I liked Tyreese, but then he got softer than Roseanne's son...I mean, I still liked him, but I think he got a little too soft.
Now, while I think the cause of his death was unrealistic, his death was the most emotional for me, out of everyone that's died on the show. I guess I really wanted him to live and there's little glimmers of hope, but sadly he succumbs to his wounds
He's kewl, What Season and Episode are you on? (Just wondering....)
I'm all the way up to date
I think this isnt the amc forums thats what i think
It sucks he died. He was my second favorite. My first being Carol
Well.........That's was now
He was a good dude. He would have liked Alexandria the most out of anyone of Rick's group. It's kind of sad, really.
My fav's Abraham
Actually you are allowed to post stuff about the comics and tv show
He was only 1 episode away from Alexandria
I havent been here for a while so is that something new ? Cause i remeber that not being the case last time i checked .
Never really liked him, actually disliked him a bit after season 3. Pretty dull character
Abraham is my 6th fav
Yea its new I guess
Oh ok always glad to learn
He Reminds me a lot about Lee and Clem when he was with Lizzie
As the show went on I liked him less which stinks I liked him in the comic.
awful in the tv show, awesome in the comics
I liked Tyreese, but then he got softer than Roseanne's son...I mean, I still liked him, but I think he got a little too soft.
Now, while I think the cause of his death was unrealistic, his death was the most emotional for me, out of everyone that's died on the show. I guess I really wanted him to live and there's little glimmers of hope, but sadly he succumbs to his wounds