Favourite bad guy?
My favourite is the totally legitimate son of the Warden of the North, Ramsay Bolton
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My favourite is the totally legitimate son of the Warden of the North, Ramsay Bolton
English but I appreciate that Canadians also use the correct version of the word
fellow Canadian spotted.
I prefer the "bad" guys with some actual brains on them. If game of thrones has good and bad guys
Joffrey and Ramsey are just psychotic
The Roose is Loose
They're all fun to watch
Your screen name brings back so many great memories
If you consider him a "bad guy", then
By FAR the worst pos in all of Westeros
Ramsay! It would be really cool if he makes an appearance next episode. As long as no one from house Forrester gets stabbed in the neck again.
Hannibal Lecter... oh wait, wrong TV show.
Maester Qyburn.
Tywin Lannister, Roose and Ramsay Bolton, and Alliser Thorne are my favorites.
Good Old Walder Frey. Struck down an oathbreaker who spurned his daughter, slighted his house, and brought nothing but death and destruction to the Riverlands. A hero of his time.
Ramsay and joffrey.
It's gotta be Tywin, that is if you consider him a bad guy he's not really evil.
Ludd Whitehill
As much as I hate Ramsay. When his evil acts are so over the top, you can't help but laugh. In general, I think House Bolton is cool in a very evil way.
I think I like Tywin as a character but only for his brilliant mind as a tactician/ politician. I like him because of how Charles Dance portrayed him. But I hate him too, for how he raised his children, for what he did to Rhaegar's wife and babies, for what he did to the Starks, for how he wiped out entire families, even the babes.
So I can't really say I completely 'like' any bad guy in the story.
Wait, unless you count Jaime as a bad guy for what he did to Bran, which is normal, then yes. Jaime, I like him, at least I like how he has changed in the books.
Cleos frey for once, his mother was from a bastard house (Lannister) and his father also from a bastard house. A combination like this will make the biggest cunt in Westeronian history
Petyr Baelish...although these days he's in the grey.
He wasn't that bad
rip in pepperoni Cleos who no one ever missed or mourned for.
I didn't get to the part of his death....
jk, it's ASoIaF, I would be stupid if I thought it was a happy ending.
I hate people who spoil and now I did it myself
Not that it's that important character, I didn't even remember the guy first, had to check out who was he again.
Agreed on Tywin. He's such an interesting character. The moment I finally liked him was when Olenna showed up in KL in S3 and they became foil characters to each other--it was brilliant. The idea that Tywin is so consumed by his legacy that he does not actually care for his children is simply amazing to me.
I totally agree he is a bad guy and also the most likable.
From the game:
The Show:
The Hound
From books - Qyburn. Creepy as fuck, hundred times scarier than Ramsay. Gregor Clegane and Roose Bolton - no reasons, just love them. Walder Frey - I admire him for ending this whole "King of the North" crap.
From show - Ramsay and Joffrey. They are performed greately. After the 5th episode of season five Boltons are becoming one of my favourite houses, slowly, but surely. And yes, I felt for Joffrey when he died... Still, I'd like to see him getting some "Reek" treatment from Ramsay. I'd love to see what it would've made of him.
From game - Ludd, Gyff and Britt. Seems like telltale are doing their best to make me hate them, but for now they've only managed to make me want to hug the hell out of those three.
A child murdering, king slaying, pedophile fucking bastard.... How?
He has a winning smile and a heart of gold
What happened to Potter Puppet Pals
Euron Greyjoy.