaiii posted: »

    excuse me??? I'm smart too, I know how to open a book so don't try me brainless fool

  • sia



    sssssssssmh u suck

    Kawaiii posted: »

    at least i'm made by someone famous not like you you unfamous rat

  • thats bc you arent popular enough

    may your pride rest in peace fam

    Kawaiii posted: »

    only rhyionas will probably see my avatar anyway fat cow

  • this should be your motto you white fuck

  • This entry deserves a beautiful strawberry cake

    enter image description here

  • sssssssssmh u suck

    sssssssssmh u suc

    sssssssssmh u su

    sssssssssmh u s

    sssssssssmh u





    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    sia si s sssssssssmh u suck

  • telltale finally got their shit together

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    telltale finally got their shit together

  • That ain't the canon wikia if you're being serious (sorry if you're not). Trust me, I got shit for that on Tumblr when I joked about it :/

  • I only post here that's why stupid

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    thats bc you arent popular enough may your pride rest in peace fam

  • but only directed at u wine cheese merci bby <3

    Kawaiii posted: »

    this should be your motto you white fuck

  • u sure

    enter image description here

    it's okay 3-0 <3333

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    but only directed at u wine cheese merci bby

  • people from Tumblr should chill

    lottii-lu posted: »

    That ain't the canon wikia if you're being serious (sorry if you're not). Trust me, I got shit for that on Tumblr when I joked about it

  • arent i illegal in france

    i'll call dem cops Janey

    Kawaiii posted: »

    u sure it's okay 3-0 <3333

  • I just...love it.

    I really, really do.

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Ok, ladies and gents, I been a fairly busy badger, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to be more active. I also meant to have this out on Christmas, for which I'm truly sorry for being late on it. (I know Christmas doesn't exist in the Borderlands universe but I say screw the rules)

    The night was cold and dark, snow had began to fall,

    as Rhys stared at the door to August and Sasha's place.
    He was still in his calm state, despite the effects of
    the whiskey from earlier had wore off. The world and
    everything in it, remarkably seemed right. "Alright
    Rhys, this is it, the moment of truth" Rhys thought to
    himself, and for once with confidence in himself. He
    smoothed out his clothes and double checked to make sure
    he looked perfect, then knocked loudly three times. Rhys
    heard some shuffling and watched as the door opened.

    "Merry Christmas, Rhys" Rhys's face went shocked, Sasha
    was standing before him, dressed in green felt like an
    elf. Rhys with a great deal of effort, stopped himself
    from laughing, the fact she might deck him, lent itself
    to helping him keep from laughing.

    "Merry Christmas, Sasha" Rhys thought it was best to
    ignore, the ridiculous outfit she had on, hopefully she
    wouldn't bring it up. "Rhys, do you like the Christmas
    elf outfit" Sasha said, grinning from ear to ear, no
    such luck, it seems.

    "It's really..something....words don't do it justice"
    Rhys hoped his face didn't betray his thoughts. Sasha
    smiled, either she knew, she looked ridiculous and
    didn't care or believed him. He would take either to
    avoid, this awkward moment any longer, just in case he
    changed the subject. " So I guess, I'm the last one

    "Yes, not by much, Loader Bot and Gortys just got here,
    a short while ago. Well come on in" She turned around
    and walked in. Rhys took this time, to check his pocket
    for Fiona's gift. He felt the box, inside his jacket
    pocket, Rhys then followed Sasha inside the house. The
    house itself was rather festive, red and green lights
    were hung on both the outside and along the walls
    inside. She lead him, into the living room, were the
    everyone else was. He looked around the room, seeing
    Athena and Janey sitting on the red couch, talking to
    Gortys with Loader Bot watching from the wall. There was
    an ugly real size Santa doll in the corner sitting in a
    chair off by itself. He then saw, Fiona and Vaughn
    speaking on some chairs off on the far side of the room.
    He noticed there was no sign of August. Puzzled by this
    he asked Sasha.

    "Hey Sasha, where is August. I figured he would be here
    at least." She turned around with a puzzled look on her
    face. " He is over in the corner there." She point to
    the ugly Santa doll. Rhys looked closer at it, and could
    see the Santa had a scowl that would scare a skag. Rhys
    couldn't help himself, the sight of a thug like August
    dressed like Santa was too much, and started laughing.
    The look Sasha gave him could have killed him, if he
    wasn't laughing so hard, he may have noticed the
    dangerous game he was playing.

