Which character do you wish to murder? Lord/Ludd/Lard Whitehill, Ramsay Snow, or Gryff Whitehill?

You can ONLY choose ONE. :D

OOOOOOHH...... tough choice :)



  • Well I can't kill Ramsay since he's canon to the show, so I'd say Ludd Whitehill.

  • Lard Butterhill

  • edited May 2015


    Well I can't kill Ramsay since he's canon to the show, so I'd say Ludd Whitehill.

  • I would kill Ludd Whitehill in my prospective :)

  • I plan on sparing Ludd and Gryff if given the choice, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd kill Gryff so Ludd can experience what it's like to lose a member of his House.

  • None of the above.

    Ramsay is show plus SansaxRamsay, Ludd is funny, and Gryff is a god.

  • Ludd and I wish ramsay could die but no....he is a TV character ;-;

  • Ramsay if given the chance... Of course... we won't be...

  • I avoid killing someone whenever I can in TT games, so even if I was given the chance for revenge, I wouldn't go for it.

    Now if it was forced like with Britt, I'd probably kill Ludd Whitehill. It's clear his son is powerless without his father, so it would be better to deal with the root of the problem.

  • None! I'm not a murderer :)

  • That Whitehill bastard that threatens Rodrik in the great hall after acting out Ethan's death... Come to think of it, wouldn't mind exacting my revenge on any of those soldiers...

  • Since the question reads as hypothetical and doesn't limit us to people we can hope to erase from existance in practice...Ramsay, with no doubts whatsoever.

    If you do want to limit to realistic targets, then Ludd. The son has been a d**k but could possibly be redeemed...

  • Oh, Lardy Whitehill. Ramsay's (unfortunately) canon to the show, and I'd wanna see Gryff go from the arrogant fourth-born to scared little pissant once he's realized his father's gone bye bye. Fun!

  • If I was given the chance to kill Ramsay(I wont be), I'd certainly put an end to his reign without the blink of an eye.

    As far as Ludd and Gryff goes, I'd only kill them if given the option to give them a fair trial for their mischief and war crimes. However, if Ryon or anyone else in the family are harmed, I'd without a doubt put an end to the person responsible. An eye for an eye. There's nothing wrong with delivering swift justice, as long as it's not done in a cruel or barbaric manner.

  • edited May 2015

    Awww you are nice :3 You are the type of the guy who would forgive me my crimes and give me a hand after you beat me in our fight. Than I would probably stab you in the back and take all of ur monney. Take my like! :D

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I avoid killing someone whenever I can in TT games, so even if I was given the chance for revenge, I wouldn't go for it. Now if it was fo

  • Lol that is true. It's how I am in real life, too. 8D; I'm very forgiving and merciful, I regret nothing lol. But thanks. xD

    Xemnes posted: »

    Awww you are nice You are the type of the guy who would forgive me my crimes and give me a hand after you beat me in our fight. Than I would probably stab you in the back and take all of ur monney. Take my like!

  • I feel ya bro :)

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Lol that is true. It's how I am in real life, too. 8D; I'm very forgiving and merciful, I regret nothing lol. But thanks. xD

  • It would be strategically wise to kill Gryff, because no one would really care about the demise of a fourth born. At least not in such a rotten house as House Whitehill. Gryff is a dead man walking. You have to stoop pretty damn low to try to prove your dominance by continuously harrassing a cripple and a young woman, who are clearly at a physical disadvantage. Since he has already stooped so low, might as well lower him six feet under.

  • Putting canon aside definitely Ramsay.
    Would definitely die for it but it would be worth it.

  • edited August 2015

    you should ask sansa what happens when you still refer to him as a bastard ever since he's been naturalized by a royal decree lol (here's a reminder if anyone needs one)
    ramsay is a bolton not a snow

    and to answer the question definitely gryff (he's just an annoying bully for no reason)

  • XD

    sbk12345 posted: »

    you should ask sansa what happens when you still refer to him as a bastard ever since he's been naturalized by a royal decree lol (here's a

  • The plot armor doesn't want you to kill Ramsay Snow.

  • Ramsay. He's the one with the power. The Whitehill's are nothing without him.

  • Disgusting. You would let the people who killed your family live? I will kill Ludd and his whole fucking family. They deserve to die for all the pain they've caused.

    enter image description here

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I avoid killing someone whenever I can in TT games, so even if I was given the chance for revenge, I wouldn't go for it. Now if it was fo

  • Ludd is currently without Ramsey's help and he's still very dangerous.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Ramsay. He's the one with the power. The Whitehill's are nothing without him.

  • Ludd because Ramsey isn't a threat to House Forrester and without Ludd Gryff would be easy to kill.

  • If only we could kill Ramsay... Lord Whitehill and Gryff are jokes. But it's this guy, in the middle, who I wanna fuck up. Couldn't find a solo picture of him, but he's got that face I just wanna smash, and this guy spat on Asher/Rodrik.

    enter image description here

  • I just think about what the Maester said in episode one. Paraphrased: "I imagine someone killed someone, which led to more killings, and, well, here we are." I can't be the one to continue the cycle. Which is why I'd be dead after 1 episode if I was in the GoT universe. But it wouldn't be bad to die standing by my morals. :v

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Disgusting. You would let the people who killed your family live? I will kill Ludd and his whole fucking family. They deserve to die for all the pain they've caused.

  • I will happily cut Lord Whitehill's head in front of Gryf!

  • edited August 2015

    Yes, but Ludd always knows that Ramsay is their as backup, so he's far more confident than he would be alone. Ludd likely doesn't know that Ramsay intends to just let the stronger House win.

    Ludd is currently without Ramsey's help and he's still very dangerous.

  • I suppose you're right ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Yes, but Ludd always knows that Ramsay is their as backup, so he's far more confident than he would be alone. Ludd likely doesn't know that Ramsay intends to just let the stronger House win.

  • Definitely Gryff since i would also have to kill Chucklefucker (Harys or that guy in the middle) in the process

    If only we could kill Ramsay... Lord Whitehill and Gryff are jokes. But it's this guy, in the middle, who I wanna fuck up. Couldn't find a solo picture of him, but he's got that face I just wanna smash, and this guy spat on Asher/Rodrik.

  • edited August 2015

    Valar Morghulis!

    So... Everyone...?

  • Gryff, for sure, but make him suffer first.
    Just cause of that smirk at the end of episode 5.

  • I want to kill Harys. He gave the final blow to Asher/Rodrik. That pissant will die a beautiful death.

    enter image description here

  • i agree with you that this douchebag needs to die (especially after spitting on rodrik in my game as he was dying)

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I want to kill Harys. He gave the final blow to Asher/Rodrik. That pissant will die a beautiful death.

  • I wanna kill Lucan, that jerkwad keeps on getting in my way. Always creepily lurking around.

    I totally could've handled that meeting with Tyrion if he had kept his trap shut.

  • I don't care if the Forresters fall, Just let me kill Gryff and Chucklefucker here. I call him that cause when we first see him, all he does is laugh at me doing my lord duties and just acts like a giant prick. Someone else can kill Ludd for me.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    i agree with you that this douchebag needs to die (especially after spitting on rodrik in my game as he was dying)

  • I know. I mean there is no outsmarting Tyrion so honesty is the only way for him to talk but Lucan is like that micromanager who is gonna kill you if you don't do things his way even if it works.

    I wanna kill Lucan, that jerkwad keeps on getting in my way. Always creepily lurking around. I totally could've handled that meeting with Tyrion if he had kept his trap shut.

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