The Walking Dead Comic Volume 1 and 2 plot

Hello everybody! Have your friend ever discussed the comics and you have just been sitting their confused? Well I am going to speed you up to what happens in volume 1 and 2. If you want me to post a discussion of what happens in volume 3 and so on just comment.

Rick Grimes a sheriff wakes up in a hospital bead after being shot by a robber. Rick wonders out of the hospital and meets Morgan Jones and his son Duane Jones. They go to a police station where they get guns and ammo and Rick begins his search to find his wife (Lori) and his son (Carl). While searching for his family he enters Atlanta, being overrun by walkers he almost gets killed but gets saved by a young Korean kid named "Glenn". Glenn tells Rick some useful advice like that one bite from a walker will infect you and turn you into a walker as well. Glenn takes Rick back to his camp and Rick is reunited with his family. Also his old cop buddy Shane is at the camp site along with Andrea,Dale,Amy,Carol and her daughter Sophia,Jim,Donna and some other unimportant characters.

Later that night Lori apologies to Rick for leaving him in the hospital. The next morning Shane and Rick go hunting but before they do Dale warns Rick not to trust Shane and that Shane likes Lori. The next day Rick and Glenn make a trip into the city limits to get more guns. Plus Shane tries to get Lori to have sex with him. Then! A zombie attack happens at the camp and Amy dies while Jim gets bit. The next morning the group holds a funeral for Amy. Jim tells the group that because hes bit he wants the group to place him under a tree to die. They approve him request and take him to a tree where he tells them to leave and that maybe he will meet his family once again. They say their goodbyes and then depart. Shane and Rick go hunting when Shane pulls a gun on Rick but then gets shot in the neck by Carl.A flashback happens where it shows Lori and Shane having sex. Back to the present, the survivors are burying Shane. The group then departs their camp using Dale's RV.

The group meets new survivors Tyreese his daughter Julie and her boyfriend Chris. Tyreese explains to Rick that a man in a store attempted to rape Julie. However, he was able to kill the man before he could rape her. Rick doesn't judge Tyreese, and says anyone would have done that. Rick reveals he's glad they bumped into Tyreese and his family. They came in handy, especially because Tyreese is strong. Later that night Lori reveals that she is pregnant to Shane. Allen asks if everything was okay, and Lori tells the group she's pregnant. Dale talks with Rick and explains that the baby might be Shane and Lori's baby.

The group discovers a town called Wiltshire Estates but its not safe. Rick tells Lori that Carl has been up for a while and to not wake him up. He explains that the death of Amy,Shane and Jim must be hard on him. Meanwhile Carol and Tyreese get closer if you know what I mean :). In the morning, Rick tells everyone to search the houses, and clear any possible zombies and search for food and supplies. Meanwhile, Donna gets bitten near her eye by a roamer. Everyone returns and Rick tells everyone not to use their guns. Allen tells the roamers to go away, but, Tyreese captures him and tells him there's nothing he can do. Allen starts to yell, and shoots with his pistol. The shots get the zombies attention, as Donna is devoured. Rick tells everybody to get ready to leave Wiltshire Estates.

Tyreese goes to get Dale and the others, and tells them to get their children. Tyreese runs upstairs to get Julie and Chris, and catches them trying to have sex. Rick takes Allen into the RV, and tells Lori that Donna is dead. Rick goes after Tyreese, and is able to get to the house. Tyreese tells Chris and Julie to get their clothes on. Rick gets to the house and tells him they can't get out downstairs. So Dale drives the RV by the house and they jump on the RV. Rick,Carl and Tyreese goes hunting. When hunting Carl gets shot by a guy named Otis. Otis brings the group to a guy named Hershel Greene. Hershel tells everyone they are welcome until the boy heals. Hershel introduces his family and friends oldest son Arnold, oldest daughter Lacey, another daughter Maggie, youngest son Billy, and twin daughters Rachel and Susie Greene. Also in the farm resides Otis and his girlfriend Patricia.

Outside, Maggie asks Glenn why he watches Carol all the time. Glenn says he had his eyes on her before Tyreese arrived. Maggie guesses she's pretty, but Glenn clarifies by saying there's not many women left on the planet, and he wants to have sex at least couple of times before his death. Lastly, he notes he doesn't even know Maggie. Maggie says she'll have sex with Glenn. So they have sex. Hershel also tells the group that he has walkers in his barn. Hershel tells Rick he's been storing the undead in the barn until he can figure out how to deal with them.

Later that night, Allen is sitting outside the RV when Rick finds him and begins talking about his state of mind. Allen tells Rick he's been thinking about Donna, claiming he heard her voice the previous night. Inside the house, Andrea attempts to reconcile with Allen, who angrily rebuffs her offer. Dale starts to mouth him off, but, Andrea stops him, she apologizes to Allen and leaves. A zombie then appears, and Hershel takes hold of it and attempts to force it inside the barn. However, a large zombie was leaning against the door and knocks both Hershel and the other zombie to the ground.zombies begin spilling out of the barn. Arnold saves his father from an attack, but, is bitten by Shawn in the process. Lacey is devoured by a group of zombies as well. Upon seeing this, Hershel has a change of heart and joins Rick's group in putting down the zombies, killing Shawn and Arnold.

Rick, Carl, and Lori wake up, and Lori shows more signs of morning sickness. Hershel walks in on Maggie and Glenn sleeping together and becomes angry, insulting Maggie and threatening Glenn. Maggie defends Glenn and herself, leaving Hershel to storm out. The group unpacks the RV in preparation for moving into Hershel's barn, now that the zombies have been cleared out. Dale reminisces about his experiences in the RV with his dead wife Erma, comforting Andrea and telling her he does truly love her. Rick and Allen are cleaning out the barn, and Rick asks about Allen's condition. Allen says he's not doing well but genuinely appreciates Rick's concern. Rick proposes the idea of his group moving into the house, but Hershel denies and says once Carl is healed, they'll have to leave. Carol and Tyreese are cuddled together and talking to each other with Chris and Julie watching in the shadows.

After learning what Hershel said, Lori confronts him and demands they be allowed to stay. The argument reaches a head and Hershel is about to slap her when Rick intervenes. Hershel furiously proclaims he's lost his children and tells them he doesn't owe them anything, calling them out as freeloaders. Hershel points a gun to Rick's head and tells them all to leave. Otis quickly intervenes, but Hershel maintains his stance. Rick and his group leave. Otis later finds Hershel huddled in his room. Hershel informs him he would have shot Rick and that he may have lost his mind. As Rick's group prepares to leave, Glenn informs them he's remaining with Maggie on the farm, having worked it out with Hershel. The group leaves in the RV Over the hill, they see a prison with zombies shambling about outside. A smile on his face, Rick proclaims, "it's perfect. We're home."

So what do you guys think? Should I do a volume 3 and 4 plot?


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