Most of you are bad friends!



  • edited March 2015

    No shame on you i have had a lot of so called freinds most of them have been assholes and even if they would not have been assholes i would never have chosen them over my family.And not to mention that it was Malcom that raised him,freinds comes and go but you allways have family.But of course i want beskha to survive but not at the expense of Malcom or anyone else of the Forrester family.

  • edited March 2015

    I saved Beksha.

    Malcolm's pretty much on Asher's side by default, so what's the worst he could do if you don't appease him? Abandon Asher? The whole reason he's there is to bring Asher back. He's the one that needs you.

    So he'll put up with my Asher's loyalty to Beksha and obey him, or he can go back home and tell everyone he failed to do what he was ordered to do.

  • Beskha is tougher than Malcom and Malcom goes all the way to Essos and risking his own life to save you, don´t forget She is a sellsword.

  • Malcolm is the one who's also close to the other characters. And he just seems more important to the plot. I saved him.

  • Malcolm is blood, I didn't even have to think about it.

    Anyway I prefer my medieval fantasy without feminist power fantasy characters.
    Been trying to get rid of Beskha from my game since the beginning. My efforts just got rewarded as she just told me she wouldn't come with me in Westeros. At long last !

  • Sure, one strong female character and it's suddenly a feminist power fantasy. Get over yourself.

    I had a feeling some people would dislike her for that reason, glad to see I wasn't wrong.

    Malcolm is blood, I didn't even have to think about it. Anyway I prefer my medieval fantasy without feminist power fantasy characters. B

  • I saved Beshka purely because I liked her better. Plus she's been by his side for a long time and Malcolm just now came back. I figured there was loyalty there and maybe even a degree of instinct to go and fight by her side. Besides, she was fighting a dragon and Malcolm was fighting men. I figured he was more likely to make it out alive.

  • I honestly kinda thought Malcom was screwed anyway. He got his leg messed up and we were trying to run from a group of mercenaries. So that also factored into my decision, but mainly it was OH SHIT DRAGON NOOOO!

    SanQae posted: »

    Not like I can do much against a dragon. As far as I know I might just be eaten as well. Also she hadn't been hurt yet, while Malcolm had, and I knew for sure I could save him. And Beskha doesn't give a f*ck about my family, Malcolm does

  • I really thought Malcolm would die if I wouldn't help him, so I chose him. Regarding the audience with the Kaleesi i didn't wanna hit the Dragon once either

  • Yeah, that's what made it an easy choice for me. Even wounded, two men aren't as dangerous as a freaking dragon.

    And she was 1 on 1 with a dragon ffs, people! A DRAGON!

  • The kind of person that sees she's against a flippin dragon.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    What kind of person belittles the abilities of someone they've fought beside for four years?

  • I wish when asked by Malcolm(if you choose to save Beskha) that you could mention the whole Dragon>two soldiers thing. Kind of bummed me out that that wasn't an option.

  • I love the dialogue if you saved Malcolm. Asher: Malcolm is family. Beskha:I've fought by your side for four years... I thought we were family.

  • Why is she against the dragon, though? It didn't do anything to her.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    The kind of person that sees she's against a flippin dragon.

  • Yeah I saved Beskha as well , doesn't make the other people bad friends. I just saved her because I thought that between two soldiers and a dragon, I think Beskha needed more help even if that doesn't mean anything because either Beskha was hurt or Malcom. But yeah even if it was life or death, i would've choosen Beskha because even if people say Malcom is family, I see Beskha as family as well for Asher. So yeah. I always hate to choose between two people and then they are like why did you choose the other person...idk

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    I went to Malcolm because SCREW IT! I'M NOT GOING NEAR A DRAGON IF I CAN HELP IT!

  • Well the truth is... they are both expendable. ._.

  • Will malcom is family, and if he died i wouldn't have anyone to help me through the journey (no offence but i don't beskha would have helped me much).

