REALLY?? -_- When LOGIC isn't Logical enough
I know I have said this before in the thread "Episode 4 is USELESS"
But, in Episode's 4 ending when Clem or anyone shoots Rebecca the russians SUDDENLY & WITHOUT a warning shoots and somehow in Episode 5 everybody gets to cover without getting a single bullet in them and Clem and AJ are on the floor and didn't get shot!!! -- Really Telltale I mean I love your games and all, but at least one character should be dead at least Mike or Bonnie (better than them ditching the group) --
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Ohh now I understand well Telltale if it was because of Reasons then I totally understand!!
I love the episode again 
Dude. This is something that always bugged me. I don't understand how they were all at point blank, and two of the russians switched positions, No one got hurt, Mike was only shot in the shoulder, and No one shot the little girl on the ground who could clearly cause trouble. Episode 4 was okay, not good, but okay. But that scene, while shocking to me the rebecca died, was also so angering.
Them shooting without warning makes sense, though. You're in the middle of a stand-off, everyone's pointing guns at one another and yelling at each other in their native language. Then a gunshot goes off. What do you expect to happen? If someone fires a gun in that situation, it'd more surprising if they didn't open fire.
As for the rest, can't say I disagree. I like that cliffhanger, and I like No Going Back, but that entire scene was a complete blunder. There was no continuity to where it left off in episode 4, other than that people are shooting at each other. That's not even considering the two russians swapping places.
Buricko gets injured and is left on the ground shooting. When Luke gets shot, he is about to take a shot at Luke, but Kenny shoots him. Which begs the question: if Kenny was in view of him, and he was in view of Kenny, why didn't he shoot Kenny? And more importantly, why didn't Kenny shoot him earlier?
Or how did Rebecca's baby end up on the ground, when he was originally in Rebecca's arms?
Or how did Clementine end up falling to the ground further back from Rebecca, despite that she was literally in front of her during the ending?
Or how did Bonnie somehow make it to cover 5 miles away from where the fight broke out? And how did Mike manage to get over to her? And why isn't Bonnie shooting when she's in the perfect position to hit the remaining guys?
None of it really flows. And all of it could have been fixed easily if they just changed up the positioning of the characters in episode 4, and carried over that positioning into episode 5.
Literally everyone EVERYONE was moaning that they were just going to kill everyone in the group but Clem and the baby and it would be such a waste of characters.
Its dumb sure but I always think they feel like they have to end on some big cliffhanger in season 2. Episode 2 was the only one with an ending that felt like an ending
Episode 2's ending was spectacular. The tension was great, with the killing of Walter (and Alvin?), the animosity between Carlos and Carver, and wondering what was going to happen next. Who is Carver? Who was George that Alvin killed? What would we see at Carver's camp? A thriving community? A prison? How does the community view Carver as a leader? How does it function? Does Clem agree or not agree with Carver's mindset? So much potential.
And then episode 3 was released..... I never understand why people hate amid the ruins so much over it, all episode 3 did was waste potential. Episode 4 at least focused on the whole remaining cast (bar nick if alive) and had some humour. In harms way is easily my least favourite episode from the season, and I'm pretty balanced on most seasons
People generally didn't like episode 4 because of the way it offed Nick and Sarah (Two prominent characters in prior episodes), lopsided character development in that we spent half the episode with Jane, unimportant choices (save Sarah, stealing meds, hold the baby, leaving now or later) and the sloppy work of the final scene that led into Episode 5.
In short, there's a lot of reasons why Episode 4 receives so much hate. It sucks.
I think too that the credit song for Episode 2 really added something too. It really suited the finish and just filled you with dread for the next episode. I wish the songs for the later episodes had paired off well like this one did.
Yes the russians shooting makes sense because they suddenly heard gun fire but I mean they shot without the group knowing which means they were all standing without cover which means they should die
I'm pretty sure someone firing a shot in a standoff is reason enough to start shooting, even if both sides really don't want to do it. Also, why give a warning if you're trying to kill someone?
Yes they should shoot it is something anyone would do if they geard gunshots I mean without warning is clem's group didn't know they were about to shoot which means they were not taking cover and out in the open and none got hurt!!
Mike and Luke got hit. And maybe its just me, but I'm not sure I'd care about shooting a baby and a small girl. In that specific scene Kenny has them pinned at an angle.
Nope Luke didn't get shot he was at cover later in the fight he got shot, but not at the begginig which is UNREALISTIC
Like I said on another thread, this video made by GCN also explains the bullshit you've experienced. Gotta see how he nitpicked the whole Season 2 and Season 1 on Ben.
1:09 is your answer
I will look at it
Just the fact that its 30 minutes long is a red flag for TWDG. Not to mention it finished with 122 sins. In ONE EPISODE. Fuck logic. and thank you video guy.
Nah everyone was fine except Arvo's sister and Mike's little boo boo. Kind of an insult to our intelligence
You're welcome. It saves me money if I ever want to buy the game lol
Hahaha true. I feel like I jumped on this train, and I might as well ride it to its crashing end.
At least I'm ready for impact! Huzaaahh!
I meant they shoot suddenly which means Clem's group didn't know they were going to shoot which mean they were out in the open not taking cover which means they are dead and Yeas them shooting is logical what is illogical is Clem's group not dying I was pointing at this point not them shooting suddenly!!