The Walking Dead Issue #140 Thoughts and Discussion
What did you guys think of the new issue of TWD.
The last couple of issues have been very slow, but it seems like things will be picking up in the next couple of issues now that Negan is free. I wonder what his plan is exactly, he's probably looking to get some sort of revenge against Rick for locking him up for two years. Maybe he'll try to make his way back to the Saviors camp and re-establish himself as leader, possibly kill Dwight.
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I haven't read it yet, But this time, Rick better kill Negan.
hold the fucking phone
Hold the fucking phone..
Anyways, I might be in the minority, but I don't want Negan to mount revenge. I think thats far too expected, and would like for it to go down another way than Negan just starting a massacre, or slipping away and taking back leadership. I want Negan to help someone, or save someone. As far fetched as that may sound, it could work. Negan has done bad things, but maybe he could redeem himself? I'm not advocating to let him out, but maybe a chance of parole, or house arrest. Perhaps Negan knows a thing or two about these Whisperers, where they're at, how dangerous they are, and wants to actually HELP Rick? I definitely don't want Negan to die, and I want him to help/save someone from danger. But from the looks of Issue 141, with that award winning smirk, we may be in some trouble...
Negan will probably end up on their team I'm guessing , him being an antagonist again would be a rehash of the gov coming back all over again.
I dont get Maggie, if she doesnt want to kill Gregory unless absolutely necessary then why not relocate him and imprison him at another community, I mean he tried to kill her worth life imprisonment and at another camp (Alexandria already has a jail) he wouldnt be able to use past connections to get out.