Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • when you say soon do you mean regular soon

    or telltale soon

    Pipas posted: »

    The trailer is probably going to be released soon and the discussion about it is inevitable. But there are also many of members who don't wi

  • Regular soon. Unless we won't get any trailer at all. :D

    when you say soon do you mean regular soon or telltale soon

  • Gotcha. When are you guessing it comes out?

    Pipas posted: »

    Regular soon. Unless we won't get any trailer at all.

  • Alt text I'm not a traitor i just wanted to make for you all a Rhysa fan art since Meg WeMissYouCarley and Grumpy did stuff for us too as a thank you i make this fan art,I know it's little but it will be more ;).

  • Well, they usually release it at 10 AM PDT which is in 10 minutes. But since they announced the release dates for all platforms on Twitter WITHOUT the trailer, now I'm not so sure. We'll see...

    Gotcha. When are you guessing it comes out?

  • Eyyyyyyyyy!

    Alt text

    It's beautiful!

    I'm not a traitor i just wanted to make for you all a Rhysa fan art since Meg WeMissYouCarley and Grumpy did stuff for us too as a thank you i make this fan art,I know it's little but it will be more .

  • Aww, that's sweet. Thanks @ClementineTheGirl! :)

    I'm not a traitor i just wanted to make for you all a Rhysa fan art since Meg WeMissYouCarley and Grumpy did stuff for us too as a thank you i make this fan art,I know it's little but it will be more .

  • Np.

    Pipas posted: »

    Aww, that's sweet. Thanks @ClementineTheGirl!

  • edited June 2015

    Here i've updated the map with mirashade and clemycloo :)

    Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, they usually release it at 10 AM PDT which is in 10 minutes. But since they announced the release dates for all platforms on Twitter WITHOUT the trailer, now I'm not so sure. We'll see...

  • Do you know how to use the command text on your program ? It will be better than doing it manually.


  • Well we don't have a trailer. I'm not as affected as others though

  • edited June 2015

    What?I do hand art.And i know but it's tooo odd and a lotta pixels, i use paint tool sai.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Do you know how to use the command text on your program ? It will be better than doing it manually.

  • Damn we are getting more and more awsome XD

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Here i've updated the map with mirashade and clemycloo

  • Appearently the episode is out for PS4 for EU/AU. If the episode is out for you, enjoy the game! And don't forget to tag your post with spoilers if you want to discuss the episode.

  • You know spoiler tagged posts still show up in your feed right? :P

    I think someone just needs to make a spoiler tagged thread to discuss the episode for now till it's out for most people tomorrow.

    Pipas posted: »

    Appearently the episode is out for PS4 for EU/AU. If the episode is out for you, enjoy the game! And don't forget to tag your post with spoilers if you want to discuss the episode.

  • NIccccccccceeeeeee! Ok that is going to be glorious!

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • CORN.

    RonakkZen posted: »

    Ronakk lives in what people call 'Murica. He is in the state of Iowa.

  • I don't know why, but it makes me feel all warm inside knowing that they notice us all lol.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Yeah, I know. I just won't check my feed. Problem solved! :D

    Green613 posted: »

    You know spoiler tagged posts still show up in your feed right? :P I think someone just needs to make a spoiler tagged thread to discuss the episode for now till it's out for most people tomorrow.

  • Well, if there'll be a civil war, atleast it won't be the first one...

    I don't want to fite u guys :(

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Aw. Thanks so much Clem :)

    Alt text

    I'm not a traitor i just wanted to make for you all a Rhysa fan art since Meg WeMissYouCarley and Grumpy did stuff for us too as a thank you i make this fan art,I know it's little but it will be more .

  • Wow. For Nick Herman himself to mention us is pretty damn awesome.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • The Herm-ster is a legend.

    Wow. For Nick Herman himself to mention us is pretty damn awesome.

  • Don't, please don't, I know it's just my opinion, but the game is really bad.

    armis37 posted: »

    Oh, thanks for clarifying Haven't played that game yet

  • If there's going to be a civil war, then which side is Iron Man and which side is Captain America?

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Okay guys, seeing as how PS4 users seem to have got the episode early.....

    Alt text

    I will be keeping off the forum until I've played the episode tomorrow. I'll see you all again real.... SOON.

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    If there's going to be a civil war, then which side is Iron Man and which side is Captain America?

  • Well, I can't find out without playing it :)

    Don't, please don't, I know it's just my opinion, but the game is really bad.

  • Alt text

    Okay guys, seeing as how PS4 users seem to have got the episode early..... I will be keeping off the forum until I've played the episode tomorrow. I'll see you all again real.... SOON.

  • Yeah, probably a good idea to get out of the forums. Though I'll still be lurking Rhysha thread. ;)

    See you tomorrow, Carley!

    Alt text

    Okay guys, seeing as how PS4 users seem to have got the episode early..... I will be keeping off the forum until I've played the episode tomorrow. I'll see you all again real.... SOON.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    Well Guys this is it our Rubicon.

    I would like you all to know that regardless of what Ep 3 brings tommorow I will never regret one second I spent shipping Rhysha with you guys. Whatever awaits us in future I hope all of us will contnie marching towards it with our heads up.

    It's been a great honor my dear comrades!


  • Alt text

    And I will join you in the inevitable death/ascension of Rhysha. To the end.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well Guys this is it our Rubicon. I would like you all to know that regardless of what Ep 3 brings tommorow I will never regret one secon

  • Thank you To the very end!

    Alt text

    And I will join you in the inevitable death/ascension of Rhysha. To the end.

  • It's gonna be okay! It'll be fine! It HAS to be fine! All that's happened! We can't let the ship sink! Remember all the evidence of Rhysha! Rhysha will live on! I'm here till the end!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well Guys this is it our Rubicon. I would like you all to know that regardless of what Ep 3 brings tommorow I will never regret one secon

  • Just watch a play through of it, it will save you a few bucks in the process.

    armis37 posted: »

    Well, I can't find out without playing it

  • But, I like Captain America more than Iron Man.

  • Alt text

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    It's gonna be okay! It'll be fine! It HAS to be fine! All that's happened! We can't let the ship sink! Remember all the evidence of Rhysha! Rhysha will live on! I'm here till the end!

  • Something about this tells me that they're not gonna be pleasing both ships in this episode.

    Brb, buying a big box of fucking popcorn for tomorrow.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • People say captains go down with their ship...screw that...if this ship sinks, I am gonna cross the oceans and rip Rhyiona apart as well. If I can't have my ship, no one gets a ship. This is the way of the guilty king!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well Guys this is it our Rubicon. I would like you all to know that regardless of what Ep 3 brings tommorow I will never regret one secon

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