Games with real alternate endings

Mass Effect 3 - 8 endings "After such a distinguished trilogy, the last sequence of Shepard's quest to save the universe comes down to a choice between green, blue, or red. Sounds like three possible endings, right? Well, not really. Another variable that factors into the equation is the galaxy's effective military strength (EMS). The degree to which you prepared the galaxy for the Reaper threat determines whether your crew members survive, Shepard lives, or the Earth goes kablooey. So, you could end up with several very different results"
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - 100 endings "As you play through the game, you have to option to interact with your party members, which could influence the way they think of you or others. If you play your cards right, this could lead to some of them hooking up and therefore providing one of the 100 possible endings in the game."
If these guys can do it, so can you TellTale! Come on!


  • Zero Escape! :D although they're technically not alternate endings, saying what they are would be spoiling the game :3

  • edited March 2015

    not sure if this is meant to be serious..... but anyway you do realize you are comparing telltale to big companies like ea and square enix right? they have loads more resources to use on alternative endings plus the whole EMS stuff is bullshit and the endings were still terrible for me3, just be happy with what we got they were pretty good considering how telltale are

  • Not only that, but we haven't seen these endings connect to any other games.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    not sure if this is meant to be serious..... but anyway you do realize you are comparing telltale to big companies like ea and square enix r

  • You know, the posts that basically say, "I'm criticizing TellTale because I want them to improve on the way they do things." are getting old. Most people do not care about the lack of multiple "endings". But I think the comments posted before mine say all that needs to be said.

  • edited March 2015

    These games are so great...Even though I liked 999 a lot more than virtue's last reward I really hope they will make and release the third game one day.

    Zero Escape! although they're technically not alternate endings, saying what they are would be spoiling the game

  • edited March 2015


    Holding up Mass Effect 3 as a good example of how to do an ending is hilarious. It's the most hated video game ending in memory.

    And there really isnt much variation.

    In terms of different endings, Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 2 are FAR better.

  • i hate mass effect because of that ending.

    What a waste of time.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Um. Holding up Mass Effect 3 as a good example of how to do an ending is hilarious. It's the most hated video game ending in memory. A

  • I hate it when peole hate on Mass Effect only because of the ending.

    The Journey to that point is still the greatest Sci-Fi Saga of all time. And the ending really isn't that bad. Combined with the ending 'fix', the ending was actually pretty good

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    i hate mass effect because of that ending. What a waste of time.

  • Mass Effect 3 ending? Real Alternate endings?

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

  • Mass Effect 3 Ending in a nutshell

    Alt text

  • Was 999 better? I'm planning on ordering it from Amazon. VLR was amazing :D Yeah I really hope so too, I want to know about Phi!

    Mintery posted: »

    These games are so great...Even though I liked 999 a lot more than virtue's last reward I really hope they will make and release the third game one day.

  • Ooh, I gotta finish playing Dragon Age, I doubt I'm even halfway through that game is so long.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Um. Holding up Mass Effect 3 as a good example of how to do an ending is hilarious. It's the most hated video game ending in memory. A

  • Oh, that's why everyone's hating. I barely read the original post. I just had to get ZE out there xD

  • Well I played 999 first and liked it more, but it's just a question of preferences, and VLR was indeed amazing =]. But I think the atmosfere in 999 was way creepier, and I would paranoid more about the characters. However, it doesn't have the kind of tree chart, so if you want to see all the endings you have to start from the begining, you can speed up the text though. If you play , you'll have some things already spoiled from playing VLR first but I think it's still really worth playing. If you liked VLR i'm sure you'll like 999!

    Was 999 better? I'm planning on ordering it from Amazon. VLR was amazing Yeah I really hope so too, I want to know about Phi!

  • Yeah I figured after seeing Clover's ending the first game would be spoiled, but I still want to play it. :) Good to know, though I loved that tree chart. Made things so much easier.

    Mintery posted: »

    Well I played 999 first and liked it more, but it's just a question of preferences, and VLR was indeed amazing =]. But I think the atmosfere

  • Yes, the tree chart makes thing so much easier but I personally think that it takes out the stress factor out of the game a little. Like you care a little less if you choose to ''betray'' someone and have a crappy ending after, because you'll just go back to the same point immediatly and everything will then be ok. But it's still really helpful.

    Let me know if you ever get into 999, and what you think of the game, i'm curious and I always like to talk about these games with people =]

    Yeah I figured after seeing Clover's ending the first game would be spoiled, but I still want to play it. Good to know, though I loved that tree chart. Made things so much easier.

  • You're right, I did feel afer pressing betray than I would regular game circumstances. I'm planning on getting it from Amazon when I can. I'll let you know then! :D

    Mintery posted: »

    Yes, the tree chart makes thing so much easier but I personally think that it takes out the stress factor out of the game a little. Like you

  • Awesome!

    I think you'll like it , but you'll see it's a ds game so of course it will feel older, there's no voices, so it's beep sound a little like phoenix wright games , and the characters and the game are all in 2D and the ''seek a way out'' scenes feels a little more stiff , but it's still an amazing game! (and I love the ''older'' aspect of this game)

    You're right, I did feel afer pressing betray than I would regular game circumstances. I'm planning on getting it from Amazon when I can. I'll let you know then!

  • Heavy Rain,17 endings

  • edited March 2015

    Chrono Trigger had 13 endings and they were very different, Metal Gear Solid 1 had 2 different endings based on a single torture scene, Resident Evil Remake has 12 though, Silent Hill 2 has 6 (Some very different), Spec Ops: The Line has 4 I think the Wiki says so but I think it might be 5, not sure.

    Anyway there are TONS of games with alternate endings, some are based on scores, some are based on multiple choices, some are based on beating a specific challenge and so on, another ones have things like extra endings if you beat the game multiple times for example Eternal Darkness allows you to choose the antagonist at the beginning of the game if you beat all 3 of them you get a special "Real" ending, however since you get it on your 3rd playthrough you actually miss an ending so you'd have to beat the game 4 times to see all endings one of them being in a separate save slot.

  • edited March 2015

    If we brush off the modern crap.
    DeusEx, Fallout of all sorts (except Tactics), Silent Hill 2, 3, 4 (dunno about the rest), Metal Gear Solid and others.
    These are truly great games.

  • I liked ZEVLR better. Really intense.

    Was 999 better? I'm planning on ordering it from Amazon. VLR was amazing Yeah I really hope so too, I want to know about Phi!

  • Tactics Ogre games had alternate endings.

    Persona 4 Golden (probably the best game on PS Vita) had a few different endings.

  • Aww, I really liked the voices. That's why I don't like getting sequels to games first in general, cause you expect more from the first even thugh it was made earlier. Still gonna get it though :3

    Mintery posted: »

    Awesome! I think you'll like it , but you'll see it's a ds game so of course it will feel older, there's no voices, so it's beep sound a

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