What do you think would've happened if Joel from TLOU had been leader of Season 2's group?
Purely hypothetical, but what if Joel had been the leader of the group, instead of Kenny?
What do you think would've happened?
Would Carver had been murdered?
Would the group have lost Sarita, Nick, Sarah, Rebecca, or Luke?
Would Arvo have been killed after the shootout, or would Joel have been persuaded to let him live?
Would Kenny's anger have broken up the group, or would Joel have kept things under control?
And how do you think Joel and Clementine would've gotten along?
I think that in regards to Carver, yes Joel would've killed him.
Joel would've realized that if Carver was left alive, he'd come after the group again, as he had before.
As far as the different group deaths, that is hard to say.
One thing I do think is that Luke would've lived.
Crossing a frozen lake is completely stupid, and is also a needless risk.
Joel would have had them go around the lake.
In regards to Arvo, Joel would've shot him right after the shootout.
And regarding Kenny, I think Joel would've kept things under control, and if need be, he would've put Kenny in his place.
And in a fight, I think Joel would've kicked Kenny's ass, but not after a hard fight, as Kenny fighting skills had definitely improved since season 1.
Even though Kenny is my favorite character in TWD, there were times when he was completely out of control and needed to be taken down a notch.
And Joel is a man that could do it, for even though Kenny was quite tough, Joel was tougher.
That being said, I think that Kenny is a man that Joel could deeply empathize with.
As both men had suffered tremendous loss in their journeys.
Though the two would have disagreements from time to time that would probably erupt in a fistfight, I think that they would eventually become friends.
What do you think?
DISCLAIMER: I think I've finally found a brand new topic for us to discuss.
So share your thoughts, and let's have a good, yet civil debate.
I think basically the same shit would happen. I don't really see much difference between Joel at the end of TLOU and Kenny in Season 2. Generally Joel was a bit calmer and less quick to anger towards the start of the game, though, so maybe he would have gradually worked up to Kenny's levels of bloodlust instead of jumping there in an episode or two.
And, as I said in another thread, I really don't get where the assertion that Kenny is the leader comes from. The group very plainly has no leader, that was part of the problem.
...And everyone died. The End. lol jk
Joel is one hell of a warrior and he can defiantly hold his own against other humans. I don't think Carver would have made it out of the Ski Lodge if Joel replaced Kenny. Although, it's you (the player) who's controlling Joel during combat so you're bound to win every fight. Carver dies, everyone loves Joel, and the rest of the story in S2 doesn't happen.
What? The? Fuck?
I think the same