Lady Forrester: A Study Scarlet

edited December 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So It's been my feeling all along that Lady Forrester was "cursed" to die. Somehow I gleemed it from the first scene in which I saw her. Was she marked for death long before this game began? Others have posted on the forums saying that "House Forester is Doomed" no matter how many seasons we get. I'll try to get to the point as I can and do ramble. Who else thinks Lady Forrester was the lynch pin in the fall oh this house! Did the fall of her father's House contribute to the current mess? Why did Gregor have bastards hidden in the north grove!? For me the answers are: She is the Lych pin. Yes. And To hide his shame. But that blood magic the bastard girl wields has me worried. Hope that clears up my question folks ttyl


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