Walkers and the dead bodies
There is something that has been puzzling me for a while now. How come walkers don't eat dead people? EDIT:Okay after finding Chuck's dead body in the sewers, I realized that they do eat dead bodies. (ugh)
Strange, In the 400 days DLC, Carley's corpse was completely intact. However, Chuck's body was a complete mess. I am assuming that they didn't want to upset the Carley/Doug fans all that much. Perhaps Mutilated body of a homeless man was simply less shocking.
This creates another problem.
In the 400 days DLC, old man zombie was eating someones intestines. These body parts must have belonged to a non-zombie human.
During the ending of the game Lee covered Clem, with zombie intestines and the other zombies didn't even notice them. Meaning zombies don't eat other zombies. Then what exactly happened with the old man zombie in Shel's story? Why was he eating someone's intestines? Strangely enough this happens before we kill the thief. Meaning those body parts can't belong to the thief.
What is your opinion on this? Is Roman into human sacrifice or something?
Walkers continue to feast on people even after they die during an attack. They seem to only eat from the freshly deceased, however. My guess for how the group got the intestines to feed the old walker with is that they harvested the entrails from a hunted animal. I don't think the intestines were necessarily human, and if it came from an animal most people would not consider it edible so they might as well give it to the guard "dogs".
That makes sense I guess. Thanks for the answer.
You do realize that it's just a videogame, right?
Not to be insulting, but I don't see why it matters, to be perfectly honest.