So ever since Sunday's episode "Try" many people have been mad at Michonne for knocking Rick out. Do you think it was right of her to do that or do you think there was another way she could if handled the situation?
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Michonne is in the few characters I actually really like on the show. She had her reasons
I dont see how anyone can be mad at Michonne after Lori and Andrea and when Sasha continues to exist. I dont root for zombies against Michonne,
Although I agree with what Rick is saying, he's acting like a bit of a rabid dog in that scene and I don't think anything would calm him down. Michonne may have done the right thing.
She did what she had to do. Rick is this close to getting kicked out and I think when he knocked Carl down, she knew he was out of control. He has valid points but ranting and pointing his gun around is not the way to be heard. Michonne cares for Rick. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't think it was necessary to protect him as well as everyone else. People who are mad aren't looking at the big picture. Rick is the main lawman in town and he's acting crazy. Who will recognize his authority now?
I totally agree with you!
She did him a favor, you start acting like a threat, people will deal with you as they see fit. He should be happy he is alive
She did the right thing. Speaking for myself, i'd say she got some hate because of how sudden it was. I was smiling throughout the fight, and Rick's speech. Then when she hit him I was like: "WTF Michonne?"
I completely agreed with what she did. Rick was beginning to lose it, pointing a gun at everyone, someone needed to knock some sense into him, both figuratively and literally.
Well quiet as kept half of the motivation for that stunt stems from the comics. I like Rick as a character but like Michonne even better. She unlike everyone else who's lost everything seems to still remain a strong standing woman and intelligent survivor amongst the rest. She saw through the governor's wicked schemes and even slayed him as promised. Michonne is the most badass female in the walking dead. Only character that might be equal or better is Daryl. I think even though Rick is leader most times if he ever got into a fight to the death with Daryl or Michonne as he once did with his best friend Shane I believe he might actually get killed....or a good chance at least.
Rick deserved to get knocked out...
while I agree with what he was saying...he's being too aggressive too soon; the Alexandrians still don't fully trust them and he's like way past Shane-level crazy
I think it was right for Michonne to knock Rick out because even though he's completely right about Alexandria being "weak", when he shoved Carl that's when I knew he was taking things too far. Like there's only so much a man can do before killing another. But to my point, he's starting to show his true colours.

I gotta say I was a little shocked when she gave him a smack, but I laughed... I hope I wasn't the only one.
Edit: Nevermind