Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Thanks bro! ;)

    Blade582 posted: »

    Damn nice bro!!

  • Thanks a lot pipas!! :3

    (I'm not 100% happy with Sasha tho. I'm still trying to figure out how to draw her :P)

    Pipas posted: »

    Ehehehe. Nicely done, nohuhhuh! :P

  • Rhys gets awkward so easily :3 I love it!

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    "Whatever, it's not like I like you or anything b-b-b-baka."

  • Thank you! ;)


  • edited August 2015

    You don't need much information to ship two characters. You just see their chemistry :^]

    I know that Rhyiona lacks some official evidence but I still ship them. So hard.

    Reconn posted: »

    How on earth did anyone ship this before Episode 3?

  • Are going to make more? Try to do a one that Rhys is trying to kiss her...please? :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks a lot pipas!! (I'm not 100% happy with Sasha tho. I'm still trying to figure out how to draw her :P)

  • Well thank you my friend! I should send you a free Loader bot ;)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @Blade582 :

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    So who else is excited for the tuesday news?

  • Oh I wish, fanbases nowadays sometimes just need a simple "Hello" between two characters to ship them. The two main ships in TFTB at least got good reasons to do so.

    I bet there is someone out there writing a fanfiction about us right now just because I responded to your post.

    I know you are!

    enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    You don't need much information to ship two characters. You just see their chemistry :^] I know that Rhyiona lacks some official evidence but I still ship them. So hard.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here


    Leluch123 posted: »

    So who else is excited for the tuesday news?

  • Just build and autel and offer me gifts everyday, thank you.

    Blade582 posted: »

    Well thank you my friend! I should send you a free Loader bot

  • Happy 4 month anniversary guys!

    Feels like only yesterday that we started off as a small community. And now look where we are as of today :)

  • Wait. There's news on Tuesday?

    Did I miss something?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So who else is excited for the tuesday news?

  • Nope it's just me hoping but I guess news are coming this week, probably key art, next trailer, and finaly the ep

    Wait. There's news on Tuesday? Did I miss something?

  • Oh hell you're right! I forgot about it!

    @Pipas where is the anniversay speech!?

    Happy 4 month anniversary guys! Feels like only yesterday that we started off as a small community. And now look where we are as of today

  • What Tuesday news?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So who else is excited for the tuesday news?

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah I know what you mean but I honestly don't care about the reasoning behind the ships. :)

    Oh I would love to read that fan fiction. I bet it's hilarious.

    Grimnir3 posted: »

    Oh I wish, fanbases nowadays sometimes just need a simple "Hello" between two characters to ship them. The two main ships in TFTB at least g

  • The ones we will surely get! I'm not delusional!

    Pipas posted: »

    What Tuesday news?

  • edited August 2015

    It's funny how just a while ago I would have immediately refused but now I don't actually mind drawing them. ( I can see why there are some people who can create fan content for multiple ships.)

    I'm still a Rhyiona shipper so that stuff keeps me quite busy :\
    But I promise to keep your idea in my mind and draw it when I have some time :)

    Blade582 posted: »

    Are going to make more? Try to do a one that Rhys is trying to kiss her...please?

  • Do you want a new avatar? I can do that for you.

    hello! my first time commenting on this thread but everyone here seems super nice! im elian and fellow rhysha shipper nice to meet everyone

  • Dammit Leluch, it's too early. :D

    Just so you know, I'm working on it now. ;)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Oh hell you're right! I forgot about it! @Pipas where is the anniversay speech!?

  • Yeah but Rick is more capable in the show :P

    You definitely should, they're awesome, better than the show.

  • I kinda like Show-Rick more, too. Though Iam still sad that he lost the beard.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah but Rick is more capable in the show :P

  • They gave him away for free at Gamescom. All you needed to do was watch the trailer. So awesome xD

    Pipas posted: »

    Omg, now I want that Adam Jensen.

  • Oh that beard :P

    I kinda like Show-Rick more, too. Though Iam still sad that he lost the beard.

