Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Don't we all Carley? It's been way too long without any new materials...and I don't feel like puttiong a randon line of text under a random picture and making stuff like that....

    Anyone have any design ideas? I'm kinda running on fumes at the moment.

  • Hey guys. Tomorrow's 2 month anniversary of this thread. I was expecting the third episode to be released by now. Welp.

  • IT's been two months already damn, times really fly...still waiting for ep 3 thou

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey guys. Tomorrow's 2 month anniversary of this thread. I was expecting the third episode to be released by now. Welp.

  • And appearently we won't get it until J23. And it might not release even then.

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    IT's been two months already damn, times really fly...still waiting for ep 3 thou

  • Here you go to even feel worse

    Pipas posted: »

    And appearently we won't get it until J23. And it might not release even then.

  • Well at least i have the time to finish the memes and the map now :)

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Here you go to even feel worse

  • The sad violin music fits perfectly.

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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    "The episode's coming soon"

  • bigdogg0821 posted: »

    The sad violin music fits perfectly.

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Here's more

  • "insert useless update tweet its around the corner guys!"

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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    "insert useless update tweet its around the corner guys!"

  • Game of Thrones Episode 5 releases before any news is given Stay tuned for more TFTB news!

  • edited June 2015

    Today.Lel.Also J14!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey guys. Tomorrow's 2 month anniversary of this thread. I was expecting the third episode to be released by now. Welp.

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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Game of Thrones Episode 5 releases before any news is given Stay tuned for more TFTB news!

  • Cheer up everyone !


    Today.Lel.Also J14!

  • And I have time to play AC4. :D

    Still, if Ep3 came out soon (not Telltale soon), that'd be great.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Well at least i have the time to finish the memes and the map now

  • Hello Rhyshas!

    Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

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    Wow. 2 months. If someone told me 2 months ago that this thread would become so huge and that it'd survive incredible 2 months of shipping, I'd probably laugh that person in the face. Yet here we are. We've come a long way for sure. I know it has been rough few weeks and this thread is not as active as it used to be (probably thanks to the fact that we're officially in the 12th week of the "Great Wait for Episode 3"), but I'm glad you guys kept it alive with various fanarts/fanfics/random talks and didn't let this thread to sink in the bottom of the forums, because honestly, this glorious ship doesn't belong there. :P

    Thank you all the awesome people for posting all the incredible stuff I named above and those who participated in other ways in this thread. Without you, this topic would clearly die quite early. And we wouldn't want that, would we? :P

    Thank you, random lurkers for following us and if you have the same interests as we do (which is shipping Rhysha), don't be shy and say hi! We don't bite. :)

    Hi Rhyionas, I know you're there. There hasn't been any big conflict in a loong time, and I hope this friendly relationship we have now will continue in the future. :)

    Also one final thing. We finally got some news about the third episode! And we got it just the day we're celebrating 2 months!

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    This thread is clearly blessed.

    Take care and stay awesome, Rhyshas!

    Pipas out.

  • Oh, I am. We finally got some news!

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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Cheer up everyone ! Brighter

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    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

  • edited June 2015

    Well that was a great speech my fellow shipper ! if i knew how to post gifs here i would have posted on of these applause gifs but because im stupid, you just have to imagine the applause. XD

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

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    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

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    Hooray, 2 month anniversary.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

  • Hi Rhyionas, I know you're there. There hasn't been any big conflict in a loong time, and I hope this friendly relationship we have now will continue in the future. :)

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    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

  • edited June 2015

    Sheds tear I'm glad the thread was formed! #Rhysha

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!


    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

  • I'm gonna do my diva but...Can someone help me finish the map ? I need the names and the pictures without the rhysha on it :)

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  • Add carl_j too.It is a Rhysa shipper too from what i know

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'm gonna do my diva but...Can someone help me finish the map ? I need the names and the pictures without the rhysha on it

  • Hm. Loader bot carrying Sasha and Rhys to prom! :D

    Anyone have any design ideas? I'm kinda running on fumes at the moment.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    Better dude ot the honeymoon! You know with tin cans strapped to his legs!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Hm. Loader bot carrying Sasha and Rhys to prom!

  • Instead of tin cans there's a bunch of Atlas Silver guns strapped to Loader Bot's legs. I'm liking this! Carly? Pwetty pls?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Better dude ot the honeymoon! You know with tin cans strapped to his legs!

  • Perfect!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Instead of tin cans there's a bunch of Atlas Silver guns strapped to Loader Bot's legs. I'm liking this! Carly? Pwetty pls?

  • It is indeed!

    Leluch123 posted: »


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    Pipas, yu da best...


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    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! Guess what day is it? Erm, yes, it's Tuesday, but I meant something else. Today's 2 months anniversary of this thread!

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Hi Rhyionas, I know you're there. There hasn't been any big conflict in a loong time, and I hope this friendly relationship we have now will continue in the future.

  • Rhys and Sasha after they kick August and Vasquez butts

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  • You mention butts......

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    Leluch123 posted: »

    Rhys and Sasha after they kick August and Vasquez butts

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