What would you do to Gryff if given the chance to Kill him?



  • I'd send him to the Wall so G.

  • D..... definitly D.

  • Oh oh, and H

  • Well, one of them is dead and the other is a maester that can't own land or take part in political intrigue (outside of advising his assigned house) so Gryff is second in line to become Lord Whitehill. With Ludd's current heir being in Roose Bolton's army there is a chance (not a particularly high one, though) of him not making it back to Highpoint. So Gryff is actually somewhat valuable.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Exchange him for Ryon, even though Ludd probably doesn't give a shit about Gryff and sent him to Ironrath because, unlike the three older sons, he can afford to have him killed.

  • option L #FORTHEWIN


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