  • edited August 2015

    Hello there, Rhyshas!

    Today's a lovely day, isn't it?

    Are you wondering why I made that random comment? I'm glad you asked!

    Today's the 4-month anniversary of the thread!

    enter image description here

    Which means exactly 4 months ago Official Rhysha Thread was created. Wow. That's a damn long time. One would thought that a thread about shipping wouldn't survive even the first month, but here we are. Maybe this thread survived so long, because it's not just about shipping. It's also about meeting people with the similar interests, eventually calling them friends. So I'm glad I created this thread, because otherwise I wouldn't even meet most of you guys. And for the rest, I probably wouldn't know how cool you really are, which would be a terrible shame.

    Now let's see what have we achieved in the last months. :P

    • The thread has been opened over 133.000 times.
    • The main post has been liked 133 times
    • Right now we have 113 proud Rhyshans among our ranks.
    • You guys posted countless of fanfics, fanarts, gifs, random comments and other stuff. I hope this trend will continue in the future. ;)
    • Even though it's been a little neglected lately, the WIKI is still working!
    • We usually meet every night on CHATZY and talk about some really really REALLY random things. If you want to join, just say so and I'll send you a password. :P
    • We somehow managed to get our GAMING MODULE working , so if you have time on Thursday/Saturday don't be shy and join us. :D

    Again, this anniversary wouldn't be possible without you guys, so thank you for being there and continue being awesome! :P

    Now with the 4th episode is just around the corner, let's hope there'll be more beautiful Rhysha moments. ;)

    To the upcoming months of shipping!

    To Rhysha!

    enter image description here

    PS: Yes, I'm using only Leo gifs for my anniversary posts from now on.

    PPS: Hi Rhyionas! Are you excited for the next episode as much as me? enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    I still think we'll get the episode on 25th, but Telltale may surprise me. :P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    The ones we will surely get! I'm not delusional!

  • edited August 2015

    Happy 4 month anniversary!

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, Rhyshas! Today's a lovely day, isn't it? Are you wondering why I made that random comment? I'm glad you asked! Today's

  • Happy 4 month anniversary Rhysha's !

    In short i am happy i joined this ship. ^^

    I want to thank everyone for being so nice and awesome shippers ( You rock ).

    enter image description here

  • Four monts ehh? Time's surely flies....

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, Rhyshas! Today's a lovely day, isn't it? Are you wondering why I made that random comment? I'm glad you asked! Today's

  • We should just claim this Leonardo gif as our celebration gif :D

    To Rhysha! May it's reign be hella long and prosperous!

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, Rhyshas! Today's a lovely day, isn't it? Are you wondering why I made that random comment? I'm glad you asked! Today's

  • Been lurkin' here for awhile, would I be able to join this fabulous Rhysha thread?

    I brought my crappy art.
    enter image description here

  • ho-ly shit, that's so cute I have to punch a mammoth to feel manly again!

    Been lurkin' here for awhile, would I be able to join this fabulous Rhysha thread? I brought my crappy art.



    Been lurkin' here for awhile, would I be able to join this fabulous Rhysha thread? I brought my crappy art.

  • ImsohappytobeapartofthisthreadlikeAUGH!!!!!1

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, Rhyshas! Today's a lovely day, isn't it? Are you wondering why I made that random comment? I'm glad you asked! Today's

  • edited August 2015

    Is it just me, or have we been getting new members at a faster-than-usual rate?

  • Hype for 4th episode attracts everyone.

    Is it just me, or have we been getting new members at a faster-than-usual rate?

  • When ep 3 came out we got a lot of new people. The rate slowed, then it picked up a bit

    Is it just me, or have we been getting new members at a faster-than-usual rate?

  • Nah, telltale already teasing them playing it, meaning it's done. Why go LMAO you get it in 3 weeks

    Pipas posted: »

    I still think we'll get the episode on 25th, but Telltale may surprise me. :P

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