What would completely ruin this game for you?



  • edited July 2009
    Dude! You almost gave me a heart attack!
    Eek Chee Oop! It took me months to get that out of my head.... *shudders*

    And to find out that it plays differently during each playthrough!!

    Eek Oop Chee turns the Anxious Ape into the Gimpy Gibbon...

    Oop Chee Ack turns the Gimpy Gibbon into the Drunken Monkey...

    Oop Oop Ack turns the Drunken monkey into the AAAAARGH!!!!!! SMASH KEYBOARD!!!!
  • edited July 2009
    tredlow wrote: »

    *hides under the table*

    *rocking back and forward while holding his knees*
    Nono...nonono....Monkey...monkey...KOMBAT...nice monkey.... no no...
  • edited July 2009
    Dude! You almost gave me a heart attack!
    Eek Chee Oop! It took me months to get that out of my head.... *shudders*

    I'm glad to see that no one else liked this part of the game either. That was damn frustrating!
  • edited July 2009
    i really liked Sam And Max (just played season 1 'couse i'm a newbie here at TT!). But, except for the main plot, there was too much detachment between each episode (empty inventory, totally different and not inter-connected locations, past things happened are only referenced and not usefull anymore etc.) i think it's still a great game but that's what i fear the most.

    Ok for each episode to have it's own objective but the story line should be more detailed including objectives that can stand for 2-3 episodes for example (apart from the main one of course).
    Objects should be maintained through each episode just to make things a bit harder and, at the same time, to make the player feel more confortable and used when starting a new episode.
    i know that this does not complain to episodes-style adventure but i think that this is what really makes a good adventure. too much importance has been given to dialogues in sam and max despite of a more accativating story-line (though it's really a good game from my point of view).

    Last but not least i'd like dialogues to be a bit slower... ( but this is a my concern :) )
  • edited July 2009
    Fulvio75 wrote: »
    i really liked Sam And Max (just played season 1 'couse i'm a newbie here at TT!). But, except for the main plot, there was too much detachment between each episode (empty inventory, totally different and not inter-connected locations, past things happened are only referenced and not usefull anymore etc.) i think it's still a great game but that's what i fear the most.

    Ok for each episode to have it's own objective but the story line should be more detailed including objectives that can stand for 2-3 episodes for example (apart from the main one of course).
    Objects should be maintained through each episode just to make things a bit harder and, at the same time, to make the player feel more confortable and used when starting a new episode.
    i know that this does not complain to episodes-style adventure but i think that this is what really makes a good adventure. too much importance has been given to dialogues in sam and max despite of a more accativating story-line (though it's really a good game from my point of view).

    From what I understand, Tales has covered most of the things you have requested!
  • edited July 2009
    No guybrush would ruin the game!!!!!!!!!! PAWND SO IT CANT BE RUINED

    honestly we need pink ships
  • edited July 2009
    Hmmm, being this excited about ToMI...the only thing that COULD ruin the game for me would be an anti-climactic 5th episode. As in:

    "Wooow, final battle, Wooow, effects, oh...oh...is that it? That was it? The End?!"
    But I'm really sure that won't be the case.
    I just finished Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings...
    The ending is not as spectacular as it could've been. Seems rushed.
  • edited July 2009
    That the humour is not good enough.

    That the gameplay is too dumbed down.

    But what would completely ruin it for me is that they change the gameplay too much like making the character die, and not in a funny way like in COMI, but in an annoying way like in Sierra games.
  • edited July 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    If they had a kid it would be kind of lame.

    Wow, I used too like the idea of they having a little Guybrush along with them in their adventures. It would give the game some legacy feeling.

    And to make a character with a personality that incorporates little bits of both Guybrush and Elaine would rock!
  • edited July 2009
    tredlow wrote: »
    And to find out that it plays differently during each playthrough!!

    Eek Oop Chee turns the Anxious Ape into the Gimpy Gibbon...

