Wait a sec theres a new Walking dead Series?? why is there another one may i ask?? Cant wait for September 12th ( thats when episode 1 of The walking dead comes out ) and im from UK
Isn't it October?
One thing that bothers me alot is the fact that the show itself is in 2003, like the comics. This is not it, as I started noticing a bloody Iphone in it. I'm dissapointed. Atleast get the right time amc..
Wait a sec theres a new Walking dead Series?? why is there another one may i ask?? Cant wait for September 12th ( thats when episode 1 of The walking dead comes out ) and im from UK
Kirkman never said what year it was when the outbreak started, only saying that it's "modern times" so everyone eventually figured out that it's probably 2003 or something like that. Though I don't understand WHY everyone think that TV show is set around this year as well. TV Show already is different from the comics and like I said Kirkman never revealed the exact dates. I can understand why - because he wanted TWD story to be something that may happened at any time, everywhere. It may happened in 2003 but it also could happened in 1998, 2007, 2015, etc. It's not the technology that matters in the comics, tv shows, games and novels. It's the story that really is important so it doesn't really matter that comics may be set around 2003-2007 and that tv series are more closer to years like 2013 or 2015. The story is what really matters because I believe Kirkman wanted to create something that could happen at any time. Today, tomorrow, maybe in a few months or even years.
yeah i think they snuck the more modern timeline in the walking dead, but it wasn't very noticeable because it is mainly set in the countryside.
i thought modern references were mistakes in the walking dead but they must have been intentional.
I loved it, there was only one part I was like "wtf"
I can't remember his name, but the son and the drug dealer were fighting over the gun, but how the hell did he manage to twist the gun around? I mean, c'mon, he uses a lot of drugs.
In this regard the game from TTG was more accurate in a sense. It had the technology level of early 2000's. CRT tv's somewhat older looking cars. Im fine with the iPhones and new tech if they don't try to have it set in the same universe as TWD main show because that clearly was not set in 2014 (in future). If the whole modern technology will not be used well to convey the story I will be a bit pissed. Because its pretty easy to buy some old phones and rent older cars for the films settings to get the time period right.
Kirkman never said what year it was when the outbreak started, only saying that it's "modern times" so everyone eventually figured out that … moreit's probably 2003 or something like that. Though I don't understand WHY everyone think that TV show is set around this year as well. TV Show already is different from the comics and like I said Kirkman never revealed the exact dates. I can understand why - because he wanted TWD story to be something that may happened at any time, everywhere. It may happened in 2003 but it also could happened in 1998, 2007, 2015, etc. It's not the technology that matters in the comics, tv shows, games and novels. It's the story that really is important so it doesn't really matter that comics may be set around 2003-2007 and that tv series are more closer to years like 2013 or 2015. The story is what really matters because I believe Kirkman wanted to create something that could happen at any time. Today, tomorrow, maybe in a few months or even years.
They didn't think people would get mad about casting one of the only black characters as a drug dealer? Why?
Oh, you mean like when M. Night Shamalan thought no one would get mad about white washing Avatar the Last Airbender? Y'know despite them being people of ethnicities other than white. Oh wait, they had the one guy who was a POC a bad guy, which totally makes sense. The heroic whites saving the world from the POC once more.
Okay, fine. It's not a big deal........to you. But to others it is.
"Then why didn't they have a white actor as a drug dealer?"
Cause they didn't think people would get that mad about it? It's really not that big of a deal
only one black character was portrayed badly while one was a prinicipal and the other was a jock. your the only person i seen bothered by this were you also bothered when a black guy died in TWD?
They didn't think people would get mad about casting one of the only black characters as a drug dealer? Why?
Oh, you mean like when M. Ni… moreght Shamalan thought no one would get mad about white washing Avatar the Last Airbender? Y'know despite them being people of ethnicities other than white. Oh wait, they had the one guy who was a POC a bad guy, which totally makes sense. The heroic whites saving the world from the POC once more.
Okay, fine. It's not a big deal........to you. But to others it is.
Considering the rate they die yes. Have one black character. Introduce another. The first one's days are numbered. Introduce another black character. The replacement's days are numbered. Look. They didn't need to make him a drug dealer. It was a conscious choice to have him so. It could easily have been played by a white man.
only one black character was portrayed badly while one was a prinicipal and the other was a jock. your the only person i seen bothered by this were you also bothered when a black guy died in TWD?
Considering the rate they die yes. Have one black character. Introduce another. The first one's days are numbered. Introduce another black c… moreharacter. The replacement's days are numbered. Look. They didn't need to make him a drug dealer. It was a conscious choice to have him so. It could easily have been played by a white man.
