Why I rag on TellTale so much
You know so many of my posts on here are complaints about Telltale, and not the love for the game. You know the truth is there are parts of TWD games that I freaking love. I love the characters, the stories, and the game play. I think the reason I get so angry is because the few things that are wrong REALLY tick me off. The first is a big one. I want real choices in the games. The game says it, the booklet that comes with the game says it, but they don't deliver. Choices do not alter the outcome of the game like they claim. They don't say the dialogue is altered, or scenes are altered. They say OUTCOME. The choices you make early, and mid, and even late game do not change the real outcome of the game. If they could offer real choices the game would be straight up awesome. The second complaint I have is character death ratio's. I know TWD is known for killing people off but come on. The game isn't a tv show, or a comic book. It's a game where we are actually interacting with the characters. Part of the fun should be being able to actually save them. Every character you kill just reminds us that we don't have the choices you promised. Anyways I really wish they could deliver. For me season 1 was probably the most fun game I have played up until Kenny kills Larry with the salt lick. From that point on the game went downhill.... If only Telltale could have kept the fun going.
Did you play Season 2? Case closed.
Good to know?
While I agree that it would be great to have a game where the choices lead to something other than a linear plot path (although it seems they might be headed in that direction if the end of season two is anything to go by), Telltale never actually stated that your choices would affect the outcome of the game's plot, just that the story is tailored by how you play. And, your story is tailored by your decisions, as your choices do affect the relationships with the people in your group in both games.