Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Which is also run by Elmo's...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He'll be fine!

  • edited July 2015

    Then he wakes up in a hospital bed... alone... it's strangely quiet... and suddenly...

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    'The Walking Elmos'

    "Awww, shit."

    Which is also run by Elmo's...

  • However, turns out the Elmo's were simply on meth!

    Speaking of which...

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Then he wakes up in a hospital bed... alone... it's strangely quiet... and suddenly... 'The Walking Elmos' "Awww, shit."

  • edited July 2015

    He watches as her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm.

    He's not focused but the movement calms him and gives him time to think -- time he can't afford to spare many times.

    It's peaceful.

    For now, he adds with a groan, but he appreciates it nonetheless. It's more than he's had in weeks.

    But it's night and the world is sleeping like he should be and despite the mess he's in -- they're both in -- he can pretend he's not being held captive for a moment.

    She sleeps like she doesn't care. And she might not

    Her hair is short but it's long enough to move from its usual neat position and drop against her face. It's not windy, but it's chilly, so it stays there shielding her face from the cool air. Fiona's laying on her side, one hand tucked against her left cheek and he finds himself thinking she actually looks nice.

    Rhys doesn't think it's strange.

    It's rare for her to not be trying to bite his head off these days. He knows he deserves it, really; but he doesn't have time to talk anymore and he doesn't have time to appreciate her when she's making his life so hard. But when she's just laying there, peaceful, he's suddenly reminded of just why he doesn't quite want to let her go.

    If she wants him to leave then he will because he respects her. But he knows she doesn't.

    She says a lot of things. But that's never one of them.

    He expects her to, sometimes. Anger has always been one of her issues and he expects it to best her one day but she proves him wrong time after time. There's insults, there's anger and there's fights but there's never abandonment. Afterall, right now, they're all they have left.

    It makes him smile because she cares more than she lets out even when he's disappointed her. It makes his chest ache.

    She swiftly switches sides and he sucks in an alarmed breath and only releases it when it seems obvious she's still very much asleep.

    Maybe it's time for him to go, too.

    But, as he lays down, he makes a promise to himself -- he'll make it better. She deserves better.

    What he doesn't know is that she's not asleep.

    She's contemplating the same.

    I'll leave what exactly happened to your imagination.


  • Elmo eventually becomes an addict...

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    However, turns out the Elmo's were simply on meth! Speaking of which...

  • Nice one, buddy. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He watches as her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. He's not focused but the movement calms him and gives him time to think -- ti

  • Thanks, man. <3 Appreciate it!

    Nice one, buddy.

  • edited July 2015

    It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He watches as her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. He's not focused but the movement calms him and gives him time to think -- ti

  • Vomit kisses are the best kisses! ;D

    I wasn't going to have him kiss her on the mouth because she just puked, also hugs for the win

  • Please don't die. ;-;

    It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

  • i missed you guys! i miss TFTBL and i miss RHYIONA </3

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  • Aww, this is amazing. <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He watches as her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. He's not focused but the movement calms him and gives him time to think -- ti

  • We missed you too, buddy! Welcome back!

    Mercyva posted: »

    i missed you guys! i miss TFTBL and i miss RHYIONA </3

  • Aw, thank you so much Cheetah. :D

    Aww, this is amazing.

  • Hey there! I don't think I've seen you before (I'm a recent member, so please excuse me!) It's nice to meet you Mercy, name's Kristi. (If that isn't obvious already!) Welcome back to the thread! :D

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    Mercyva posted: »

    i missed you guys! i miss TFTBL and i miss RHYIONA </3

  • OMG just played ep 5 of GoT. Gotta say, even though that ending was sad as fuck, I kinda liked it (call me heartless). I think this puts telltale in a shitty position though, considering what they do to determinant characters. Do you think they'll kill off who you didn't in the next ep?

  • My thing is, what would be the point of killing off a main character like that in just one episode? We've come across MINOR characters who've been determinant. Rodrik and Asher are a different case, they're main characters. I don't think Telltale is going to kill a main character right at the end, especially when you were given the choice. They should know better than to go that route.

    Who did you make stay behind?

