Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ご挨拶私の友人。私は日本語で入力しているので、退屈しています。

  • Greetings my friends. Since I have entered in Japanese, I'm bored.

    For anyone who's wondering.

    Zeratuel posted: »


  • thank you

    this made me feel better

    Need some Juvia?

  • hello

    enter image description here

    i still feel like shit

  • Hey, Wolf c:

    i still feel like shit

    Still having the flu, huh? :( Hope you feel better soon, Wolf ^-^

    enter image description here

    Oh shit, I said soon, didn't I?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello i still feel like shit

  • you've... you've just doomed me to an eternity of suffering


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, Wolf c: i still feel like shit Still having the flu, huh? Hope you feel better soon, Wolf ^-^ Oh shit, I said soon, didn't I?

  • Ah, shit, I'm so sorry ;-;

    Here, I hope that Juvia GIF makes you feel better ;~;

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you've... you've just doomed me to an eternity of suffering bummer.

  • i think I can handle an eternity of suffering if I get juvia gifs all the time

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ah, shit, I'm so sorry ;-; Here, I hope that Juvia GIF makes you feel better ;~;

  • Searches for more Juvia GIFs

    enter image description here

    Just replace Mira with Juvia and imagine Juvia doing that face till I find more Juvia GIFs, k?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i think I can handle an eternity of suffering if I get juvia gifs all the time

  • thank you

    this helps

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Searches for more Juvia GIFs Just replace Mira with Juvia and imagine Juvia doing that face till I find more Juvia GIFs, k?

  • No problem. ^^

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    thank you this helps

  • i still feel like shit


    In all seriousness,

    I'm sorry that you still feel sick and I hope you feel better soon c:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello i still feel like shit

  • Hi!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello i still feel like shit

  • edited January 2016

    An oldie but a goodie.

    Look at this beautiful art ;w; http://bembiann.deviantart.com/art/I-d-Love-to-Change-the-World-For-You-542260259

  • why? that's why:

    enter link description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Ouch, Dracu why do you feel the need to brake my heart like this?

  • enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Greetings my friends. Since I have entered in Japanese, I'm bored. For anyone who's wondering.

  • edited January 2016

    there is a simple explanation for this, wolfie. there is a reason for you to feel like shit. it's because...you ARE shit. you are the dirt under my shoe I just stepped in! you are the reason for the smell that makes your loved ones leave the room! you are the worthless remnant of something that was once useful for a few seconds! YOU! ARE! SHIT!

    too much?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello i still feel like shit

  • Ok Rhyiona fans here is my sample for Tears of the Fallen.

    " Mr. Phillips, she is here to see you" Ethel said, through the opening in the door, it was a weird adjustment when I hired her, seeing she only called me "Mr. Phillips" around clients.

    "OK, send her in, Ethel" I watched Ethel walk out, and heard her say, to go on in. The sight, of the woman that came in, was close to pure perfection. Her hair was a light brown with a single lock dyed red. Her dress was form fitting and deliberately showed every curve of her body. Her eyes were a radiant shade of green and had steel in them. A guy could fall in love with a woman like her. I rose up with a jump.

    " Mason Phillips, Miss......" I held out my hand. She looked me over, before taking it, her hand was rough, not like a high society woman like her, would have had, this woman had worked for a living at one point, legal or otherwise, in this town you could never know.

    "Missus actually, I'm Fiona Morgan, Mr. Phillips and I would like to hire you."

  • Imagine me jumping excitedly and making a high-pitched noise.

    'Cause that's basically what's happening.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ok Rhyiona fans here is my sample for Tears of the Fallen. " Mr. Phillips, she is here to see you" Ethel said, through the opening in

  • Thanks for making my ears bleed, Gortys

    Imagine me jumping excitedly and making a high-pitched noise. 'Cause that's basically what's happening.

  • Oops! ...sorry...

    enter image description here

    Thanks for making my ears bleed, Gortys

  • Hey guys! haven't been posting that much lately, It was my first day back to school today, so I'm pretty worn out.

    enter image description here

  • Thanks, thats sweet of you.

    Imagine me jumping excitedly and making a high-pitched noise. 'Cause that's basically what's happening.

  • edited January 2016

    Well goddamn it, I've been gone for quite some time, I come back and what do I see? A BEAUTIFUL CANON RHYIONA FLOWER SCENE..

    I think I'm gonna cry.. pure perfection..

    enter image description here

    Hello, hello. It is I, again, back from my winter break and here to give you all some Rhyiona to quench your thirsts. So good morning/aft

  • 3 millions views, holy shit!

  • I have returned :D

  • edited January 2016

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    3 millions views, holy shit!

  • I know same here, I've read nearly all of them besides the couple that are getting updated. If I was a writer I'd put up some myself. I do draw a bit so I should do some art of them sometime. Need to make a contribution to this wonderful ship <3

    I need to find more fanfiction to read. I've been mainly staring at art for the past 2 days/

  • I've started reading a lot lately...so beautiful :D

    RickSanchez posted: »

    I know same here, I've read nearly all of them besides the couple that are getting updated. If I was a writer I'd put up some myself. I do draw a bit so I should do some art of them sometime. Need to make a contribution to this wonderful ship

  • Ooh lookin' guud so far, I like, I like. :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ok Rhyiona fans here is my sample for Tears of the Fallen. " Mr. Phillips, she is here to see you" Ethel said, through the opening in

  • Bless you for these <3

    Hello, hello. It is I, again, back from my winter break and here to give you all some Rhyiona to quench your thirsts. So good morning/aft

  • Lol Thanks sweetheart, that's mighty kind of ya

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Ooh lookin' guud so far, I like, I like.


    enter image description here

    so, you haven't been here since goddamn november! how have you been? where have you returned from? tell me everything over a cup of tea, darling!

    enter image description here

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    I have returned

  • MeatBicycle be like:

    enter link description here

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    I have returned

  • enter image description here

    enter link description here

    (Jk, you know I love yo shenanigans)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    WELCOME BAAAAACK! so, you haven't been here since goddamn november! how have you been? where have you returned from? tell me everything over a cup of tea, darling!

  • I remember posting about 2 million views like it was just yesterday.


    How time has flown.

    Eryka posted: »

    3 millions views, holy shit!

  • Oh yes it is! There are several big 80's hits in that game :P

    The very first one you get is David Bowie's: The Man Who Sold The World.

    I heard Take On Me was in it. I need that game x10 now.

  • And I missed all of you too :'D

    Wish me luck :P

    It's all good, we missed you fam! (Oh bloody hell I have 99 pages to catch up on now :O) Good Luck with that. xp

  • Hey Kristi! :D

    Yes the story is still coming along, slowly as usual. I'm kinda getting bored of games now so I will hopefully be around here more often :)

    I had a great Christmas thanks! Got meself a Wii U at last!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Whoa, hey! I've been wondering you've been! I still have that story all planned out in my head and ready to share HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE Have an awesome Christmas, Harry!

  • Hi, I'm finally back! :-)
    How are you guys, what happened when I was offline?

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