TWD Season 6 will start with a big death (SPOILERS)

I think Sesaon 6 will begin with the death of an important character. By this, I mean a main character, not like Reg or Pete. No. The premiere has to begin with the death of a big player. Someone who's been around for a long time. My thoughts? It would make sense for it to be Daryl or Glenn.

Why Daryl?

As a non-comic character, there was so much things to be done with him. He was a loner-redneck stereotype who was hell-bent on finding Sophia. And thus, he has grown into a fan-favorite, leading to the infamous slogan "If Daryl dies, we riot." We've seen so much of him that generally, we believe that he has to survive because he's AMC's cash cow. I'm personally a little tired of him. Killing him off would definitely have repercussions at first, but it would be a good thing as he's done the same thing every Season since losing Sophia, in a giving him hope then tearing it away. We see it again with Merle, then again when Carol was banished from the prison, then again when he finds that Beth is dead. But really? Does anything change within him? No. While there have been some good moments like when he was drunk with Beth, there's nothing that says "Okay, this is what makes Daryl Dixon tick." We don't ever see it, and we haven't seen it despite being shown so many opportunities for the character to truly open up. What makes the character lazy is that he's definable mostly by his abilities and not his personality. What has changed within Daryl? If anything, he's simply a non-racist version of himself from earlier seasons, today. It probably won't happen though because of his stupidly massive popularity.

Why Glenn?

Noah's death drove him over the edge partly, leading him to almost do things that goes against his character completely when he nearly kills Nicolas. Glenn also has made it a habit of avoiding death. (The well in S2, Merle in S3, The flu in S4, The bat in Terminus, The revolving door, and Nicolas). These two factors could be building up to his comic death with Negan just because of how cruel and over the top it was. Now, it could go either way of course, seeing as so many things have been taken and replaced from the comic and show universe, and even Kirkman himself said that Glenn's death was pure shock value. We've seen Glenn grow from the carefree kid whooping in a hot-red sports car, the one who people are willing to use as walker bait, to a reliable survivor with an incredible moral compass that compares to Dale's and Hershel's. His luck has to run out at some time though. I hope it doesn't.

Why not Carol?

In a massive shift from the comics, her character has obviously changed the most, from the timid, abused housewife to hardened survivor. She easily fits in with the Alexandrians, convincing all of them (except Sam) that she's completely harmless. There's a lot of things that could be done with Carol. She's a survivor and is willing to do anything to survive. If they were going to kill her off, it would have been during the hospital, making Beth survive, which I thought they would do. I was wrong.

Why not Michonne?

I just don't get the vibe that she's going to die anytime soon. She's been involved with Rick the most this season, despite the whole thing with Jessie, and Rick's craziness, and I think still has a lot to do and influence.

Why not Rick?

While there are probably more interesting characters than Rick, this is Rick's story. If he dies, it will have to be near the end of all this with Carl ready to take his place.

Why not Carl?

Carl's been asking for it a long time. From sneaking out of the house in S2, to sneaking out of the walls of Alexandria to visit his not-really girlfriend, he does some stupid things. His character has gotten better from being a whiny kid and there's still a lot of things that can be explored with Carl's story arc. He won't die because he's Rick's son.

Why not Maggie?

The fact that she spent so much time with Deanna leads me to believe that Maggie is going to have a large role in the future because of all she has learned from her.

This is what I think..What about youu??

On another note...

The real reason why Rick can't ever die

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Stuff. Thangs.


  • They wont kill any of the original group offhandly, in fact I think max one of the original few left will die before they end the show forever. Hopefullly its Daryl but who knows, and it will likely be via Negan

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