Whatever Makes You Laugh (Post pictures, gifs, etc here - mobile warning)



  • @blueneon

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    Kerny made out of sand this is awesome

  • Donald Trump style....Someone calls you a jackass...Just say their phone number in a speech and basically tell people to go and spam it


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Alex Rogaski bliss!

  • Or call Mexican immigrants: Rapers, Drug Traffickers, Criminals, I'm american and I felt bad for the mexicans who got offended by those comments, I wish Donald Trump dies tomorrow.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Donald Trump style....Someone calls you a jackass...Just say their phone number in a speech and basically tell people to go and spam it h

  • DC fanboy grin initiate

    This is priceless; I could kiss whoever made that on the lips!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon Kerny made out of sand this is awesome

  • Or call captured soldiers "not heroes" such as John MCcain, btw I was actually at the prison MCcain was held in about a month ago.

    Or call Mexican immigrants: Rapers, Drug Traffickers, Criminals, I'm american and I felt bad for the mexicans who got offended by those comments, I wish Donald Trump dies tomorrow.

  • If Donald Trump is elected president I'm moving to Africa and slapping the ass of a hippo so he'll get mad and eat me.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Donald Trump style....Someone calls you a jackass...Just say their phone number in a speech and basically tell people to go and spam it h

  • edited July 2015


  • Why is this making me laugh so hard

  • This generation in a nutshell lol

  • edited July 2015


    Feels :')

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  • I would move to Australia and Ride Emus and Kangaroos.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    If Donald Trump is elected president I'm moving to Africa and slapping the ass of a hippo so he'll get mad and eat me.

  • Damn, my last post was blank. Thought I embedded it. Guess I'm not CPU literate enough. Hopefully the link works. Thought this was funny and true.

  • Wow.....the lady at the end was nice but really? Look at the money the "drug addict" got, gj people....


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Dayman vs. Nightman

    For those who don't get the reference:

    It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

  • Just make sure the dingo doesn't eat your baby

    I would move to Australia and Ride Emus and Kangaroos.

  • This is literally the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen xD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    omg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_bOe24Pkng

  • Why would you feel someone's addiction rather than give money so a little girl can eat? It's just sickening what we've come to as a race. That lady at the end is part of the small glimmer of hope left in humanity. But I almost don't necessarily blame all of them seeing as people fake being homeless just to get money without working which is almost as sick. It's because of people like that that now people are more reluctant on giving it seems.

    Tl;dr fuck everyone lol

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Wow.....the lady at the end was nice but really? Look at the money the "drug addict" got, gj people.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilxjo5RlzFc

  • edited July 2015

    Glad I'm a Saltlick and not one of you confusing people :P

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Why would you feel someone's addiction rather than give money so a little girl can eat? It's just sickening what we've come to as a race.

  • Damn right, nothing confusing about saltlicks. You either lick em or you don't. Well there always is the option to kill old men suffering from heart attacks but those are special cases that should only be preformed when trapped in a meat locker during the zombie apocalypse :D

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Glad I'm a Saltlick and not one of you confusing people :P

  • This is perhaps the most dishonest social experiment I've ever seen. Sure I understand that experiments will often edit the video to make it more appealing, especially on youtube channels looking to engorge themselves on views, but this video is just ludicrous.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Wow.....the lady at the end was nice but really? Look at the money the "drug addict" got, gj people.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilxjo5RlzFc

  • edited July 2015

    That dude had it coming :)

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Damn right, nothing confusing about saltlicks. You either lick em or you don't. Well there always is the option to kill old men suffering

  • Sure I understand that experiments will often edit the video to make it more appealing

    It seems like always to me.

    but this video is just ludicrous.

    Post one that you've seen then.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    This is perhaps the most dishonest social experiment I've ever seen. Sure I understand that experiments will often edit the video to make i

  • Jennifer posted: »

    Dayman vs. Nightman For those who don't get the reference: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

  • Okay, I'll even give you all (mostly because I don't feel like looking for a good example of a social experiment being mostly objective). That doesn't mean this video isn't as terrible as they get. One person gives money to the homeless man with a young girl laying on his lap, yet many stop and give money to the one asking for drug money? Give me a break. Even if they would tried to fake it and given us a few clips of the second scenario receiving money compared to many examples during the first scenario I could have let it slide by, but this was an absolutely pathetic example of pandering to emotion on the part of this videos creator/uploader.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Sure I understand that experiments will often edit the video to make it more appealing It seems like always to me. but this video is just ludicrous. Post one that you've seen then.

  • The video did piss me off, ill say that.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Okay, I'll even give you all (mostly because I don't feel like looking for a good example of a social experiment being mostly objective). Th

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