The controversy continues...

I think it's safe to say other people are starting to pick up on this.


  • You mean the idiocy continues.

  • I think everyone has noticed

  • lol cool video

  • Holy shit, they got Jon Bailey (Honest Trailers guy) to do the "Next time on The Walking Dead," that's awesome.

  • You mean the idiocy continues.

    Nope, sorry. This is a real thing.

    KCohere posted: »

    You mean the idiocy continues.

  • edited March 2015

    This remains the most ridiculous theory ever seen.

    The one time the show messed up was with the new writers having no idea what to do with T-dog. Apart from that I am seeing no evidence of this theory at all. I mean Carol had the identical problem in season 3.

    The prison group all died and season 4 had several black characters.

  • It's just people trying to find a way to make the show look bad.

    This remains the most ridiculous theory ever seen. The one time the show messed up was with the new writers having no idea what to do wit

  • I have not watched much of the show since season 3 (a few here and there but not regularly). This is just a running gag among certain types of tv shows. If I remember correctly, season 4 started with tyrese, Sasha and other dude with michonne part of the group. It's nothing to take seriously.

  • HAHAHA. I too noticed that. Especially Season 3.

    Also that dude sounded like Chris Rock

  • More white people died than blacks. Probably a bunch a SJW's

  • edited March 2015

    Too busy laughing at the video itself, it's actually pretty humorous and well done. Overall, a good parody of the show.

    I don't watch the show -- or at least I don't keep up to date with it, but I'm guessing it's a large number of Social Justice Warriors who are pointing fingers at the Walking Dead. With a series where there is a zombie apocalypse, naturally, a lot of people are going to die, regardless of their skin color, gender and so on.

    As far as I'm concerned, the comics, game and show have all done a fantastic job of representing all sorts of ethnicities. Heck, two of the most loved characters on here are Clem and Lee, both who are written incredibly and fantastic overall. If there weren't any black, Asian, Hispanic or otherwise in the show, people would be complaining about that as well, due to lack of representation.

    Not a controversy, just stupidity. Characters can be good and interesting without it having to rely on their heritage or gender.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited March 2015

    LOL This is hilarious. I liked it.

  • People don't have to try to make the show look bad. It is laughable on its own. The game is 10x better. If you want to watch good TV shows, try Game of Thrones, True Detective, Breaking Bad, House of Cards. Shows that don't have to watch what they show and say (making it completely cheesy and unrealistic) so that pimple faced tweens can watch it... After watching tv shows with true quality, I cannot watch five minutes of TWD without Laughing out Loud at the Dialog/acting/story/cheese.

    AGentlman posted: »

    It's just people trying to find a way to make the show look bad.

  • The whole Black Highlander thing? Pretty sure that's made up by people who I wish would stop it.

    You mean the idiocy continues. Nope, sorry. This is a real thing.

  • Yeah, I've seen every one of those shows you mentioned and I still love The Walking Dead, and I'm no pimple faced tween. So why are you watching it if you hate it so much. Just stick to the games you love.

    J_Scheff posted: »

    People don't have to try to make the show look bad. It is laughable on its own. The game is 10x better. If you want to watch good TV shows,

  • I havnt watched since halfway through season 4. I was just perusing The forums and noticed this.

    KCohere posted: »

    Yeah, I've seen every one of those shows you mentioned and I still love The Walking Dead, and I'm no pimple faced tween. So why are you watching it if you hate it so much. Just stick to the games you love.

  • edited March 2015

    I read an article with the same message, and honestly, it's completely stupid. Michonne has been around for how long now? And Sasha? There is no issue here.

  • edited March 2015

    Season 4 just destroys this whole idea (if it ever existed)

    They Keep tyreese, add bob and only white characters die all season. The show kills characters and replaces them, thats true for everyone.

    Belan posted: »

    I read an article with the same message, and honestly, it's completely stupid. Michonne has been around for how long now? And Sasha? There is no issue here.

  • haha...this video was funny

  • Point taken

    J_Scheff posted: »

    I havnt watched since halfway through season 4. I was just perusing The forums and noticed this.

  • Their like the one woman who cries she has no bread, when she has a ham under each arm.

    Belan posted: »

    I read an article with the same message, and honestly, it's completely stupid. Michonne has been around for how long now? And Sasha? There is no issue here.

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