Did you choose to save or defend?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Did you choose to save Ryon or expel Gryff? How does it change subsequent play?


  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    It's just there to confirm that there's a traitor by Gwyn guessing your plan.

  • I choose to save Ryon. The consequence of which was that the great hall was trashed, and Gryff tried to bully me outside the castle.

  • I choose to save Ryon. The Forrester's power isn't the castle, but the family. Even if the choice has no meaning, I am specifically choosing this option because I put family first.

  • It was a strategy meeting about the "general position/behavior" that House Forrester would follow, we'll probably see the results in the next episode, I didn't expect to see any direct changes personally.

  • I wanted to save Ryon so badly but Gryff is the immediate threat we're not saving anyone in the position we're in now.

  • I chose to expel Gryff, he is the bigger problem right now

  • Figured saving Ryon was the best choice. I thought by expelling Gryff it might put my little bro in greater danger. Since he'd probably just return home and tell them what I did and cause a bigger issue.

  • I`m going for saving Ryon first of all, with him clear from "harms way", we may take out Gryff and expell his forces.

  • I chose to save Ryon first.

  • I choose to save Ryon, pretty sure if we had of just attacked the Whitehills Ryon would die.

  • Get rid of Gryff

  • I choose expel Gryff - Ryon needs a stable place to come home to. Right now Gryff and the Whitehill soldiers are just bullying everyone and trashing everything. They need to go!

  • Save Ryon. If we got him, it would have been much easier to get rid of Gryff then. Though I'm convinced that it doesn't really matter and was just there for Gwyn to prove there is a traitor, and most likely won't have a big impact.

  • I chose to save Ryon.

  • Its funny how my priorities in family is just weird.
    I save Beshka instead of Malcolm although he is my uncle.
    Yet when it comes to expelling Whitehills or saving Ryon, it was almost instinct to choose saving Ryon.

  • Saving Private Ryon is the true answer to all.

  • Expell Gryff, fuck Ryon, he can get Grayscale for all I care. I don't want Ironrath to be burned to the ground

  • Let's go get Ryon back, he can kick Gryff's ass.

  • I chose to save Ryon. It probably wouldn't be wise to try to expel Gyrff while they have Ryon as leverage.

  • "I'll etch my name INTO YOUR FACE!!!"

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Let's go get Ryon back, he can kick Gryff's ass.


    Expell Gryff, fuck Ryon, he can get Grayscale for all I care. I don't want Ironrath to be burned to the ground

  • If you do not save Ryon that is another heir gone. Even if you do expel Gruff someone will take his place. You have to make sure Forrester line stays intact.

  • Why wouldn't Gryff just go home and gut Ryon if you expel him? It made more sense to me to try to get Ryon back first.

  • Gryff bothers me way too much. Ryon just seems like he'll get killed by Ludd Whitehill in 4, 5, or 6.

    But i'm doing both paths, as i have multiple save files.

  • Chose to save Ryon. I feel like Roderick has the responsibility of protecting his family, and expelling Gryff from Ironrath would be a definite reason for them to kill him. I feel like he'd lose the respect of everyone in his house if Ryon was harmed, including Lady Forrester(even though I think she's the traitor, shes doing it bc she wants to protect her kid). Clear decision for me, not even someone as evil as Tywin Lannister would risk his families lives.

  • You have to protect lineage. The house is just land. The name is what matters.

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