So Episode 3

Wasn't very good, it wasn't bad it just wasn't good.. too much jumping around where i felt like i didn't get enough time with any characters and it ended really abruptly. The whole episode felt rushed.. a rare miss for telltale


  • I respectfully disagree, I thought this episode was phenomenal, even better than Episode 2.

  • I liked it. Never before have I been shouting at the screen in a TT game before lol.

  • I definitely feel it was the weakest episode so far.

  • I really liked it. Especially Mira's scenes, Jesus christ, I never know when I'm doing the right thing in this fucking game. -.-

  • I thought it was the best episode of the three so far. But yeah this episode seemed more like the slow build until everything explodes. So I can see why some people would not like it. But I dug the tension feeling of foreboding this episode set up.

  • I loved it! Ep1 + 2 felt like there are easy(-ish) ways to protect your family. In this episode you always feel very helpless - till the very end.
    I had goosebumps a few times. As a TT and GoT-Lover I'd actually prefer having the 4th episode sooner than the show.
    To me it really feels like playable Game of thrones episodes which you can actually take part in. The really got the GoT spirit!

  • I liked it. I finally feel like I'm getting in to these characters and feel quite strongly for every decision I make.

  • I'm really liking it so far. No OMG Plot twists! moments, but everything/everyone was pushing the plot at a strong sturdy pace.

  • its feels like they put both Cersi and Tyrion in the game just to say there there and for no real reason.

  • I loved it! Best so far in my opinion. Definitely the most stressful. But then again, I thrive in stress because I'm crazy :p

  • The episode was good alot of story added and tough choices to make. Though i understand what you meant by rushed.

  • I have to say, I felt that it was a strong mid-chapter - better than episode 2 & even episode 1! I didn't really begin to like Gared or Mira until this episode, so I guess that's why I like it a lot. Plus... I've never been so happy to be so frazzled by TTG choices in my life!

  • It was good imo. It was missing the strength and power the first two had but nonetheless I still felt involved. I was truly livid when the Purple Wedding amounted to absolutely nothing

  • Best GoT episode yet

  • Really? Episode 3 was the first one I actually liked lol

  • Episode 3 was the best one IMO. Definitely has made this my favorite Telltale series atm

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