What are you listening to right now?



  • Wow. Two hours of pure soundtrack. This movie must be pretty long unless the music continuously plays throughout.

    Saw 'Baby Driver' a few hours ago, and ever since I've been listening to its awesome soundtrack.

  • Like a lot of have said 'The movie moves with the sound of this soundtrack'. Some tracks aren't completely full in the movie, however the film is so fast-paced it tends to go well with the particular music choices.

    Wow. Two hours of pure soundtrack. This movie must be pretty long unless the music continuously plays throughout.

  • edited July 2017

    Double comment.

    Wow. Two hours of pure soundtrack. This movie must be pretty long unless the music continuously plays throughout.

  • Yeah, the song totally reminded me of Mr Robot. I believe it played in the last season, near the end, right?
    Both Fight Club and Mr Robot are just amazing. I can't wait for the next season...
    If you've got some movies to recommend that are similar to FC, just throw them at me.

    "What did I tell you about talking about us?". Honestly, I wish I could experience the feeling of watching this film for the first time a

  • Man, you should really watch it as soon as you can. I can't believe the movie came out all the way in 1999... I've been missing out for so long.
    Also if you haven't seen Mr Robot yet, totally recommend that one as well.

    No sweat. Unfortunately, Fight Club isn't available to stream on netflix in america. I'll find another way.

  • You seriously have an awesome taste in music.

    I've been listening to a lot of melodramatic, sad stuff lately. Bat for Lashes has always been a favorite of mine.

  • Best thing about this game is the cutscenes and the soundtrack

  • Yeah. Not bad

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Best thing about this game is the cutscenes and the soundtrack

  • It's been a while since I heard this. Nice calm sounds. It's a good pick.

  • thank you so much!!

    You seriously have an awesome taste in music.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned
    edited July 2017

    I am gonna rush me some B

  • I feel like every song you post on here exposes my more emotional side. Keep posting them. :D

    thank you so much!!

  • edited July 2017

    Its the strangest thing. Fight Club was originally written as a book in 1996 before being adapted into the film in 1999. The screenwriter Jim Uhls adapted the heck out of the source material, only changing elements from the book like Tyler's morals and agenda and especially the ending, the original ending in the book being very disturbing. Its truly one the best adaptations of any book to screen I've ever seen, so much so that the author Chuck Palahniuk himself favours the film over the book. Unfortunately Palahniuk has never published any book similar to the quality of Fight Club since, and has used a lot of the story elements in Fight Club for his other narratives (Ex. Help groups with two characters finding a special bond). His other books also never came close because of how layered his hit book truly was. Last year to celebrate the books 20th anniversary he released the graphic novel sequel Fight Club 2, which was very disappointing to a fan of the original, he made it extremely meta and forgot what made the first so good in the first place. The original having themes of male-masculinity and consumerism as well as society's need for perfectionism (the list goes on). It reminds me of S1 of TTWD as Telltale has never been able to make a game (in my opinion) that comes close to it. Mr. Robot as you probably already know is heavily influenced by Fight Club, it has similar themes like the main character feeling angst towards society, to the feeling of rising oppression and of course the state of mind and the traits of the main character (Also told in narration). Its stance on modern society and social media makes it the only piece of viewable entertainment like Fight Club that is relevant now. If I was to give you a couple film examples off the top of my head that had some elements like Fight Club I would say American Psycho, A Beautiful Mind, American Beauty and Donnie Darko come the closest.

    Yeah, the song totally reminded me of Mr Robot. I believe it played in the last season, near the end, right? Both Fight Club and Mr Robot a

  • Been binge listening a lot of this song through various versions. SO MUCH HYPE, I LOVE IT TOO MUCH! This is one of my favourite dubs of the song here! ^^

  • Yeah, from what I've read online Tyler was fine with killing people in the book and it lead up to a more disturbing ending. I've never seen any of the movies you recommended, and I'm definitely checking out all of them, thank you for recommending them. :D

    Its the strangest thing. Fight Club was originally written as a book in 1996 before being adapted into the film in 1999. The screenwriter Ji

  • One of the greatest movies of all time. I'm old enough to remember seeing it at the movies. Great memories.

    Just watched Fight Club yesterday for the first time. Some of you probably already know this one, but god damn if it isn't amazing... Perfectly fits the ending scene. Not gonna spoil anything for those who haven't seen it.

  • For the last two days, right before I get off my shift at Hannaford, This song would play over the speakers at the store. Honestly, it's a little annoying.

  • There's my entry for 4th of July.

    Love me some Ripper.

  • Happy 241st birthday, America. Happy Independence Day to everyone out there. God bless you all and God bless America.

  • If you guys want sad songs, I gotchu.

  • Saw them live last year, even without Frusciante it was still one of the best concerts I've been to - the setlist was great too! (I wish they'd play more from the BSSM era but that's too picky).The Peppers are my second favourite band behind Radiohead.

  • wow thats a great set, but can't say I've ever been into radiohead.

    My favourite band would be Deftones.

    Saw them live last year, even without Frusciante it was still one of the best concerts I've been to - the setlist was great too! (I wish the

  • The first two videos aren't available in my country. :/ I like "The Passenger" and "Friday I'm in Love"

  • This is an interesting one in Spanish. Spanish lyrics with English translation are below. Translation is by Google. My Spanish is not perfect, it looks OK to me.

    No tengo motivos para levantarme
    I have no reason to get up

    No sé lo que quiero, sólo sé que ya no puedo sentir
    I do not know what I want, I just know that I can no longer feel

    Apagada y desconectada del mundo y de la realidad
    Shut off and disconnected from the world and reality

    Tengo un gran deseo mortal
    I have a great mortal desire

    Estuve a punto de cerrar las puertas
    I was about to close the doors

    Sorprendentemente hasta hoy he descifrado
    Surprisingly until today I have deciphered

    La manera de usar la fuerza que acabe con la obscuridad
    The way to use force that puts an end to the darkness

    Me voy lejos de aquí, no volveré jamás
    I'm getting away from here, I will never go back

    Espero funcione y pueda liberarme
    I hope it works and I can be free

    De todos mis miedos y esto que no debería sentir
    Of all my fears and this I should not feel

  • All I post is ren-folk and metal. Why deviate.

  • these might work

    The first two videos aren't available in my country. I like "The Passenger" and "Friday I'm in Love"

  • Megumin has good taste

  • Yah. Those two are great! Not to mention that I have a neat visualizer that plays on my desktop thanks to a program called Wallpaper Engine I got on steam (If you don't already know about it).

    Megumin posted: »

    these might work

  • edited July 2017

    Woah. Powerful lyrics, man!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    This is an interesting one in Spanish. Spanish lyrics with English translation are below. Translation is by Google. My Spanish is not per

  • Listening to the new Blind Guardian live album... because of course I am. So good.

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