Which is pretty bad when you think about it, that they didn't even consider the implications. http://www.hitfix.com/news/did-fear-the-walking-dead-really-just-kill-that-character
Agree to disagree right....
Like I said, it's "modern times". Kirkman never revealed what year is it in comics and he probably never will. Because of that it can be interpretate in a lots of ways. Back when comic books started to be published "modern times" was a term for early 2000's. In 2007-2008 "modern times" were seen as somewhere 2005-2010. Now "modern times" are around 2013-2015 and the TV shows are doing just that. There is no specific year in either games, comics or tv series - they're set in "modern times". Games from TTG are set in the same universe as comics so they had to stay true with that, technology included. With TV shows it's different because they aren't set directly in the comics universe so "modern times" are kind of allowed to be interpretate the way it's being interpretate at the moment. For the original TWD "modern times" were back when the first episode came out back in 2010. Now for FTWD "modern times" are closer to 2015. Ultimately, technology doesn't really matter. It's the story that's the most important part of every TWD story. Like I said in my previous post, Kirkman never revealed the time period because (I'm just guessing so I might by wrong!) he probably wanted to make a story that would've happened at any time and it's possible that the TV Shows, games, novels etc. are following towards that direction as well.
In this regard the game from TTG was more accurate in a sense. It had the technology level of early 2000's. CRT tv's somewhat older looking … morecars. Im fine with the iPhones and new tech if they don't try to have it set in the same universe as TWD main show because that clearly was not set in 2014 (in future). If the whole modern technology will not be used well to convey the story I will be a bit pissed. Because its pretty easy to buy some old phones and rent older cars for the films settings to get the time period right.
Episode 2 was spectacular. When Madison killed Artie I was rooting her on! I hope Alicia wakes up to the world around her soon because imo she has what it takes to survive.
apparently there is going to be a half hour special set on a plane "zombies on a plane" where it will introduce characters that survive and become part of season 2
I also think that episode 2 was amazing although many of my friends complain that the characters act kind of dumb and stupid. For example, some of them claims that Madison was acting weird when she encountered Artie. In their opinion she should've known at the first moment that there is something wrong with him and end threat. I disagree with that statement. I agree with what people behind this show said one time - that walkers in the first season are fresh-turned humans so there will be some signs of life in them. It shouldn't be surprising that Madison, even if Artie was acting weird, thought that maybe there is still a chance to help him or something like that. Especially that they still have no idea what is exactly happening. Not entirely.
apparently there is going to be a half hour special set on a plane "zombies on a plane" where it will introduce characters that survive and become part of season 2
Yet the show takes place somewhere after October 2010. It's not a mistake that they showed an iPhone 4, instead of and iPhone 6. It was most definitley a easter egg for the fans who notice stuff like that.
Some site estimated that the outbreak takes place in winter 2012 due to some technical aspects (e.g. an iPad from 2012) and the fact that there were bare trees in one scene. Personally I think that's BS and it takes place in summer 2012, but one can't be totally sure.
You can, however, be sure that it doesn't take place in 2003, the iPhone etc. were deliberatley placed to give some clues to fans.
Honestly, the only reason Alicia is acting the way she is is because Madison, Nick, and Travis are being stupid and not telling her what they saw with Calvin. Really, the same thing happens with Travis leaving Liza and Chris in the dark too.
so far so good as far as I'm concerned. I said from the get go that the spinoff should be about different groups of people every season, some survive and some don't. and as far as a bunch of spinoffs ? why not? its strange that someone could think a story about a zombie apocalypse should only be about one person or group, Is the outbreak only supposed to be in America, or is it worldwide? or is it never even mentioned?
It is assumed that the virus exists worldwide, evident by the fact that no nation whatsoever tries to aid America. It seems illogical that no other military would be sent or oversea troops are ordered back.
Also, in the show the guy at the CDC mentions that labs in France were the last ones working on a cure, but they still failed.
so far so good as far as I'm concerned. I said from the get go that the spinoff should be about different groups of people every season, so… moreme survive and some don't. and as far as a bunch of spinoffs ? why not? its strange that someone could think a story about a zombie apocalypse should only be about one person or group, Is the outbreak only supposed to be in America, or is it worldwide? or is it never even mentioned?
Yet the show takes place somewhere after October 2010. It's not a mistake that they showed an iPhone 4, instead of and iPhone 6. It was most… more definitley a easter egg for the fans who notice stuff like that.
