Margery or Tyrion?

Eventhough I knew what was coming I was still accepting Tyrions offer since it seemed that for the time being he would help my family the most since Margery can't do anything for you. But if I stay loyale to her and refuse Tyrion straight up will she still think about "sending me home"? Also I did not burn the letter and I did not understand why I would, wasn't the whole point of breaking into his office so that we would get the decree and and strike a deal with the competitor for the Ironwood? Normally I just do one playthrough (besides the wolf among us because there was some pretty drastic differences and also u had to if u wanted all the achievments), but is there any real point of going back and have a second savefile with different choices to where the changes in the story is worthwhile? Or should I just keep the illusion of choice and enjoy that they are giving us a game of thrones experience in between seasons.


  • edited April 2015

    I stayed with Margaery because she's ultimately the one that can keep me in King's Landing. It doesn't matter though, Tyrion will tell you about the decree in front of her and Sera. Margaery will still be mad and punish you the same way. I also kept the decree for the same reasons.

    So far, the first three episodes seem all about choices and I'm hoping the next episodes will be all about consequence because so far, the story doesn't deviate much depending on what you choose. However I do play two save files to explore opposite possibilities (my "asshole" playthrough, if you will) and find it interesting anyway. There are small things that differ here and there, especially regarding your Sentinel choice.

  • Unfortunatley you can not change your choices.You have to play a new game and to save it to an other file.

  • You don't have to save it on another file, you can rewind to the point you want to change a decision and replay in the main save file. You just have to replay everything after that decision because it could have consequences that affect the rest of the story.

    kostas_1982 posted: »

    Unfortunatley you can not change your choices.You have to play a new game and to save it to an other file.

  • i played both ways and it's the same exact thing. Margery is disappointed/mad at you no matter what choice you make. By that point, there seems to be no way to please her even a little bit.

  • Nobody, House Forrester kneels to no Southron, only to the one true king!

  • in the beginning, i tried very hard to remain faithful to marg. but she doesn't help in the way i wanted her to and doesn't seem like she's too worried about helping me since it doesn't benefit her whatsoever. i chose to stick to tyrion, because at least you know you're getting a deal with him. a shady one, but a deal nonetheless. i'm planning on doing the same with the competitor. i'd literally accept his marriage proposal at this point, i'm so over helping marg.

  • In my first playthrough I stayed with Margaery... But then she gave me that "Oh-Mira-i'm-so-dissapointed-at-you" look when I did as she said, stayed away from Tyrion. So I simply said fuck it and went with Tyrion in the end.

  • i know that i was thinking of doing a second playthrough, but unlike life is strange there seems to be more illusion of choice because u cant deviate from what happens in the show.

    kostas_1982 posted: »

    Unfortunatley you can not change your choices.You have to play a new game and to save it to an other file.

  • I went with Tyrion, because Margaery is a woman who can't help my Family and just thinks of herself. First I liked her, but now I don't need her !

  • Margaery in game is a bitch. I went with Tyrion. I kept the decree. If I had to save one of them both, I would have chosen Tyrion.

  • Knowing what was coming I didn't go with Tyrion but I acknowledged him when he approached.

  • Well, this episode definitely packed a punch with lots of crazy choices. I tried to stay loyal to Margery and strike a deal with Tyrion. Because I didn't see how the crown making money from my family instead of the whitehill's effected Margery in any way. But in light of her pernicious precocious and pretentious attitude I will employ an indignation towards Margery with great disdain for her character. I also did the same thing with the letter, was confused as well.

  • Just wondering, what does Tyrion say if you go with him? I stayed with Margaery because I knew in a few minutes Tyrion would be in a very bad position to say the least.

  • This choice pissed me the fuck off. If you go with Tyrion Margarey says she'll replace you. Even if you stay with her it ends up getting her more angry.

  • Same here, so I was gonna restart and steal all her shit this time but episode 2 has completely shat out and wont even let me get past the first part. screen blacks out audio cuts off before it. not frozen game just crashes. bs

    Clemenem posted: »

    This choice pissed me the fuck off. If you go with Tyrion Margarey says she'll replace you. Even if you stay with her it ends up getting her more angry.

  • edited April 2015

    I stayed with Marge, because

    a) if I was gonna meet Tyrion, it would have to be more discrete

    b) I knew what was gonna happen to him in a matter of minutes so I saw no point in it

  • Technically, Life is Strange has illusion of choice too, they're just 10 times better at hiding it.

    You're meant to burn the decree because, like Lord Morgryn said, it associates you with Tyrion, which just gives Cersei more reason to come after you, which is why Morgryn wanted you to make it 'disappear'. He doesn't want to ally with someone at odds with the queen, and Cersei's hardly going to ratify the decree now anyway, so it's basically useless. The only reason to hold onto it is out of a desperate hope that it could still save your family, although I'm not sure how, and so that working with Tyrion wasn't entirely pointless (not that the game gives the choice not to work with Tyrion anyway). It's basically the same as holding onto Damien's knife. It's probably going to cause you trouble in the end. If you did keep the decree, I suspect Morgryn will want you to hand it over to him as a sign of good faith the next time you see him.

    Bacbi posted: »

    i know that i was thinking of doing a second playthrough, but unlike life is strange there seems to be more illusion of choice because u cant deviate from what happens in the show.

  • I couldnt stand Margery's attitude in the third epsiode she was on a bitchy behavior tho...I trust Tyrion 'cause he is kind of loyal to me, I liked Margery on epsiode 1&2 but not anymore since you will get punished no matter what :/ even if you refused to go with Tryion, she will still say the same dialogue.

  • I chose Tyrion because I've asked Margaery for help and she's done nothing for me as of now. Tyrion is arranging positive things for House Forrester. He's the best shot in King's Landing that I've got at a better future for my family, except that shady trader guy who may or may not betray me to the Whitehills. I'm done dealing with Margaery always getting pissed at me for whatever reason she can find. Whether it's a personal family issue or Cersei being her typical control-freak self who takes it out on everyone just because she can, I don't care. Margaery's done nothing to earn my respect so far. Yes, I am her handmaiden and I will do everything I am required to do but that doesn't mean I have to have a personal respect for her. Professionally, fine. Otherwise, no.

  • Tyrion's fucked, so Margaery.

  • Yeah I've been having glitches too. On my second playthrough of Episode 2, Lord Gregor's corpse had no texture in the beginning. He was just a black shadow in his shape. And there's times in the "Next time" and "Previously on" parts where lines of dialogue will play twice.

    I'd also point out the lag where the picture freezes during a transition to a new scene, but that's been a problem since Walking Dead.

    Same here, so I was gonna restart and steal all her shit this time but episode 2 has completely shat out and wont even let me get past the first part. screen blacks out audio cuts off before it. not frozen game just crashes. bs

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