Ways 400 days could effect season 2

So here are some ideas of how 400 days could effect season 2.

  • Lets start with Russel! Lets say in season 2 he is the one that shoots Carlos. Now what if in 400 days if he doesn't go with Tavia then Carlos lives but Sarah will still freak out for no reason in the hoard but Carlos wont die! and in episode 4 at the trailer park you have to pick [Save Sarah] or [Save Carlos] If you save Sarah she still dies later on but if you save Carlos he dies in the shootout. Now if Russel goes with Tavia then Carlos dies and the game goes like normal

  • Maybe if Vince goes with Tavia he could show up at the lodge with carver in episode 2 and Kenny shoots him and that's what causes Carver to shoot Alvin. Now if Vince DIDN'T go with you then Kenny doesn't shoot anybody and you have the choice to find kenny and Luke or save Alvin. Of course if you find Kenny and Luke he will NOT be off to the side in episode 3 he will be one of the mains but he will die in the hoard when Sarah screams for either Carlos death or she is scared.

  • Now for Shel. I am thinking since Shel seems soft and nice, if she goes with Tavia then she helps the main group escape and she joins the group but of course maybe she wont be a big character. Becca will just die in the horde when Sarah freaks out. Maybe she sacrifices herself for Clem or she tries to leave with Arvo,Mike,Bonnie I don't know, but if Shel goes with Tavia then she doesn't go with the group

  • Wyatt my man! Maybe if Wyatt doesnt come with you then Carver when beating Kenny will beat him more maybe like shoot Kenny in the knee or something like that. But if Wyatt does come with you then When Carver is beating Kenny he will come out and stop Carver. Maybe he could be like Shel and leave with the group

  • Bonnie. She goes with you no matter what

And thats all! Leave a comment on your opinion about my idea. Come up with your own ideas!


  • All great ideas. All better than what really happened

  • "Ways 400 days could affect Season 2"

    Step 1: Don't make all characters but Bonnie determinant.

    Step 2: Go fron there on.

  • Eddie and Nate don't approve.

  • edited April 2015

    I had ideas for all of them as I kind of rewrote season 2 in my head (no I dont hate season 2). But one basic idea

    As clem and the group escape howes a member of carvers group appears, from left to right its the first person for you that went with Tavia

    Becca, Russel, Wyatt, Vince, Random (if no one but bonnie went)

    They see the group, ask what there doing and start to call for help and you have a choice to shoot them if you dont one of your group does instead killing them instantly

    Following this (first one to go with tavia) Shel, Wyatt, Vince or random comes out and sees the damage yells at the group that their killers and in a rage goes to shoot and kenny shoots them before they get to fire.

    Bonnie then looks sad at the bodies as the rest of the group file out.

    I feel it would have added some aspect of choice (it wouldnt have taken much difference just a different character having a few lines in that one scene) and at the same time would have made the decision to effectively destroy howes more morally problematic (which it should have been)

    This is of course assuming that they never come back but personally I never liked any of the protagonists themselves that much

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