Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Congrat!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Before I forgot, @nohuhhuh, @XDJulieXD your project won't die with me (hooray!), because I passed all of my exams and now I'm finally going to work on my contribution. Again really sorry for the delay guys.

  • Thanks ;3

    MarteenPyro posted: »


  • Congratulations, that's awesome!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Before I forgot, @nohuhhuh, @XDJulieXD your project won't die with me (hooray!), because I passed all of my exams and now I'm finally going to work on my contribution. Again really sorry for the delay guys.

  • Yes, thank you! I'm soo happy now. Time to draw lots of Rhyiona awesomness!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Congratulations, that's awesome!

  • Yes! I've missed your drawings :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes, thank you! I'm soo happy now. Time to draw lots of Rhyiona awesomness!

  • If the whole thing is told in medias res by Rhys and Fiona, how can we know that what happened really happened. Rhys might just be trying to make the bae jealous cause we all know she is cute when she angry. Alternatively, this may be a ploy by Rhys to sense Fiona's feelings toward him. By making up a story that only Sasha can disprove, he can find out if she feels cut off through her reaction to the story. If she reacts uncharacteristically, then that means that she likes Rhys more than she is currently letting on.


    Green613 posted: »

    Click here

  • Aww, thank you <3

    That means so much to me! I love drawing stuff and It's 100 % better when I can share it with you guys :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yes! I've missed your drawings

  • Don't worry, she isn't dead.

    Brick and Mordy did drag her off so the intro for the Pre-Sequel can be set up, so Athena can tell her story back in Sanctuary, or "That big-ass flying fortress of airborne awesomeness." She'll still be alive by the end of that game, anyway.

    And NOW I know why Brick and Mordy were limping off at the beginning of TPS. Athena and Fiona kicked their asses.

    Mercyva posted: »

    can we talk about the ending? is Athena dead? i was SO SAD! but whyyyy...... i hope they dont kill her!!! that ending messed me up emotionally me as fiona and getting athena killed = MAJORLY HURT.

  • I don't think Fiona would be proud of that. On contrary, she whould try to change the subject as quickly as she can unless she made Vaughn kissed Rhys :) There she should be very veryyyyy proud x)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But why thank the person who didnt do it?

  • This is...uh well you've got a great imagination !

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    If the whole thing is told in medias res by Rhys and Fiona, how can we know that what happened really happened. Rhys might just be trying to

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No idea when this was supose to happen...buuuuuut... http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Trb2wis7Df

  • edited June 2015

    I HOPE SO! it helps that IT WAS a flashback from rhys and fiona... so we know for a fact that it was a past thing. i thnk the ''present'' or should i say the REAL one, is the scenes were fiona/rhys are talking to the stranger... but i hope athena make a combackk to tales.. i'll miss her :(

    EDIT : I HOPE for the end of tales we get a teaser for BL3!! because those scenes with the strangers are the most ''recent'' thing in BL. even further than athena re-telling TPS story... because in latest flashback we knew that brick and mordicai did fight athena along side fiona... so thats interesting .. BUT I HOPE WE GET A TEASER FOR BL3

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Don't worry, she isn't dead. Brick and Mordy did drag her off so the intro for the Pre-Sequel can be set up, so Athena can tell her story

  • well it has been proven that Rhys often enhances the truth to impress another person both in the past and present storylines so why wouldnt he do it now?

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    This is...uh well you've got a great imagination !

  • Cause you're not objective at 100%since you're basing your theory on the speculation Rhys is in love with Fiona :)

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    well it has been proven that Rhys often enhances the truth to impress another person both in the past and present storylines so why wouldnt he do it now?

  • Congrats ^^ and don't worry you don't have to rush anything ^v^

    buntingsir posted: »

    Before I forgot, @nohuhhuh, @XDJulieXD your project won't die with me (hooray!), because I passed all of my exams and now I'm finally going to work on my contribution. Again really sorry for the delay guys.

  • Thank you! ^_^

    Yeah, but I really want others to partake too, so I'll try to hurry up anyway. I've been slowpoke for long enough already, it's about time to stop it. :D

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Congrats ^^ and don't worry you don't have to rush anything ^v^

  • or alternatively alternatively, if Rhys reveals that him and Fiona are together, the stranger (who has often been shown to be a violent and unpredictable individual) may hurt his bae to get answers from him.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Cause you're not objective at 100%since you're basing your theory on the speculation Rhys is in love with Fiona

  • Alright there's no point do discuss this any further.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    or alternatively alternatively, if Rhys reveals that him and Fiona are together, the stranger (who has often been shown to be a violent and unpredictable individual) may hurt his bae to get answers from him.

