Saddest Death?



  • Why would Carver's death be sad?

    All of them except Sarah, Alvin and Carver

  • edited May 2015
    1. Lee, last time I've cried like that was with the Dom death scene in gears of war 3.
    2. Omid, why... why at the very beginning of the season?
    3. Sarah, really hate telltale for this.
    4. Alvin, a freaking good guy to the very end.
    5. Luke, okay telltale, I hate your ways to make people die whatever my choices.
    6. Doug, fuck you Lilly, FUCK YOU!
    7. Nick, come on telltale, why did I save him in episode 2 if you kill him like that?
    8. Kenny season 1, yes I know that he didn't die after saving Christa, but I was very mad the first I saw this scene.
  • lee for sure

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