Some site estimated that the outbreak takes place in winter 2012 due to some technical aspects (e.g. an iPad from 2012) and the fact that there were bare trees in one scene. Personally I think that's BS and it takes place in summer 2012, but one can't be totally sure.
You can, however, be sure that it doesn't take place in 2003, the iPhone etc. were deliberatley placed to give some clues to fans.
She should have known better. Artie wasn't the first walker that she had encountered, she had been attacked by one in the previous episode, and needed her son to intervene in order to survive the incident. It was pretty ridiculous that she just strolled up to Artie considering what happened to her only a day ago. Honestly, she doesn't seem like a very sharp character in general. Travis was pretty bad in the first episode as well, though he was better in the latest episode.
I also think that episode 2 was amazing although many of my friends complain that the characters act kind of dumb and stupid. For example, s… moreome of them claims that Madison was acting weird when she encountered Artie. In their opinion she should've known at the first moment that there is something wrong with him and end threat. I disagree with that statement. I agree with what people behind this show said one time - that walkers in the first season are fresh-turned humans so there will be some signs of life in them. It shouldn't be surprising that Madison, even if Artie was acting weird, thought that maybe there is still a chance to help him or something like that. Especially that they still have no idea what is exactly happening. Not entirely.
Honestly, the only reason Alicia is acting the way she is is because Madison, Nick, and Travis are being stupid and not telling her what they saw with Calvin. Really, the same thing happens with Travis leaving Liza and Chris in the dark too.
Because the series is extremely popular
The tv series doesn't take place in 2003 though considering portal is already out since glenn mentioned it
The first comics came out in 2003. Its based in 2003-
This ain't the comics though
No, of course not. I mean, because white people aren't drug dealers and never have been have they.
Never said white people weren't
yeah i think they snuck the more modern timeline in the walking dead, but it wasn't very noticeable because it is mainly set in the countryside.
i thought modern references were mistakes in the walking dead but they must have been intentional.
Kirkman never said what year it was when the outbreak started, only saying that it's "modern times" so everyone eventually figured out that it's probably 2003 or something like that. Though I don't understand WHY everyone think that TV show is set around this year as well. TV Show already is different from the comics and like I said Kirkman never revealed the exact dates. I can understand why - because he wanted TWD story to be something that may happened at any time, everywhere. It may happened in 2003 but it also could happened in 1998, 2007, 2015, etc. It's not the technology that matters in the comics, tv shows, games and novels. It's the story that really is important so it doesn't really matter that comics may be set around 2003-2007 and that tv series are more closer to years like 2013 or 2015. The story is what really matters because I believe Kirkman wanted to create something that could happen at any time. Today, tomorrow, maybe in a few months or even years.
Then why didn't they have a white actor as a drug dealer? Why does it have to be a black man? Why does it need to reinforce negative sterotypes.
I loved it, there was only one part I was like "wtf"
I can't remember his name, but the son and the drug dealer were fighting over the gun, but how the hell did he manage to twist the gun around? I mean, c'mon, he uses a lot of drugs.
In this regard the game from TTG was more accurate in a sense. It had the technology level of early 2000's. CRT tv's somewhat older looking cars. Im fine with the iPhones and new tech if they don't try to have it set in the same universe as TWD main show because that clearly was not set in 2014 (in future). If the whole modern technology will not be used well to convey the story I will be a bit pissed. Because its pretty easy to buy some old phones and rent older cars for the films settings to get the time period right.
Cause they didn't think people would get that mad about it? It's really not that big of a deal
They didn't think people would get mad about casting one of the only black characters as a drug dealer? Why?
Oh, you mean like when M. Night Shamalan thought no one would get mad about white washing Avatar the Last Airbender? Y'know despite them being people of ethnicities other than white. Oh wait, they had the one guy who was a POC a bad guy, which totally makes sense. The heroic whites saving the world from the POC once more.
Okay, fine. It's not a big deal........to you. But to others it is.
only one black character was portrayed badly while one was a prinicipal and the other was a jock. your the only person i seen bothered by this were you also bothered when a black guy died in TWD?
Considering the rate they die yes. Have one black character. Introduce another. The first one's days are numbered. Introduce another black character. The replacement's days are numbered. Look. They didn't need to make him a drug dealer. It was a conscious choice to have him so. It could easily have been played by a white man.
