I like Michonne a lot, because she's very loyal to the group. Jane tried to leave at a point, but came back only for Clem. Then she also almost killed AJ. . . just to prove a point. I like Jane, but I like Michonne much better by a longshot.
I like Michonne a lot, because she's very loyal to the group. Jane tried to leave at a point, but came back only for Clem. Then she also almost killed AJ. . . just to prove a point. I like Jane, but I like Michonne much better by a longshot.
Unfortunately, you're wrong. In the season 2 finale if you pick certain dialogue Jane will say something like that to Clementine - "Thanks. That's... that's good, because you're probably 90 percent of the reason I came back".
Well this doesn't even seem like a fair comparison. Michonne all the way. Katana wielding badass, unwavering loyalty to group (not just 1 or 2 people), decent leadership qualities, and she probably has THE best camouflage technique (or at least the most sanitary). But most importantly, we've spent A LOT more time with Michonne than with Jane. And canonically, Jane isn't even alive anymore in some cases.
I'll pick Jane. At first I hated Michonne (from the t.v. show, before reading the comics). Then once her character got some development during the prison arc I appreciated her a lot better since she wasn't so cold and distant. But Jane I always liked. Felt like a good friend for Clem and I didn't mind her swapping stories about her sister.
Tough one. I love both, but I'll go with Michonne, since I know where she stands. Jane still has some things to prove, which is why I hope they don't Omid her.
I like Michonne a lot, because she's very loyal to the group. Jane tried to leave at a point, but came back only for Clem. Then she also almost killed AJ. . . just to prove a point. I like Jane, but I like Michonne much better by a longshot.
Michonne, hands down.
Both awesome.
Jane, Michonne is boring.
How is this a question..?Michonne ofcourse,she is loyal to Rick and badass.
Yeah but Jane is loyal to clem and badass, so they're even imo
Sword > Knife
Swords are awesome, especially if we're talking about dealing with zombies!
Jane came back for Luke, not for Clem...
Unfortunately, you're wrong. In the season 2 finale if you pick certain dialogue Jane will say something like that to Clementine - "Thanks. That's... that's good, because you're probably 90 percent of the reason I came back".
Size doesn't matter.
Both are awesomeee.
This is something that in not even an alternate universe, would be considered a competition for me, Michonne
Edit: added "for me" to avoid generalization
Michonne, I couldn't stand Jane.
Michonne sounds like a french dessert.
Size does matter.
Michonne can kill multiple walkers with a flick of her katana at once, Jane cannot.
Well this doesn't even seem like a fair comparison. Michonne all the way. Katana wielding badass, unwavering loyalty to group (not just 1 or 2 people), decent leadership qualities, and she probably has THE best camouflage technique (or at least the most sanitary). But most importantly, we've spent A LOT more time with Michonne than with Jane. And canonically, Jane isn't even alive anymore in some cases.
I feel like i could trust her, with Jane i'd always be sleeping with one eye open.
Definitely Michonne:
how does that sword not break lol. IT MUST BE MADE OUT OF ADAMANTIUM.
Zombie flesh is really really soft. So I guess thats why?
I'll pick Jane. At first I hated Michonne (from the t.v. show, before reading the comics). Then once her character got some development during the prison arc I appreciated her a lot better since she wasn't so cold and distant. But Jane I always liked. Felt like a good friend for Clem and I didn't mind her swapping stories about her sister.
I love your profile picture
Here ya go my friend http://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/comments/1pz3cb/michonnes_katana_how_realistic_is_the_portrayal/
Well now you're just hating on men with small penises. xp
TV show Michonne > Comic Michonne > Literal Shit > Jane.
Michonne, no competition.
Michone all the way i hate that Bitch Jane
Tough one. I love both, but I'll go with Michonne, since I know where she stands. Jane still has some things to prove, which is why I hope they don't Omid her.