  • edited June 2015

    so Rhys risks his honor and the wrath of his bae to keep her safe. Its true love.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    or alternatively alternatively, if Rhys reveals that him and Fiona are together, the stranger (who has often been shown to be a violent and unpredictable individual) may hurt his bae to get answers from him.

  • Fiona also does similar in order to keep Rhys safe. telling him he is a safe distance from a man while using body language to suggest otherwise. it is also shown that she also enjoys enhancing or changing the truth.

    MeatBicycle posted: »

    so Rhys risks his honor and the wrath of his bae to keep her safe. Its true love.

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Okay guys, so based on the unused audio it seems that Jack really fucked up Rhys, and he was like, dying in the corner This is the audio

  • Thank youu! ;3

    Yeah same here. I'm sure I have missed some awesome posts because I just can't always read all of them. ;----; We are so big..

    buntingsir posted: »

    Daamn, so adorable! I still love your Gortys so much! ;____; (How could I miss this? There're so many people now = so many comments, so when I leave you guys like teleport... 4+ pages and I have no idea where to start reading ;_;)

  • Where is this from? So perfecto!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    when you say you're gonna sleep but the Rhyiona's too good

  • Congratulations! and didn't I already tell you to not worry about it? :3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Before I forgot, @nohuhhuh, @XDJulieXD your project won't die with me (hooray!), because I passed all of my exams and now I'm finally going to work on my contribution. Again really sorry for the delay guys.

  • So much history here already though, good times, haha. This thread will be freaking huge when we'll get Ep 5.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thank youu! ;3 Yeah same here. I'm sure I have missed some awesome posts because I just can't always read all of them. ;----; We are so big..

  • Thanks <3

    Haha, yeah, I know, I know, but my hands are itching to draw again! I've never been more happy to have a free time.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Congratulations! and didn't I already tell you to not worry about it?

  • Does someone knows how much money you can collect through the 3 episodes? I'm planning to buy Fiona the white-ish outfit, Rhys the black arm and that black/orange skin for the van which is expensive.

  • in episode 3, there is money from the one bandit in the beginning, then there is money in the control centre and there is money before you face the killer plant. I think that is all the places you can get money :). I bought the same stuff you want to buy except the orange/black outift for Fiona and I still have so much money left :). there are a lot of places to get money in episode 1 and 2 tho as well :)

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Does someone knows how much money you can collect through the 3 episodes? I'm planning to buy Fiona the white-ish outfit, Rhys the black arm and that black/orange skin for the van which is expensive.

  • Told ya you could do it! Congrats! ;)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Before I forgot, @nohuhhuh, @XDJulieXD your project won't die with me (hooray!), because I passed all of my exams and now I'm finally going to work on my contribution. Again really sorry for the delay guys.

  • No idea, I just had ut bookmarked lol

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Where is this from? So perfecto!

  • Yep, thanks for believing in me ;3

    Rhyiona posted: »

    Told ya you could do it! Congrats!

  • Yeah, people were really bitter on Tuesday.

    We're not quitters, though. Ever. B)

  • That's the spirit, buddy!

    Those scenes were the only thing that made up for the jungle disaster, haha.

  • Congrats, you deserve it!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Before I forgot, @nohuhhuh, @XDJulieXD your project won't die with me (hooray!), because I passed all of my exams and now I'm finally going to work on my contribution. Again really sorry for the delay guys.

  • You're welcome. :D Yeah, it is, hope you enjoy it!

    endoftimes posted: »

    Thanks for the welcome buddy, and what a gloriously lively thread it is!

  • But her intro revealed she was a girl right away. :P

    "Older than she looks."

    I was seriously contemplating for a good portion of the episode whether Gortys was a little boy with a high pitched voice or a girl.XD

  • The idea of the whole family drawing (well, minus Loader Bot's little problem) gives me feels. <3

    Thank you, I sure will!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I actually wanted to do a comic with Gortys drawing something a long time ago XD it's still somewhere... on a paper... somewhere... Your writing is as awesome as always Wolfy, keep up the good work ^^

  • That you, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    You should really write down your stories, make a book, these stuff are fantastic!

  • Thanks! I'm curious when the protagonists are gonna change their clothes tough (and arm), and if the car is still gonna appear, hopefully they worth the money.

    gwendog posted: »

    in episode 3, there is money from the one bandit in the beginning, then there is money in the control centre and there is money before you f

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