If the second season has another family...
So, since TTG has a multi-year, multi- season contract with HBO, there are most definitely plans of a new season. It would also be no surprise if the Forrester are almost wiped out entirely in the last couple episodes of this season, Taking this into account, there's a chance that next season might also focus on another family/have more different PCs. If this is the case, where would you like the new main characters to be from? Personally, I'd like to see them hail from the Reach or maybe the Iron Islands, since there's not much focus on either in the TV series.
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I really hope TTG keep the Forresters around (what's left of them) but branching out to more characters/a secondary house would be cool. Maybe a hedge knight or something, or a house from further south. Maybe some of the unseen Glenmores could be an option.
Gotta have Talia as a PC in Season 2 if it happens. It's too good of a possibility to pass up - they even teased her as the fifth in the Lost Lords trailer before Rodrik was revealed!
The Iron Islands is definitely a good contender, seeing as how their whole storyline is being practically wiped out in the show. Otherwise, maybe the Riverlands? Seeing as Jaime isn't going there, that and the Iron Islands give big areas for them to squirm around in canon a bit, and they are both really interesting places.
I still hope for the Forresters to be in Season 2 though, I've grown rather attached to them. Either way it'll be good for me though.
Hopefully it will be like the show/book where they start with one family and then begin to branch out, killing some of the mains and keeping a few others. Personally i wouldnt mind keeping one or two or the current protaganists adding maybe talia and gywn or someone and then another
We're going to be the Whitehills after they wipe out the Forresters.
Wow, such a great cast: Prick Soldier x5, Fat Wounded Boar, Mole Face and Lady "I'm-not-really-sure-of-what-accent-I'm-supposed-to-do".
I hadn't even thought about the Glenmore possibility, that would have potential to be very interesting!
maybe House Branfield before/during Robert's Rebellion
You know it:

I certainly wouldn't want another family after the Forresters. I'd rather play with the Forrester survivors and new characters bound one way or another to their fate.
I love that.
Anything to see more of Elaena.
Nudge nudge wink wink
I'd vote for a Riverlands House.
The Riverlands is the stage for much of the action in the War of the Five Kings and there is a lot of division between houses loyal to the Tullys and Starks or those loyal to King's Landing and King Joffrey. Plus with the Red Wedding you have the Freys going turncloak.
Having said all of the above my preference would be for a Telltale game set during Robert's Rebellion instead.
For those unfamiliar with the books or the events of Robert's Rebellion:
It might be interesting to play as a loyalist Targaryen house and thus end up having to survive after ending up the wrong side of history, but a house loyal to the Starks, Arryns, or Baratheons would be interesting as well.
You know what I would love? We play through smother House that is still struggling to recover after The Red Wedding and our choices in Season One effects the family.
Gared, Talia and Ryon should perhaps be taken in by this family, after the events of Season One, if House Forrester falls.
I'd vote for what's left of House Forrester AND Whitehill as they both are drawn into the conflict between Stannis and Bolton. A narrow tightrope will have to be walked between a guy who flays people alive and a woman who burns them alive.
If they don't have the Forresters in season 2, I'd like the season to focus on the magic stuff. A warg, someone training to become a faceless man, a Red Priest, ect. They don't have to be a family and they don't all have to be "good". Have a couple of opposing characters with clashing goals and have one come out on top in the last ep based on our choices.
make the forest scene with Gryff, Britt, Ludd and Gwyn!
Am I the only one who wouldn't really want Robert's Rebellion? Maybe it's because I'm still hoping for the chance for a movie based off of it after the show is over or something :P
Otherwise, I agree. The Riverlands would certainly be an interesting setting
Plus we pretty much already know what goes on during Robert's Rebellion, who comes out on top and everything.
I think a game set during Robert's Rebellion could still be interesting, because it wouldn't be so much about who gains the Iron Throne. Like with the Forresters, it would be more focused on the success or failure of your own house than the big picture.
I'd like to continue the Forrester's story, but I'm hoping for a playable Whitehill in Season 2.
I don't think the Forresters will be wiped out, but that's not needed to move on to another family.
I think the Iron Islands might be the place. Though I might be thinking of the book Iron Islands instead of the TV Iron Islands there. Dorne could be nice too.
Maybe everyone but Talia dies and she becomes the only POV.
my vote goes for the iron islands, the problematic part is their whole culture is EXTREMELY unlikeable, glorifying rape, plunder, and thievery, so it's kinda hard to find sympathetic characters.
so we can play as an iron family that isn't too fond of the reeving practice, those exist, house harlaw for one.
i really just want to see euron.
A prequel wouldn't really work though, choices in one season wouldn't matter in the other.
I love the Forresters, but I'd also be up for them picking a random house from the books as well. When re-reading the books it'd make it more interesting when you suddenly came across a mention of their name.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing another house from the reach or Dorne.
As someone mentioned doing a season in the past, why not during either the dance of Dragons or the Dunk and Egg era?
I'd love to take part in a house of the Riverlands, if we do end up having to give up on our beloved Forresters. I find the Riverlands to be one of the most interesting places in Westeros.
Ironborn or Crannogmen for me.
1: Gared. (He's gonna stick up at the Wall/ The North Grove.)
2: Mira. (I think she may have to escape King's Landing somehow. Maybe over the whole ordeal with Damien and Tyrion. Hell, she might even go home.)
3: Rodrik/Asher. (I think there will be a choice.) Whoever it was would stick at Ironrath.
4: Some lord of a new house that was mostly killed off, but are bannermen to the Lannisters. (They would be the new King's Landing
perspective since Mira would have left.)
5: Either a freed slave, slave master or someone from Dorne. (Either of those would be interesting and we haven't got much expansion on Dorne or what actually happened to the slaves after Dany left.)