Watched it. Felt the characters were dull and boring and had no personality besides the broad characteristics of junkies or educator.
they coulda but he's an extremely minor character doubt they gave much thought into it
Which is pretty bad when you think about it, that they didn't even consider the implications. http://www.hitfix.com/news/did-fear-the-walking-dead-really-just-kill-that-character
Agree to disagree right....
i guess we will still don't see racism though
Like I said, it's "modern times". Kirkman never revealed what year is it in comics and he probably never will. Because of that it can be interpretate in a lots of ways. Back when comic books started to be published "modern times" was a term for early 2000's. In 2007-2008 "modern times" were seen as somewhere 2005-2010. Now "modern times" are around 2013-2015 and the TV shows are doing just that. There is no specific year in either games, comics or tv series - they're set in "modern times". Games from TTG are set in the same universe as comics so they had to stay true with that, technology included. With TV shows it's different because they aren't set directly in the comics universe so "modern times" are kind of allowed to be interpretate the way it's being interpretate at the moment. For the original TWD "modern times" were back when the first episode came out back in 2010. Now for FTWD "modern times" are closer to 2015. Ultimately, technology doesn't really matter. It's the story that's the most important part of every TWD story. Like I said in my previous post, Kirkman never revealed the time period because (I'm just guessing so I might by wrong!) he probably wanted to make a story that would've happened at any time and it's possible that the TV Shows, games, novels etc. are following towards that direction as well.
How was the second episode?
I liked it, in my opinion it's building up nicely, and I'm excited to see where they will take the story.
Episode 2 was spectacular. When Madison killed Artie I was rooting her on! I hope Alicia wakes up to the world around her soon because imo she has what it takes to survive.
That sounds epic!
I also think that episode 2 was amazing although many of my friends complain that the characters act kind of dumb and stupid. For example, some of them claims that Madison was acting weird when she encountered Artie. In their opinion she should've known at the first moment that there is something wrong with him and end threat. I disagree with that statement. I agree with what people behind this show said one time - that walkers in the first season are fresh-turned humans so there will be some signs of life in them. It shouldn't be surprising that Madison, even if Artie was acting weird, thought that maybe there is still a chance to help him or something like that. Especially that they still have no idea what is exactly happening. Not entirely.
I like it it is decent spin-off and it has big potnetial.
At first I thought you were being sarcastic, but then I looked it up for fun and realized it was real
Yet the show takes place somewhere after October 2010. It's not a mistake that they showed an iPhone 4, instead of and iPhone 6. It was most definitley a easter egg for the fans who notice stuff like that.
Some site estimated that the outbreak takes place in winter 2012 due to some technical aspects (e.g. an iPad from 2012) and the fact that there were bare trees in one scene. Personally I think that's BS and it takes place in summer 2012, but one can't be totally sure.
You can, however, be sure that it doesn't take place in 2003, the iPhone etc. were deliberatley placed to give some clues to fans.
Honestly, the only reason Alicia is acting the way she is is because Madison, Nick, and Travis are being stupid and not telling her what they saw with Calvin. Really, the same thing happens with Travis leaving Liza and Chris in the dark too.
so far so good as far as I'm concerned. I said from the get go that the spinoff should be about different groups of people every season, some survive and some don't. and as far as a bunch of spinoffs ? why not? its strange that someone could think a story about a zombie apocalypse should only be about one person or group, Is the outbreak only supposed to be in America, or is it worldwide? or is it never even mentioned?
It is assumed that the virus exists worldwide, evident by the fact that no nation whatsoever tries to aid America. It seems illogical that no other military would be sent or oversea troops are ordered back.
Also, in the show the guy at the CDC mentions that labs in France were the last ones working on a cure, but they still failed.
The walkers are everywhere around the globe.
well then the spinoff possibilities are endless.
Any one ever READ world war Z? that is how you tell a story about an apocalypse. Not the movie either it really had nothing to do with the book.
Christopher Manawa is my favorite character so far. There's just something about him that I liked. Hope he survives.
She should have known better. Artie wasn't the first walker that she had encountered, she had been attacked by one in the previous episode, and needed her son to intervene in order to survive the incident. It was pretty ridiculous that she just strolled up to Artie considering what happened to her only a day ago. Honestly, she doesn't seem like a very sharp character in general. Travis was pretty bad in the first episode as well, though he was better in the latest episode.
Duuude, that is awesome! Wow. I guess that means the iPhone's and stuff were actually coincidence...dang, it all fit so well!
But now we have confirmation that it's in 2010, which is great too. That's the most direct hint at the timframe in the entire TWD universe .
Really hes my least favourite so far, just dreadful hope he gets eaten.
That said its a bit early to say.
True. It seems as if Madison wants to shield Alicia from the world that's to come which is a bit annoying.