Hershel's Farm (TV Show)
Anyone got an opinion of what happened to Hershel's farm after it was overrun? I know a lot of people say that the fire must have spread to the entire farm, but could it actually travel the distance from the barn to the farmhouse? It didn't look like it. Unless fire can travel that kind of distance just fuel by the lawn, then it seems unlikely that the farmhouse was destroyed. I reckon the farmhouse at least is still standing, although it could have been looted.
I also wanted to talk about something Hershel said in the Season 2 finale. When Rick tells him to have some faith, he responds with, "Christ promised a resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind."
I was hoping that a Christian user on here could tell me if this is true. Does the Bible or another religious scripture (that I may not have know about) say anything of the sort? It's something that's been a mystery since I saw the episode.
Interesting fact: the co-ordinates for the farmhouse can be found on the wiki page for the TV show version of the farm. There doesn't seem to be a street view in Google Maps, but the top of the house does look like the same one in the show.
It'll be just like any other building, abandoned
The walkers took on agricultural practices.
They grow the best corn in the South.
It's actually interesting though that the walkers do seem to have some basic idea of using objects and can register other walkers around then. This is noticeable in Season 1 when a walker used a brick to smash through the glass doors of the department store and when the walkers are suspicious of Rick and Glenn later on. Point is, if the walkers weren't doomed to decay just like dead bodies, would it be possible for them to evolve in more intelligent forms of life?
Similar to that Doctor guy in Resident Evil series who said that the zombie virus was the next step in human evolution.

xboxplayer i wanted to say sorry about awhile ago on minecraft forums about how i sounded rude about that immature players post it was a joke i hope you can forgive me for not informing you all that it was a joke about how the telltale forums is getting worked up over nothing i just wanted to say i did not mean to offend anyone
And to be on topic thats indeed intresting that walkers still have a basic human part of there thinking left like you said about season 1
was that from resident evil 2 with raccoon city with leon and claire?
I believe so
Lee went back and found it after he got cured and hung out there with Chet all day.
....wait, when did that ever happen in Resident Evil 2? o_O
Edit: Nevermind im not sure
Ah, well that'd be Wesker with his business in Resident Evil 5. Not sure William was spouting all that stuff, and he only injected himself with the G-virus because he was dying.
Christ said there would be a resurrection on judgement day.
NO. They grow the best in Iowa. Iowa, Whitest people and the Blackest soil.
I know i have played 4 and 5 and 6 but im not sure honestly who hes talking about i have played the resident evil darkside chronicles which is a arcade type shooter thats coop that goes back to the re2 story idk im not really sure who hes talking about in re2
Been awhile since i have played re5 and re4 by the way so dont mind my forgetfulness
Christ did talk about a resurrection of the dead, multiple times.
"Do not wonder at this. For there is a moment coming when all those in the tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good to a resurrection of life. Those who have misbehaved, to resurrection of judgment." - John 5:28, 29. ( Byington Bible.)
"For this is the my father's will, that everyone who sees the the Son and believes in him, should have eternal life, and I will resurrect him on the last day." - John 6:40. ( Byington Bible.)
And as far as Hershel's farm, I think it is possible his house could've burned down.
If the wind carried any burning embers from the barn toward the house, then yes the house could've caught on fire and burned down.
I guess the only way we'll ever know for sure, is if the group for some reason ends up back at Hershel's farm.
"A heard that size'll rip the house down."-Daryl
After the barn fire went out, I imagine they moved on to the house.