Rhys or Fiona?

Who do you think is the better character? I personally cant decide. http://www.strawpoll.me/4222760


  • Loaderbot, of course !

  • Rhys. For me at least, Fiona is the worst Telltale playable character/protagonist out of the ones I've played.

  • edited April 2015

    It's gotta be Rhys. I can't put my finger on exactly why but I just don't find Fiona's character and story anywhere near as interesting as his, at least just from these first two episodes anyway. In fact at times Fiona is actually rather dull especially compared to the other three (I'm not a fan of Sasha but at the moment she is the more developed and more interesting character between the two girls). It's funny because it almost feels like TT were going to make Fiona all sassy and fiery but then they decided to graft those traits onto her younger sister instead, and then changed Fiona to be more laid-back and chill.

  • I love them both, won't choose.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'd have to say Rhys for me, but Fiona's still pretty cool.

  • Rhys, nothing against Fiona, I just prefer playing as Rhys, mainly because of the Echo-eye.

  • I love them both, but for me it's Rhys. I just find it more interesting to play as him so far.

  • edited April 2015

    everybody voted Rhys so...yeah I like Rhys even tho he is the "villian" of the story.

  • Unlike game of thrones, I never find a preference of who Im playing as so both

  • Rhys. I like Fiona, but I'm less interested in her character and her story.

  • Rhys. For some reason I find his story/personality more appealing and...unique, I guess? Him being Hyperion offers some interesting dialogue choices and it's cool being on the 'bad' side.

    I also find it a bit distasteful watching Fiona be so harsh to him in the future...(but that's probably because we don't know what possibly horrible thing he's done yet.)

  • I like both equally...but I'm generally a pretty impartial person, so take that with a grain of salt.

  • I like being able to act like a douche in games, so - Rhys. And of course he's the one who interacts with HJ, so Fiona can't really compare. I don't think she's dull, tho, it's just that Rhys is awesome.

  • It's gotta be Rhys, he is the only character SO MANY PEOPLE will relate to. Fiona's great as well, but no one is a badass as her. Rhys is the lovable, funny, and dorky character everyone loves...

  • edited April 2015

    I like Fiona slightly more than Rhys. Her elegant, calm and confident figure is specifically unique for me, and I personally find her personalities quite special as a female protagonist. Rhys' is definitely great too but as a male protagonist his characters such as a little bit dumb mixed with arrogance and cuteness are typical for me, perhaps it is because I watched tons of Japanese anime in the old days. But I want to emphasize that both of them are irreplaceable and not removable in this game.

  • I like playing Rhys much more than Fiona. The reason being that Rhys has an internal conflict. Not only does he have to deal with his swinging loyalties between Hyperion and his new Pandoran friends, but he also has to deal with Handsome Jack giving him conflicting advice. Fiona doesn't really have a conflict at all, other than her personal feelings towards Felix's betrayal, which we don't get to address much anyways. I still like her as a character, just less as a playable character.

  • Fiona bcs stuff.

  • Rhys cuz he is da real MVP. I feel like I can relate to him more (so original ik), what with his nerdiness and confidence, and his character and personality is just more appealing to me than Fiona's. Sure, she's a badass Pandoran who shouldn't be fucked with and should have people kneel before her but Rhys just appeals to me more. He tries to act like he's all cool, suave and smooth but his nerdy, nervous and dumb side comes out sometimes and I really like that tbh.......also because he's hot :3

  • edited April 2015

    Rhys, at least at this point in the story. In episode 1 they were a lot closer in terms of appeal, but the whole Handsome AI thing makes Rhys' bits a lot more entertaining. Plus he does seem to have a more interesting background being from Hyperion. That, and I generally like the characteristics Rhys has as being both a bit of a dork and a bit of a jerk.

    I like Fiona too though(see:my icon). She's a tough girl, kind of a badass, and she's clever too. And pretty. And sarcastic, which is never a bad thing.

  • I like both characters, but if I have to choose, then it would be Rhys. He is one of the most relateable character that I have played so far. He is a nerd and not a very good fighter. These two traits makes him relatable and very easy to place yourself in his position. Also, I enjoyed the fact that we get to play a character that is from a (Technically speaking) bad-guy organisation and that you can play him as a fairly good guy.

  • edited April 2015

    I like both, though Rhys is less likeable as a selfish jerk than Fiona.

    Edit: If you choose to play them as jerks, I mean.

  • i can't choose one, i just love them both

  • Rhys for sure Fiona is incredibly awesome but Rhys is four times more awesome he's the first ever protagonist that is my favourite character.

  • Fiona, she's maybe less funny then Rhys, but she's way more badass!

  • Fiona is definitely way more combat experienced than Rhys.

    JMOREL posted: »

    Fiona, she's maybe less funny then Rhys, but she's way more badass!

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