  • I saved Beskha because she was facing a dragon by herself! I knew Malcom was strong enough to handle fighting those guys on his own and he proved me right. Tried explaining that to him, but he still seemed pretty annoyed. :|

  • Then again, if I had time to run over and save her from the fire, she had time to move

  • yea i was gonna say, didn't Asher himself say he was like a father to him or something like that

    They were close though. Asher flat out says that Malcolm practically raised him. Family is not chosen, unless it's your spouse. Most people

  • edited March 2015

    what could asher do tho?

    And she was 1 on 1 with a dragon ffs, people! A DRAGON!

  • This whole game is about saving the Forresters for crying out loud. Of course i saved him, plus i figured that Beshka could take care of herself.

  • I figured Beshka was more skilled in combat, so she could dodge/fend of Drogon for a few more seconds then I would go and help her, as Malcolm was stabbed in the leg and was fighting 2 or 3 guards at once.

  • edited March 2015

    Malcolm is the one who mostly raised Asher. Said in this very episode.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Malcolm is family though If you were someones best friend and companion for four years, then an uncle you dont seem to have been par

  • The face of fear.

    Alt text

  • You can't count on friends to love you unconditionally.

    Trust me, you can't count on your family to do that either.

    They were close though. Asher flat out says that Malcolm practically raised him. Family is not chosen, unless it's your spouse. Most people

  • I saved Malcolm. He's the one who will help Asher and House Forrester as a whole much more than Beksha will (though I did feel bad and apologized and soon as I got the option, though I don't regret choosing Malcolm).

  • Yeah and that's your first for me sorry.

  • it was her idea to attack the dragon... fuck her... shes a tough chick... that dude is my blood yo...and i talked her down so its all good... she needed more scars... so sexy

  • No offense, but Malcolm is right when he says that Beskha is expendable to you at the entrance to the cave.

    He basically raised Asher because Gregor wasn't there much and Asher and his father had a lot of problems.

    Malcolm is the one who has the most information on House Forrester, and also way more important to the House.

    I like Beskha, but she isn't worth my uncle's life (and in that moment everyone thought the other person would die).

    Last but not least, Beskha takes on a freaking dragon. What was she thinking? 'Herp derp ima kill a dragun'?

    She could have easily avoided the fight by simply hiding behind rocks, Asher was only 2 feet away from Drogon and managed to run away and dodge his fire. Why didn't Beskha dive behind the rocks the second Drogon faced her?

  • I prefer my medieval fantasy without feminist power fantasy characters.

    Yeah. Because medieval fantasy is totally reserved for male power fantasy characters. I mean, it's not like medieval fantasy is already full of them, right?

    Malcolm is blood, I didn't even have to think about it. Anyway I prefer my medieval fantasy without feminist power fantasy characters. B

  • edited March 2015

    Well, that's true but Asher actually says later(if you save Malcolm) that he is a father figure to him and he practically raised him because he(Asher) was never close to his father.

    (Or what the 3 others have already said before me haha should have read first)

    Flog61 posted: »

    Malcolm is family though If you were someones best friend and companion for four years, then an uncle you dont seem to have been par

  • Pretty much all my thoughts here

    No offense, but Malcolm is right when he says that Beskha is expendable to you at the entrance to the cave. He basically raised Asher bec

  • I am waiting for a moment to kill Beskha.

  • I assumed Asher held slight resentment to the family for exile at some point (despite the fact he wants to head back because he hasn't heard from them). So back in that situation, I thought yeah your family is the past - you're living a new life on your own now.

    Beshka and Asher are like bros bros broos broos. She kept mentioning how he's like her little brother and being together till the end of the line. I felt that if I let Beshka get burned, it would ruin the friendship we built together? Also, I was thinking about being practical - I kinda had the hunch that neither of them was going to die just yet. Sure, Malcolm can fight but Beshka seems to be more badass and skilled. So if anything, I wouldn't risk injuring someone who could protect us.

  • You're either a bad friend or a bad nephew. Life is unfair like that.

  • Truth

    rousseau posted: »

    You're either a bad friend or a bad nephew. Life is unfair like that.

  • I saved her because I figured... she's not all hurt and she's fighting more than a couple dudes. If only one gets to survive I want the one that I'm not going to have to help walk.

  • I saved Malcolm because family comes first. Also, I thought she was basically dead meat anyway because - hey - she's fighting a dragon.

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