    Oop Chee Ack turns the Gimpy Gibbon into the Drunken Monkey...

    Oop Oop Ack turns the Drunken monkey into the AAAAARGH!!!!!! SMASH KEYBOARD!!!!

    AAHHHHHHHH, the pain, the pain of it all. Please I beg of you have mercy!!!
  • edited July 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I bet if every time I turned the game on I got punched in the face would ruin it for me.......... maybe.


    And it's still a gamble, I think I could take a punch in the face every time I started the game in order to play Monkey Island.
  • edited July 2009
    What would ruin this game for me?

    I would be very angry and disappointed if a monkey sang a random Spice Girls song with a hat on his head in the ending. :rolleyes:

    Not! Nothing can ruin this game for me. I'm just glad Monkey Island is back!
  • edited July 2009
    If Dominic managed to accidentally fall off a ladder and break his vocal cords.
  • edited July 2009
    - Keyboard control only, like in EMI
    - If it was turned into an action-game.
    - If the unique MI humor was missing.
  • edited July 2009
    MarkDarin wrote: »
    Good news, everyone! We're bringing back ... MONKEY KOMBAT!!!!
    I bet you have TOP MEN working on it... right? TOP MEN?

    And on the topic, what would ruin the game for me?

    If they made Guybrush jump the shark in an episode... sooo obnoxious... :D

    np: Kettel - Nicola (Myam James 2)
  • edited July 2009
    NickTTG wrote: »
    the game would be ruined for me if I had to work on it and knew all the puzzle solutions before the game even shipped!

    ... oh wait :(

    There is no problem 5 liters of grog couldn't solve. Especially when you want to forget the solutions.
  • edited July 2009
    PariahKing wrote: »
    If Dominic managed to accidentally fall off a ladder and break his vocal cords.

    Unacceptable fate tempting!
  • edited July 2009
    I don't think there's much really... one thing for me would be if at the end it all turned out to be a dream.

    I'll also be a little disappointed if there's no insult swordfighting.

    Haha, someone doesn't like LeChuck's Revenge.
  • edited July 2009
    If the story turned out to be some sort of "save the world" thing.

    Maybe not ruined, but I wouldn't like it.
  • edited July 2009
    For me? Bad controls would really hurt the experience. I could barley stomach to play Escape From Monkey Island on the computer. But on the other hand, it was great on the PS2. *shrug*

    Also, I just want the humor to be similar to what it was. Dumb puns and all.

    I have faith in the Telltale writing staff. I mean, look at Sam and Max. Sam's lines blew my already high standards out of the water. So I know they can, and probably will, pull it off.
  • edited July 2009
    Teppic wrote: »
    If the story turned out to be some sort of "save the world" thing.

    Maybe not ruined, but I wouldn't like it.

    Monkey Island has always been save the world fron Le Chuck...
  • edited July 2009
    Only thing is if all the puzzles were just stupid and i dont mean in the good monkey island way i just mean stupid and make no sense AT ALL not like in the monkey island way.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm a little skeptical on the episodic format of TOMI but we'll soon see if the franchise can be released in episodes.
  • edited July 2009
    Why not its always been split into chapters anyway.
  • edited July 2009
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Monkey Island has always been save the world fron Le Chuck...
    I've always seen it more like Guybrush vs LeChuck, at least it was so in the first two games. I can't remember CoMI too well, but wasn't the plot mainly "save Elaine and get LeChuck"? Haven't completed EFMI yet (don't spoil it :) )

    I just don't like the idea of Guybrush being the one everyone depending upon to save them.
  • edited July 2009
  • edited July 2009
    If, at the last minute, they decide to drop the Telltale tool and port it to the Crysis engine. I'll be playing a slideshow
  • edited July 2009
    Only 3 things can ruin a game for me:
    1: Time based puzzles where you have to press key combinations in the exact order
    2: Checkpoints instead of proper savegames
    3: ALL voiceovers are done by the SAME person, including male and female
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