I really, really, really hope that this is just a coincidence. Having all of the Morgan clips and foreshadowing just to do this, seems slightly far-fetched.
However, I must admit, that looks a hell of a lot like Morgan - there is no denying that. I just dearly hope it isn't him.
Just looking at it over and over makes it worse, it just looks more and more like him. It's scary.
They hyped him up too much, it wouldn't make sense for him to be killed off screen, and with all the hype it seems to be obvious that they(writers) have something planned for him. But the chopped limbs that resemble Morgan could be forshadowing that he's nearby, like the 'Morgan st' sign..
Let me tell you something... I've been waiting for Morgan fucking Jones to join the main cast since the damn pilot aired, and they've been throwing these little bread crumbs at me all season long. Now I'm still royally pissed off at the way they dealt with Comic Morgan. The level of pissed off that has me ripping Robert Kirkman's picture off my bedroom mirror after every workout like Rocky 4. Now I've been loving Season 5 so far, but I swear on the thorn crown of Christ... if they kill off Morgan in such a fucktarded and disrespectful way, I will walk away from this show forever and never look back. And damned if I look like a whiny bitch because of it.
I'm hoping that's not how Morgan goes out, though I wouldn't be surprised, and no, not because the writers are shit or stupid or anything like that. The fact is, Lennie James is a very busy dude. You think they wouldn't totally bring him back full time if they could? If we're lucky, maybe some room in his schedule has opened or will open and he'll join up, but honestly, even then I think he might as well have a sign over his head saying "will die soon". So I can't exactly blame the writers but rather the ever-present reality that real life just sucks sometimes, but I'd also completely understand the disappointment, because "Clear" was a perfectly satisfactory way to wrap up the loose end of Morgan's arc, so bringing him back just to die to match up with his fate in the comics (timing-wise, not the manner of death) would feel incredibly pointless.
WTF! Hopefully they put him in the group still and just use that as foreshadowing to the limbs he loses in the comic. (If he does lose his limbs in the comic during the negan attack. I completely forget. )
He's not dead. Someone cut off his arms, and kidnapped him. Next time you see him it will be in the worst possible circumstances, and then he will die. Welcome to the Walking Dead. The series that had a great idea, and then decided to smash it to millions of tiny pieces.
omg spoiler? spoiler alert is
Wait. So we saw the arm on last nights episode? Do you know the time?
Oh shittttt.... I liked that guy!
Its like Sam Jackson in Jurassic park lol
Oh dear...
Not only he's dead, but he became a slave as well upon reanimating as a walker. Why else were his arms cleanly chopped off like that?
Wait so did they build this guy's return up all season only to kill him off?
Wow, that....that's really stupid o_o screw 'it's the walking dead, people die' it's still stupid!
I swear to god... He... Ughhh! NO! NO! NO!
The sunglasses look more circular in the top pic while the ones morgan wears look square
Honestly if thats Morgan that is the worst thing they ever did in the show.
lets have Morgan follow all these people and hes dead !
I really hope they're not stupid enough to pull this, but they might be.
Please let this be a red herring....please.
I really, really, really hope that this is just a coincidence. Having all of the Morgan clips and foreshadowing just to do this, seems slightly far-fetched.
However, I must admit, that looks a hell of a lot like Morgan - there is no denying that. I just dearly hope it isn't him.
Just looking at it over and over makes it worse, it just looks more and more like him. It's scary.
well said
They hyped him up too much, it wouldn't make sense for him to be killed off screen, and with all the hype it seems to be obvious that they(writers) have something planned for him. But the chopped limbs that resemble Morgan could be forshadowing that he's nearby, like the 'Morgan st' sign..
Let me tell you something... I've been waiting for Morgan fucking Jones to join the main cast since the damn pilot aired, and they've been throwing these little bread crumbs at me all season long. Now I'm still royally pissed off at the way they dealt with Comic Morgan. The level of pissed off that has me ripping Robert Kirkman's picture off my bedroom mirror after every workout like Rocky 4. Now I've been loving Season 5 so far, but I swear on the thorn crown of Christ... if they kill off Morgan in such a fucktarded and disrespectful way, I will walk away from this show forever and never look back. And damned if I look like a whiny bitch because of it.
Nah nah nah.
Those aren't W's carved into the walker's heads. Those are upside down M's.
As in M for Morgan.
He'll pop up next episode wearing a zorro costume. Carving his initial into everything.
That can't be Morgan! I refuse to believe that's Morgan!
I'm hoping that's not how Morgan goes out, though I wouldn't be surprised, and no, not because the writers are shit or stupid or anything like that. The fact is, Lennie James is a very busy dude. You think they wouldn't totally bring him back full time if they could? If we're lucky, maybe some room in his schedule has opened or will open and he'll join up, but honestly, even then I think he might as well have a sign over his head saying "will die soon". So I can't exactly blame the writers but rather the ever-present reality that real life just sucks sometimes, but I'd also completely understand the disappointment, because "Clear" was a perfectly satisfactory way to wrap up the loose end of Morgan's arc, so bringing him back just to die to match up with his fate in the comics (timing-wise, not the manner of death) would feel incredibly pointless.
I'm debating whether I should laugh or facepalm because this is ridiculous. What...was the point?
WTF! Hopefully they put him in the group still and just use that as foreshadowing to the limbs he loses in the comic. (If he does lose his limbs in the comic during the negan attack. I completely forget. )
Obviously it can't be anyone but Morgan because he's the only black guy in the world to wear a ring and have clothes with sleeves.
Its not morgan guys.. trust me.
I'll give you a boat if you are right!
So amc has been showing ups small scenes with Morgan in this season and now they're gonna just get rid of him like that?
Well..it is AMC, cheap asses wouldnt surprise me if they were this stupid
Morgan noooooooooo!! Unless this convinces Alexandria that they need someone like Rick to fight against people like these
It better not be. I need to hear that fantastic accent at least one more time.
Guys dont worry!Morgan had the ring in season 1 episode 1 but not at the scene after the credits of season 5 episode 8! :P

Its 100% NOT morgan
He's not dead. Someone cut off his arms, and kidnapped him. Next time you see him it will be in the worst possible circumstances, and then he will die. Welcome to the Walking Dead. The series that had a great idea, and then decided to smash it to millions of tiny pieces.