Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • armisForTelltaleWriter

    Pipas posted: »

    Vaughn page on the Rhysha wiki. @armis37 is killing it again. Join us in editing OUR WIKI

  • I think so.

    Though last time I checked, each page only has link back to their ttg profile

    Do individual members have pages?

  • edited July 2015

    Yes and the first thing he would do is make Rhysha officially happen :D


  • Yes! Get a person on the inside to help our Rhysha goals.... IT'S PERFECT!!!

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    hot males

  • LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!! I'm not alone in Rhysha movie making anymore T_T!

  • So, since we're adding our individual profiles on wiki now, I suppose some of you will want to create their own. And I bet for most of you this wiki stuff is somehow confusing, so here's a step-by-step how to do it.

    1) Click on "Contribute in the upper right corner and "Add a Page"

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    2) Write your own nick in the column (or whatever you want your page be named)

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    3) Now if you've seen Intellectual_Poultry page, you can notice that he has a few sub-categories there. To make your own, click on the "Paragraph" and then on some of the Sub-heading (or Heading if you fancy big letters) and write your own sub-category.

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    4) Also you could notice the nice character template on his page. To get that, click on the "Insert" and "Template".

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    Click on "Infobox character"

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    A window pops up. You can fill any information you want.

    To get your avatar into the template, you need to find your avatar and enter the exact name of the file into the column image. I've already uploaded like half of the avatars of all members, so look ON THIS PAGE and try to find it. If it's not there, then upload it HERE yourself.

    Do you see your avatar on the wiki? Good, click on it. In the upper left corner you see the name of the file of the avatar.

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    Now write exactly those words into the image column.

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    Apply changes. Tadah, the template is done.

    Now add to your page whatever you want. Happy editing!

  • Beautiful. <3

    Check me out!

  • Thank you, you helped me! :P

    Pipas posted: »

    So, since we're adding our individual profiles on wiki now, I suppose some of you will want to create their own. And I bet for most of you t

  • edited July 2015

    Rhysha is too popular. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Very nice video btw. But that Rakk Hive. ;_; Still not over it.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!! I'm not alone in Rhysha movie making anymore T_T!

  • Dude, you don't have to post every chat we had. :D


  • This is what I was trying to do to Sasha's page.

    I have the best page ever planned out.

    Pipas posted: »

    So, since we're adding our individual profiles on wiki now, I suppose some of you will want to create their own. And I bet for most of you t

  • i find it amusing and it makes me warm inside of my heart!!! y u yell at me?! :(

    Pipas posted: »

    Dude, you don't have to post every chat we had.

  • Alt text

    This is what I was trying to do to Sasha's page. I have the best page ever planned out.

  • edited July 2015

    That's not yelling. If I was yelling at you, I'd WRITE WITH CAPSLOCK!

    i find it amusing and it makes me warm inside of my heart!!! y u yell at me?!

  • edited July 2015

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    Pipas posted: »

    So, since we're adding our individual profiles on wiki now, I suppose some of you will want to create their own. And I bet for most of you t

  • bt yu was bein a meanie!

    Pipas posted: »

    That's not yelling. If I was yelling at you, I'd WRITE WITH CAPSLOCK!

  • hahahaha yes!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Personally, I'd kindof love it if Fiona finds out about Rhys and Sasha, and that the player gets to choose how she responds to it, like bein

  • edited July 2015

    C'MON RHYSHA SHIP!! you guys are down by 200 pages!! cmon!!

    btw i dont care for ships, i will be happy for both, but c'mon! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Go away! i don't want you seducive faces!

    jamex1223 posted: »

    C'MON RHYSHA SHIP!! you guys are down by 200 pages!! cmon!! btw i dont care for ships, i will be happy for both, but c'mon! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    jamex1223 posted: »

    C'MON RHYSHA SHIP!! you guys are down by 200 pages!! cmon!! btw i dont care for ships, i will be happy for both, but c'mon! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • You know I think we have phrase that fits this just perfectly, what was it again....?

    jamex1223 posted: »

    C'MON RHYSHA SHIP!! you guys are down by 200 pages!! cmon!! btw i dont care for ships, i will be happy for both, but c'mon! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited July 2015


    yay, i did it!

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    You know I think we have phrase that fits this just perfectly, what was it again....?


    QUALITY BEFORE QUANTITY! yay, i did it!

  • Thank you everybody, it means a lot! :) There was a point where I was like .2 seconds away from just deleting it all together out of frustration while drawing it, but I'm glad I didn't.

    Pipas posted: »

    Baww, so cute. Great job!

  • edited July 2015


    News: The 4th fucking episode is still not out yet nor will be for about 12 weeks!

    Thank you for listening to Rhysha News! Your daily dose of Rhysha information saves you from a headfull of irritation! Tune in with us tommorow and while you're at it, drown your sorrow!

    Round of applause for today's host: -DJ ReggieBeats aka SexyReg

  • edited July 2015

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  • 12 weeks?


    What will I do with my life until then?

    RHYSHA NEWS! News: The 4th fucking episode is still not out yet nor will be for about 12 weeks! Thank you for listening to Rhysha News

  • eat some ice cream and follow your dream

    armis37 posted: »

    12 weeks? gasp What will I do with my life until then?

  • I guess there's nothing else left to do :(

    eat some ice cream and follow your dream

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    There were no protests regarding the date and time of our chat meet up, so I could just as well make it official.

    10 PM CEST/9 PM BST/4 PM EST/12 PM (noon) PST this Saturday is the first Rhysha chat meet up! Countdown to the event.

    Yesterday I found out, that there can't be more than 10 people at the same time on Chatzy (and I don't know how many of us will be there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), so I asked if anyone knows any online chat client and Mcboats found Chatstep. The chat room there should be able to fit max 50 people (and I doubt there'll be 50 of us), so we could have the chat there. Of course, if anyone knows better client or have bad experience with chatstep, then reply below.

    Also, if anyone has a problem with the time and date and wants to join, just speak up. We can reschedule. :P

    Goddammit, I am overhyping the event too much, lol.

  • uh man I can't make it to the chat :/ Tell me we'll have more of them?

    Pipas posted: »

    There were no protests regarding the date and time of our chat meet up, so I could just as well make it official. 10 PM CEST/9 PM BST/4 P

  • edited July 2015

    can you explain the time better, i dunno what that means... im sorry, im simple...

    EDIT: oh! the countdown helps, you dumb...

    Pipas posted: »

    There were no protests regarding the date and time of our chat meet up, so I could just as well make it official. 10 PM CEST/9 PM BST/4 P

  • Yeah. But if you somehow lost the countdown, it's at 10 PM. :P

    can you explain the time better, i dunno what that means... im sorry, im simple... EDIT: oh! the countdown helps, you dumb...

  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah. But if you somehow lost the countdown, it's at 10 PM. :P

  • Guys, whose avatar is this?

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    I know I've seen the person around, but can't quite remember the nick. Was it someone's old avatar?

  • It's Jesus of course. (The-Flix)

    Pipas posted: »

    Guys, whose avatar is this? I know I've seen the person around, but can't quite remember the nick. Was it someone's old avatar?

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