  • edited July 2015

    Not necessarily, no. These are determinant protagonists. Something we haven't had before -- and killing them off at the beginning of episode 6 would make the dead brother's sacrifice for nothing. They can literally just take each other's place in the story with a few dialogue and interaction differences (Beskha for one) but since they replace each other and are important I believe they have a chance.

  • edited July 2015

    thanks man! and happy birthday! just caught on the forums!!

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    We missed you too, buddy! Welcome back!

  • Rodrick ;-; rip... I feel like keeping him alive instead of Asher would've been a bad choice, considering who's more prepared for a fight, I also was a little disappointed to see the traitor being determinant, but I did like how they ran through your "bad choices", similar to the stranger in TWD S1

    kristi78968 posted: »

    My thing is, what would be the point of killing off a main character like that in just one episode? We've come across MINOR characters who'v

  • Glad I Helped! :3

    WE HIT 500 K ^_^

  • Same, I left him too. It's sad to say this, but the pros outweighed the cons.

    JCleto10 posted: »

    Rodrick ;-; rip... I feel like keeping him alive instead of Asher would've been a bad choice, considering who's more prepared for a fight, I

  • nice to meet ya kristi!! :D And thaaan youuuu <3

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    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there! I don't think I've seen you before (I'm a recent member, so please excuse me!) It's nice to meet you Mercy, name's Kristi. (If that isn't obvious already!) Welcome back to the thread!

  • U mean the cute one?

    And ofc! Gared is that guy that is naturaly sexy, eveb thou he doesn't know it. "Fish face" is such a bad portray for him :(

    I'm not gonna lie, I liked the first Gared better. Awesome work Julie, cute and sexy!

  • May the North Grove bring us such riches <3

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ep 6 of GoT = Garred riding a dragon into battle with this in the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGAuPfho1og

  • Sorry Kristi, Gared is taken B)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Oh my god, Gared is so adorable in these. Quickly mounts dragon AND FLIES OFF INTO THE SUNSET WITH HIM The role of being the Goddess of Husbandos is amazing so I can do stuff like that!

  • Thank you! It's great to have you back. <3

    Mercyva posted: »

    thanks man! and happy birthday! just caught on the forums!!

  • As u can see, my work is top quality n serious B)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! YES, this is exactly what I asked for! XP Oh man, this is amazing!! Thank you! XD

  • It's almost 5 and I need sleep. Good night guys. <3

  • Yeah you're probably right, I think if TTG can pull it off, it'd be a huge step in the right direction. I'll be very impressed if they can make the Asher play through completely different than the Rodrick play through

    P.S Happy early B-Day ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Not necessarily, no. These are determinant protagonists. Something we haven't had before -- and killing them off at the beginning of episode


    Ok ok, then why come whine to us? Is it our fault that there are assholes on the internet? Nope. Your ship has assholes, our ship has assholes, and I shit u not our most active members wouldn't do such a thing. Most of the trolls are more of lurkers. Also they may also be impersonators or some other assholes who just wanna start something. Sometimes I ask myself, don't do they have a life???

    Also, we can't take responsability for what happens outside of the threads community, remember dear Reggie that we have no control over what happens on other sites, I mean have you seen tumblr?? We have no relation with them in matters of behavior and language.

    I understand your frustration. But we have no power. One way is make another chat room like Green suggested. That if you wanna get rid of the chat trolls. If u don't want to make a new one, then I don't know. Again we have no power over unknown shippers. We know eachother and trust eachother here ^^

    I dont feel like posting 10 more pictures of a chat full of 2 immature assholes posting shit... If you wanna see, check our chat, i know you


    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Sorry Kristi, Gared is taken

  • Well since you said please. :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Please don't die. ;-;

  • Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? :((((

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    Realistically though it will end eventually, it will be a sad day when it happens, but the thread will be part of history that some of us will visit again one day

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams birthday boy! :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's almost 5 and I need sleep. Good night guys.

  • I think about this a lot.

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • Hell no. We will continue!

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • edited July 2015

    Morning Kim!

    I hope this never happens, and if it does we better make these great moments last.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I think about this a lot.

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