Would Your Decision Still Be The Same?
I know a lot of you didn't like Larry a lot and the people who did like Larry were in the minority of the group, now I didn't like him a lot but I knew that there was a good side to him and I wanted to like him but he just kept doing things that I couldn't just forgive and like him.. (I don't know if that made sense but anyways let's get on with it (ADHD) yeah.. double brackets) But I was just wondering because I was recently playing season 1 again to test out a few other options that I don't normally see and right at the end of Season 1 Episode 1 as we all know Larry knocks Lee onto the ground and nearly get's him killed..
I was thinking what If Larry didn't do that and was a nicer guy towards Lee and actually got to befriend him, what I'm trying to get at here is in the meat locker a lot of people killed Larry because they plainly didn't like him but if he was nicer to Lee would your decision still be the same but with different reasoning? Or would you try and save Larry or even try and kill him if your previous choice was saving him because you didn- what.. Tell me what you think sorry if it didn't make a lot of sense I'm really tired and should really sleep. Have a good day
Didn't you already post this thread? Swear I've seen it before.