A new rant, a new day
Telltale i do feel like I need to state some of your good points before I express my feelings below, you do have a great team of writers and designers, the graphics within each game you create are without a doubt beautiful, the characters also without fault. This being said i find myself annoyed more and more when actually dealing with 'Telltale Help'
Every single discussion i go on within this community i see people being passed from pillar to post with "ideas on how to resolve the issue" that being said i understand you need to be thorough and ensure it has been done, some people may not of thought about it but what the real kicker is, is when they have done everything on their system that you have asked them to do and your final answer to their problem is that you're sorry and that they should start a new game...
The problems i have encountered with your games (The walking dead seasons 1 & 2, The wolf among us) are as follows:
- Extremely bad lagging on opening episodes and final chapter episodes.
- Freezing on loading screens, worst case of this was 'The Wolf Among Us' i couldnt even finish the game and your answer was that there was nothing that could be done.
- Saves not being able to be carried over.
The above 3 are some that i have witnessed though i have read of more. This needs to stop, you need to release the game when all faults are fixed because at the moment what is happening is as close to theft as you can get.
The help we request on here is not for you to tell us to start a new game after exhausting all of your options, but for you to create a patch and fix the issue on your end. This is not an issue with our Playstation console nor is it a problem with saves, it is a problem with your game and you need to take ownership of it before and i say this lightly because i am almost certain if things carry on it will happen, you will lose nearly every customer.
Treat your customers with a level of respect and know that they are coming on here as a last resort so being turned away is disgraceful service
What also concerns me is once season 3 comes out for the walking dead, if we can not carry over our save still what are we to do about the story as i am sure you know the choices within season 2 will drastically affect the season 3 story.
I agree. On top of this, I absolutely HATED the audio hiccups in Game of Thrones Ep2 (PS3).
Well Season 2 allowed you the option to play the game without a save file. In turn it'll give you randomly selected choices. Most likely that feature will be in Season 3 as well but will randomly select both seasons' choices instead of one season.
I will defend their stories to death, but man their are some huge technical hiccups in Telltale games. Especially for people like me who play on the inferior consoles (xbox360), but I've noticed a few things here and there on PC and current gen. Gittering and loading screen lag ruin the immersion a lot. Love the story, hate the engine.
Which I am not okay with. I played S1 on xbox and then went back to Xbox after not using it for months just to have my save for S2. I really hope this isn't a constant, I'd hate to think of digging out my dusty old xbox 2 years down the road just to continue my fucking story. A simple "choose your past choices" mechanic can't be that hard to put it. I mean Dragon Age did it on a magnificent level and they have many, many more choices than TWDG does.
Its not TTG fault, its the hardware. PS3 is old. That is why i switched all my telltale games to the PC, so i wouldn't have to deal with slowdown again.
I remember trying to catch the gun that Nate tosses to Russel at the shootout, and i could never get it because my PS3 would chug so bad. Once i switched to PC, i didn't have that issue.
my ps3 plays the WD fine,(its the newest one),there are many complaints i could say on this thread at Telltale,but i'll keep it short: ADD SOME QC over the final product and make it longer and hire proper writers not in house jobsworths
I have the original fatboy PS3, so maybe that is why. After switching to PC i have had no further issues.
i used to have a fatboy
couldn't save him,he went down fighting
I can't believe mine is still alive,
Knocks on wood.
i tried all the tricks to save him like blowing hot air in the vents to bend the motherboard or some shit but it didn't work,sucks
My brother's died a few years ago, in a freak lightning storm. His literally got struck by lightning. It was awesome.
He spent like three days trying to fix it, until he gave up and bought the new slim version.
The technical problems that come with Telltale's games are terrible. When I played both Walking Dead games there was huge amounts of lag, long loading times and annoying audio cuts.
Telltale seriously needs to fix these problems.
Lol you literally just joined today.
Everything never will perfect. EVER. There will ALWAYS be bugs, no matter what.
And if they are giving you a product that may be broken now but probably is going to be fixed, can they even be defined as theft? It never be fixed can, but I think your argument is not so.
You know, you didn't even post this in the right section. How can they help if this isn't in support?
I agree that's there problems. I experienced them with GoT Episode 2. But please try to get official TellTale help before ranting about it, assuming you haven't all ready when to support.
He/She could have been lurking the forums before creating an account.
Good point.
But lurking just isn't the same you know?
Plus by his last line:
Implied that he just came here to me.
I get what you mean, I prefer to interact with the community rather than lurking around. (Even though I lurked this place for six months.)
I lurked since a few months after No Time Left, then after all the Season 2 Episodes. I might have checked during Season 1, but I forget.