Little things you wanted/didn't want to happen



  • I wanted the possibilty to let Clementine eat at least the side dishes of the Mark dinner. Hey, they looked fine!

  • When I heard the baby crying as Clementine looked up into the blizzard, I was expecting Christa to be carrying it and to claim she found it on the floor and saved it from some walkers.

    Jane tries to explain she couldn't see, got attacked and dropped the baby and had to leave it. You get the choice to believe Jane or leave her.

  • edited April 2015

    I believe in survival of the fittest, but I don't believe in monstrosity.

    To exile a bumbling fool that cannot be made into an asset and keeps putting the group at risk = survival of the fittest.

    To be a pointlessly sadistic bastard (like Carver) for shits and giggles = monstrosity.

    colgato posted: »

    Yeah, but it still doesn't make it reasonable to act and think like that

  • I didn't mind it. I'd probably throw Carley in there just because she was built as an important character and impacted on important things I.e if you save doug instead, you can't tell the group about your past. Her being killed was just for shock value and Katjaa and duck dying was to feel sympathy for kenny but also to see people's tolerance with him. Well taking those 2 out, you had KEnny who's family just died, BEn the teenager who was needed because Hof his involvement with the bandits and chuck the forgotten one who was wasted, developing chuck instead of bringing Christa and omid in would've been better.

    colgato posted: »

    4 npcs, the only non-male is a little girl, it feels a little bit blegh of a line up. Honestly Lilly could have stuck around if you kept her

  • Because that's pretty much how it looked like since he was introduced, he was a creepy old psychopath who took pleasure in murdering people.

    Telltale doesn't really make much effort, if at all, in presenting Carver in a morally grey light, especially with his characterisation in Episode 3, so we weren't given much of a reason to believe that Carver was a mentally well adjusted and moral individual well before the zombie apocalypse.

    fallandir posted: »

    Only if you, like most people here, see Carver as some old creepy psychopath dude who enjoyed murdering innocent people in his free time.

  • The fact that they waited so long to cut Lee's arm off really pissed me off. I know Clementine was in danger, but Lee was right near the house where he could have had another person cut it off immediately, find some disinfectant, and maybe wrap a curtain or a piece of blanket on the stump. As long as he avoided infection, he probably would have survived since he was 2 minutes away from a place where he could do all that I listed above.

    fallandir posted: »

    you wanted Luke to peacefully die in his sleep as an old man in a nice, warm, fluffy bed with all his fangirls crying over his dead body whi

  • Sarah using a gun to save someone or defend herself. At least save Clementine.

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