    "Rhys, I think he looks very adorable. It took me a long
    time to talk him into dressing like that. If you somehow
    make him take that outfit off. I will make you wear the
    damn thing." Rhys finally looked at her and saw her eyes
    had steel and fury in them. Rhys shut up almost
    immediately. That would be horrific and could quite
    possibly cause him to lose his nerve to tell Fiona

    " I think, I'll just put the presents under the tree and
    go talk to Vaughn and Fiona." Sasha nodded and went over
    to talk to August. The tree was off the only corner left
    and no one was near it. The tree had been covered in
    tinsel and red and green glass ornaments. Rhys walked
    over to the tree and placed all the presents, he got for
    everyone one, under the tree. He felt the eyes of
    everyone on him, while he did this. So he quickly
    finished and turned around to face them.

    "Merry Christmas everyone" with a warm chorus of Merry
    Christmas Rhys coming back to him. Rhys turned his eyes
    to where Fiona and Vaughn were speaking, his heart
    started beating faster and he suddenly became nervous
    again. The sight of Fiona was almost unbearable, He
    looked the room over and found his savior, whiskey along
    with various other alcoholic drinks where on a long
    table with food. He went to the bottle of whiskey, and
    poured himself a long drink, finished it and poured
    another. His mind was going back to his serene state,
    his fear once more gone. He looked over, caught
    Vaughn's eye and gave him the signal, by winking to him.
    Vaughn face glowed with relief, and nodded to Rhys. Rhys
    walked over, to where Fiona and Vaughn were sitting.

    "Hey guys" He said it with his most charming smile.
    "Oh shit, hate to leave, but I got to go to the
    restroom. I'll talk to you two later" With that Vaughn
    walked off and out of the room. Rhys stared at Fiona's
    face, almost becoming lost in it's beauty. He realized,
    he needed to hurry up and get it over with.

    "Hey Fiona, I need to speak with you...hopefully
    somewhere alone. I promise it will just take a minute"
    Rhys fixed his eyes on the wall behind her, avoiding her

    "Sure Rhys, It is a bit weird, but ok" relief washed
    over Rhys. He started feeling relaxed and led her out to
    the hall. Everyone else was to wrapped up with each
    other to notice. Vaughn passed them by on the way out,
    and gave Rhys a reassuring look, it gave Rhys some
    comfort. The hallway was empty, the sounds of the
    festivities loomed in the background. Rhys finished off
    his drink, and set the glass down on a end table.

    " Ok Fi, I got a few things, I need to get of my chest.
    Would you mind listing to them, before saying anything."

    " Sure, I'll promise, just don't make it weird or
    anything." Weird was most likely how this would go, but
    it was better then nothing.

    "That I will try, but first here. I was a little
    embarrassed to give this to you, in front of everyone.
    I'll explain everything, after you open this." Rhys
    reached in his pocket and pull out, a rectangular box
    wrapped, with Christmas tree wrapping paper. Rhys handed
    it to Fiona, and watched as Fiona opened the box. She
    pulled out a watch. The look of confusion on her face
    was evident, that she didn't get why this would be

    "I modified it with a transmitter and a GPS locater. It
    will basically function as a SOS, If you find yourself

    in trouble. I got the receiver on mine, and I'll do
    everything in my power to find you and help you. I know,
    I'm not a Vault Hunter or any kind of fighter really,

    but I'll always come. It is also, in a way, a symbol for
    what, I need to tell you. Fiona simply looked at him
    waiting to see if he was finished, Rhys took a deep
    breath and continued.

    "Fiona, I love you, I find myself thinking of you and
    trying to improve myself to simply see you smile. There
    isn't ever a day, I don't think of you. I really just
    wanted you, to know of my feelings for you, and would
    like to also know, if you feel the same way." Rhys felt
    happy to finally get that weight of his chest, for the
    first time in awhile, he didn't feel like this secret
    was suffocating him. He at last, looked at Fiona, and
    to his amazement found her smiling and laughing.

    "It is about damn time Rhys, Sasha and I have known for
    a long while now. Sasha even betted me, you wouldn't
    ever get the balls to tell me, I knew you would
    eventually." Fiona leaned in and gave Rhys in a long
    passionate kiss. Rhys felt his knees go weak from under
    him and returned the kiss. The kiss was every bit as
    amazing, as he dreamed it would be. When the kiss ended,
    Rhys was overwhelmed and at a lose for words, Fiona

    "Also your gift was sweet and perfect" with that Fiona
    kissed him once more, this time lightly on his lips.

  • It's not christmas anymore, wake up people!

    Jk this was probably made before christmas.

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Well I was meant to post it the other day but I couldn't because I was fucked up after playing Until Dawn!

    Also thanks for signing my petition.

    It's not christmas anymore, wake up people! Jk this was probably made before christmas.

  • enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    This entry deserves a beautiful strawberry cake

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