Guide to make Telltale games smoother on PC.

edited March 2015 in The Walking Dead

Hi.Everybody.I found something and I would like to share it with you.Telltale games have made by Telltale tool and Telltale tool uses Lua language.Lua language helps Telltale game makers to make their game for most PC,IOS and: Android-powered devices,PS,xbox.But there is some graphic problems in Telltale tool.Problems like Framerates,laggs,.....
I hope that They will make Telltale tool better.
Now I teach you something to make Telltale games smoother on PC:1-make sure that you meet the minimum system requirements.
2-Go to the game menu/options/graphic options and Turn off fullscreen mode and run game in windowed mode.And then Make the window bigger by dragging the mouse.Now you are playing in Fullscreen size and You don't have laggs and framerate.I tested this trend with The wolf among us and the walking dead.


  • edited March 2015

    how to make telltale games smooth on pc........

    if you can't play telltale games smooth then sorry to say but your pc must be really really bad so get a better pc

  • Telltale games get good frame.but sometimes they have framerates and laggs.Also you can go in metacritic and see critics.They say the games have framerates.And this specs can run the game at least:
    Intel core i5
    8 Gig ram.

  • i never had issues playing TTG on pc. PS3 on the other hand lagged crazy.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    how to make telltale games smooth on pc........ if you can't play telltale games smooth then sorry to say but your pc must be really really bad so get a better pc

  • edited March 2015
    Yeah.I agree .Telltale must pay more attention to PS3 version of the games.But it is better that I say some TTG games have framerate drops  on TWD season 1 Episode 4:Amid the ruins.In the meta critics;some reviewers say that it is a negative point for the game.(or episode 5).It is most for the Game engine that they use for making games.It is telltale Engine and it uses lua.I hope they fix this problem soon for console versions and PC/mac.Or they can use another engine like Unreal Engine 3/4.
    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    i never had issues playing TTG on pc. PS3 on the other hand lagged crazy.

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